Random Module
Qus. 1 : <p>What will be the output of the following Python expression?</p> <pre><span class="kw2" style="font-family: Consolas, Monaco, " lucida="" console",="" monospace;="" text-align:="" justify;="" overflow:="" visible;="" padding:="" 0px;="" border:="" box-shadow:="" none;="" background-image:="" initial;="" background-position:="" background-size:="" background-repeat:="" background-attachment:="" background-origin:="" background-clip:="" overflow-wrap:="" normal;="" color:="" green;="" margin:="" 0px="" !important;="" line-height:="" 20px="" !important;"="">print(round</span><span class="br0" style="font-family: Consolas, Monaco, " lucida="" console",="" monospace;="" text-align:="" justify;="" overflow:="" visible;="" padding:="" 0px;="" border:="" box-shadow:="" none;="" background-image:="" initial;="" background-position:="" background-size:="" background-repeat:="" background-attachment:="" background-origin:="" background-clip:="" overflow-wrap:="" normal;="" margin:="" 0px="" !important;="" line-height:="" 20px="" !important;"="">(</span><span class="nu0" style="font-family: Consolas, Monaco, " lucida="" console",="" monospace;="" text-align:="" justify;="" overflow:="" visible;="" padding:="" 0px;="" border:="" box-shadow:="" none;="" background-image:="" initial;="" background-position:="" background-size:="" background-repeat:="" background-attachment:="" background-origin:="" background-clip:="" overflow-wrap:="" normal;="" color:="" rgb(255,="" 69,="" 0);="" margin:="" 0px="" !important;="" line-height:="" 20px="" !important;"="">4.576</span><span class="br0" style="font-family: Consolas, Monaco, " lucida="" console",="" monospace;="" text-align:="" justify;="" overflow:="" visible;="" padding:="" 0px;="" border:="" box-shadow:="" none;="" background-image:="" initial;="" background-position:="" background-size:="" background-repeat:="" background-attachment:="" background-origin:="" background-clip:="" overflow-wrap:="" normal;="" margin:="" 0px="" !important;="" line-height:="" 20px="" !important;"="">))</span></pre>
- 4.5
- 5
- 4
- 4.6
- Error
- Either 3 or 4
- Any integer other than 3 and 4
- Any decimal value between 3 and 4
- 10
- 18
- 79
- 95
- 32
- 67
- 91
- 80
- error
- do nothing, it is a placeholder for a function that is yet to be implemented
- shuffle the elements of the list in-place
- none of the mentioned
- take a sequence, like a list, and arrange the items in ascending order
- take a sequence, like a list, and reorganize the order of the items.
- take a sequence, like a list, and arrange the items in descending
- take a sequence, like a list, and return the same copy of sequence
python program to generate 3 random integers between 100 and 999 which is divisible by 5
python program to generate 6 digit random secure OTP between 100000 to 999999
python program to generate 6 random numbers and then print their mean median and mode
python program to print the calendar of given month and year
python program to print the calendar of given year