Saving cost
Making circuit compact
Save power consumption
All of these
Proximity sensor
Humidity sensor
LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
Pressure sensor
Gas sensor
Barometric pressure sensor
PIR sensor
Ultrasonic sensor
Motion of objects
The presence or absence of nearby objects
Magnetic field changes
Atmospheric temperature
Optical sensor
Infrared sensor
PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor
Smoke sensor
Temperature sensor
Soil moisture sensor
Vibration sensor
Linear acceleration
Angular velocity
Magnetic fields
LDR sensor
Magnetic sensor
Measuring temperature remotely
Detecting motion or proximity
Monitoring atmospheric pressure
Measuring light intensity
TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) sensor
To sense environmental conditions
To process and store data
To perform physical actions based on a control signal
To transmit data to the cloud
Solenoid valve
D Accelerometer
Servo motor
Linear actuator
Stepper motor
Piezoelectric actuato
Thermoelectric actuator
Hydraulic actuator
Piezoelectric actuator