NIELIT O Level Exam

If we have two sets, s1 and s2, and we want to check if all the elements of s1 are present in s2 or not, we can use the function:

If we have two sets, s1 and s2, and we want to check if all the elements of s1 are present in s2 or not, we can use the function:

यदि हमारे पास दो सेट हैं, s1 और s2, और हम यह चेक करना चाहते हैं कि s1 के सभी एलिमेंट s2 में मौजूद हैं या नहीं, हम फ़ंक्शन का यूज़ कर सकते हैं:

A. s2.issubset(s1)

B. s2.issuperset(s1)

C. s1.issuperset(s2)

D. s1.isset(s2)

Correct Answer is :

B. s2.issuperset(s1)

Since we are checking whether all the elements present in the set s1 are present in the set s2. This means that s1 is the subset and s1 is the superset. Hence the function to be used is: s2.issuperset(s1). This operation can also be performed by the function: s1.issubset(s2).
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