NIELIT O Level Exam

Which type of errors flagged by compilers

Which type of errors flagged by compilers

किस प्रकार की त्रुटि को compilers द्वारा चिह्नित किया जाता है

A. Logical errors

B. Syntax errors

C. Both Logical and Syntax errors Logical और Syntax errors दोनों

D. None of these इनमें से कोई नहीं

Correct Answer is :

B. Syntax errors


Compilers typically flag several types of errors during the compilation process. These errors can include:

  • Syntax Errors: These errors occur when the code violates the rules of the programming language's syntax. Syntax errors can include missing semicolons, mismatched parentheses, or incorrect keyword usage.
  • Type Errors: Type errors occur when there is a mismatch between the types of data being used in the code. For example, trying to perform arithmetic operations on incompatible data types or passing arguments of the wrong type to a function.
  • Semantic Errors: Semantic errors occur when the code is syntactically correct and type-correct, but it does not behave as expected. These errors can be more difficult to detect because they involve logical flaws in the program's design or implementation.
  • Declaration Errors: These errors occur when there is a problem with variable or function declarations. This can include using undeclared variables, redeclaring variables with conflicting types or names, or using variables or functions before they are declared.
  • Linker Errors: Linker errors occur during the linking phase of the compilation process when the compiler tries to combine multiple object files into an executable program. These errors can include unresolved symbols, duplicate symbols, or missing libraries.
  • Runtime Errors: Runtime errors occur when the program is running and encounters an unexpected condition that prevents it from continuing execution. These errors can include division by zero, accessing invalid memory addresses, or file input/output errors.
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