Building block of IoT

Building block of IoT

Four things form basic building blocks of IoT devices.

  • Sensor & actuators : Sensor are devices which converts physical parameters like temperature, motion etc. into the electronic signal. Actuators are devices which is a contrast to sensor. It transform electrical signal into physical movement.
  • Processor : processors are the brain of the IoT system. Their main function is to process the data captured by the sensor.
  • Gateways : Gateway are responsible for routing the processed data and send it to proper location for its (data) proper utilization.
  • Applications : Application form another end of an IoT system. Application are essential for proper utilization of all the data collected.

Qus. 1 : IOT data scalability takes care of _______ .

  1. Protocol abstraction
  2. Data storage
  3. Simple and fast installation
  4. Security with hardware
Qus. 2 : Internet of things can be integrated with which of these separate domains

  1. Cloud based storage and computing
  2. Cyber- Physical Systems
  3. Big Data networks
  4. All of the above
Qus. 3 : Which of the following category is used for business to consumer process?

  1. Group IOT
  2. Community IOT
  3. Personal IOT
  4. Industrial IOT


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