What are various types of Photo Editing? Explain

Question :

What are various types of Photo Editing? Explain

There are many different types of photo editing. Some are simple and others are more complex. For example, some photo editing techniques are done manually, while others are conducted through automated software. We can easily do simple photo-editing easily and quickly while complex photo editing and digital editing techniques may require specialized software program along with training and experience. It may be divided into three broad categories:

1. Simple photo-editing may include

Noise reduction: Noise is the occurrence of color dots or specks where there should be none. It is accomplished by reducing the pixel size to make the picture smooth. 

White balance: Is used to color of the light in the image

Contrast: Higher contrast makes an image more punchy, while lower contrast makes it flatter in color.

 Exposure Adjustment: The brightness of the image is adjusted. 

Color adjustments: Is defined as the change the color of an item or element in the photo. It may be background color or the component of main object.

Image Resizing: Image Resize is performed to adjust the dimensions of the image. Image dimensions are the length and width of your image, measured in pixels. For example, when you apply for a job, the recruiter ask to upload an image of 40x60 mm etc. 

Image cropping: Cropping makes the image to be in proper size or to remove unwanted parts. Crop feature allows to drag a rectangular shape around an area in the image to cut off the sides.

Background removal: It is used to remove or alter the background from the image to isolate the subject like white background etc.

Erasing: Means to erase areas within your image to leave behind transparency or a background color. There is also a Background Eraser which provides more control in removing a background to transparent.

2. Complex & advanced Photo Editing include:

Portrait corrections: Used to fix the complexion of people or objects in images

Special effects: Can be anything from animation to adding weather conditions like cloudy, fog or snow etc etc. 

Clipping paths: It is used extract a subject or element from an image. It may be a person or object also.

Adjusting text and visuals: We may add text and visuals or manipulate the existing one even remove them. 

Photo stitching: Technique is used to put two or more images together seamlessly to make it look like they were shot that way 

Drop and reflection shadow: It is used create or adjust shadows

Photo masking and Layers: It is used for hiding and revealing specified portions of an image

3. Pixel level editing and parametric image editing

Pixel level editing: Pixel level editing means if an image is altered at the pixel level. These changes are permanent as performed at pixel level and hence considered as a destructive form of photo editing because it’s not as easy to undo the changes and restore the original file. This feature permits to make extremely detailed editing to accomplish certain functions like CMYK color modes etc which other tools even parametric image editing can’t do.

Parametric image editing: In Parametric image editing(PIE), edits are recorded as a set of steps to follow to accomplish the final look. It doesn’t change the pixels of the image and is a non-destructive mode of photo editing. Mostly the high level editing is started with PIE, and then using pixel editing to refine the final details.

The features and techniques vary from software to software and a particular software may only provide Basic, Complex or Pixel editing or a combination of these categories of features. 

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