What are the most common color Formats

Question :

What are the most common color Formats

RGB color - It lists a value between 0 and 255 for each of the {Red, Green, Blue} components of a color.

  • (0, 0, 0), the absence of color, is completely black.
  • (255, 255, 255), the presence of all colors, is completely white.
  • RGB is the most common color used

CMYK color – It lists a percentage of each of the colors {Cyan, Maroon, Yellow, blacK}. Color printer cartridges uses CMYK color. It is mostly used by the graphic designers to see how their work is going to look after it is printed choose, they convert their work after it has been done in RGB to CMYK so that they have a better sense. 

Grayscale – It’s a color mode that operates entirely in black and white.

Bitmap - Only allows for black and white dots (pixels);

 Lab color - It specifies a color using a 3-axis system. The a-axis (green to red), b-axis (blue to yellow) and Lightness axis or simply say represents color with 3 components: {Lightness, color value from red to green, color value from blue to yellow}. It is useful   Lab color - It specifies a color using a 3-axis system. The a-axis (green to red), b-axis (blue to yellow) and Lightness axis or simply say represents color with 3 components: {Lightness, color value from red to green, color value from blue to yellow}. It is useful


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