VarArgs parameters
VarArgs Parameters (Variable-Length Arguments)
In some instances you might need to pass more arguments than have already been specified. Going back to the function to redefine it can be a tedious process. Variable-Length arguments can be used instead. These are not specified in the function’s definition and an asterisk (*) is used to define such arguments.
Lets see what happens when we pass more than 3 arguments in the sum() function.
def sum(x,y,z):
print("sum of three nos :",x+y+z)
When the above code is executed, it produces the following result :
TypeError: sum() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
Syntax - Variable-Length Arguments
def function_name(*args):
def printnos (*nos):
for n in nos:
# now invoking the printnos() function
print ('Printing two values')
printnos (1,2)
print ('Printing three values')
printnos (10,20,30)
Printing two values
Printing three values
Qus. 1 : Which part of the memory does the system store the parameter and local variables of a function call ?
- Heap
- Stack
- Uninitialized data segment
- None of the above
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