<DEL> Indicates text marked for deletion in the document. May be either block-level or inline, as necessary.

Attribute of <DEL> Tag


Indicates address of reference (definitive source, for example) for deletion.

<DEL CITE="">HTML 3.0 was used for 10 years.</DEL>

Possible Values

URL of Website.


Indicates which style class applies to the <DEL> element.

<DEL CLASS="casual">POP stands for Post Office Protocol</DEL>

Possible Values

Any Class name that you define.


Indicates the date and time in precisely this format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD. For example, 1997-07-14T08:30:00-07:00 indicates July 14, 1997, at 8:30 AM, in U.S. Mountain Time (7 hours from Greenwich time). This time could also be presented as 1997-07-14T08:30:00Z.

<DEL DATETIME="1997-07-14T08:30:00Z">POP stands for Post Office Protocol</DEL>

Possible Values

Date and time format.,


Assigns a unique ID selector to an instance of the tag. When you then assign a style to that ID selector, it affects only that one instance of the <DEL> tag.

<DEL ID="dkm">WWW stands for World Wide Web</DEL>

Possible Values

Any Id Name.


Specifies Style Sheet commands that apply to the deleted text.

<DEL STYLE="background: blue; color: white">ESP stands for extra-sensory perception.</DEL>

Possible Values

CSS property with value.


Specifies text assigned to the tag. You might use this attribute for context-sensitive help within the document. Browsers may use this to show tool tips over the text.

<DEL TITLE="Definition"> More deleted text.</DEL>

Possible Values

Any Text Message.

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