NIELIT O Level Exam

HTML is what type of language ?

HTML is what type of language ?

HTML किस प्रकार की भाषा है?

A. Markup Language मार्कअप लैंग्वेज

B. Programming Language प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज

C. Network Protocol नेटवर्क प्रोटोकॉल

D. Scripting Language स्क्रिप्टिंग लैंग्वेज

Correct Answer is :

A. Markup Language


Correct Answer is Markup Language:

HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language which is used to Create a Webpage.

Additional Information:

Programming language:  is used to perform some Arithmetic or Logical operation. Some popular programming Languages are Java, Python, C, C++

Scripting Languages are used to  embedded  coding to perform some action on specified events Ex JavaScript and VB Script.

Network Protocol : Protocols are set of rules to monitor the working process.

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