identifiers and variables
Using Comments
In Python, comments begin with hash symbol (#). The lines that begins with # are considered as comments and ignored by the Python interpreter. Comments may be single line or no multi-lines. The multiline comments should be enclosed within a set of # as given below.
# It is Single line Comment
# It is multiline comment
which contains more than one line #
Qus. 1 : Which symbol is used to write single line comment ?
- .
- #
- /
- ?
- Option A
- Option B
- Option C
- Option D
- Comments
- Expressions
- Tokens
- Flow of control
python program to input a welcome message and print it
python program to print number of seconds in year
Python program to calculate GST Goods and Service Tax
python program to find the ASCII Value of entered character
python program that display a joke but display the punch line only when the user presses enter key
python program to generate the following output 5 10 9
python program to print 5@10@9