A. the method name that process the form data विधि का नाम जो प्रपत्र डेटा को संसाधित करता है
B. the URI of program that processes the form data प्रोग्राम का यूआरआई जो प्रपत्र डेटा को संसाधित करता है
C. the method that the browser uses to submit the form वह विधि जिसका उपयोग ब्राउज़र फ़ॉर्म सबमिट करने के लिए करता है
D. None of the above इनमे से कोई भी नहीं
Correct Answer is :
C. the method that the browser uses to submit the form
In HTML, the method attribute of the <form> tag specifies the HTTP method that the browser should use to submit the form data to the server.
The method attribute can have two values:
- GET: This is the default method. When the GET method is used, the form data is appended to the URL as a query string and sent to the server in the URL request. This method is typically used for submitting small amounts of data and retrieving data from the server.
- POST: When the POST method is used, the form data is sent to the server in the body of the HTTP request. This method is commonly used for submitting large amounts of data and for sensitive information that should not be visible in the URL.