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QusWhich of the following HTML tag is used to display the text with scrolling effect? Qusस्क्रॉलिंग प्रभाव वाले टेक्स्ट को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए निम्न में से किस HTML टैग का उपयोग किया जाता है?


D. None of the above

A. <marquee>


<Marquee> tag is sued to Scroll some text/image on page.

Additional Information

Attribute of <marquee> :

direction : to set the scrolling direction of content ( default direction is right to left we can set it right, top, bottom or left)

height: to set the height of scrolling area

width: to set the width of scrolling area

scrollamount: to set the speed of scrolling

behavior : set the scrolling style