Introduction to Arduino IDE
Qus. 1 : Advantage(s) of Arduino are
- Easy to learn
- Huge community
- many third-party libraries
- All of the above
- Prototyping
- Casting
- Protocasting
- Protocal Typing
- 5-10 Sec
- 5-10 MS
- 10-15 MS
- 10-20 MS
- General-Purpose Input/Output
- General-Purpose Inner/Outer
- Both (A) & (B)
- None of the above
- 10 KB
- 4 KB
- 64 KB
- 32 KB
- AT91SAM3x8E
- AT90S2313
- ATmega328p
- AT90S/LS8535
- e-textiles and wearables projects
- sewn to fabric
- AT mega 168V/ATmega328V
- All of these
- 12
- 16
- 8
- 14
- Digitalwrite()
- Digitalread()
- digitalWrite()
- digitalRead()
- 0
- 5
- 1024
- 100
- dataType const PROGMEM variableName [] = {};
- data type PROFMEM const variableName [] = {};
- const data Type variableName [] PROGMEM = {};
- const data Type PROGMEM variableName []= {};
- void loop()
- void setup()
- while
- Electrical
- Chemical
- Electronic
- Disclaimer
- Timing circuit
- Break the circuit
- Programmable circuit
- Feedback circuit
- Microprocessor
- Timer
- Oscillator
- Microcontroller
- Integrated Development Environment
- Interfaced Developed Module
- Interleaving Deficit Expander
- Interleaving The Developed Environment
- Environment
- PC
- Divide
- Uno
- Thrive
- None of the above
- Power source
- Regulator
- Inverter
- None of the above
- United Serial Bus
- Universal Serial Bus
- United Search Bus
- None of the above
- Pulse Width Modulation.
- Pulse Wide Modulation
- Plain width modulation
- None of these
- Lower
- Upper
- Beneath
- Least
- High
- Beneath
- Ground
- None of the above
- Transmits
- Receives
- Ground
- Restarts
- Transmits
- Receivers
- Ground
- Restarts
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 16
- Platforms
- Elements
- Batteries
- Components
- 2-bit
- 3-bit
- 8-bit
- 6-bit
- Programming
- Technical issue
- Marketing
- Simulating
- Light crystal display
- Liquid crystal display
- Light cube display
- All of the above
- Laser emitting diode
- Light Emitting diode
- Lighting error diode
- None of the above
- Arduino Due
- Arduino Diecimila
- Arduino BT
- None of these
- Mobile phone
- Television
- Smart Speaker
- Smart Meters
- Programming language
- Image editing software
- Open-source electronics platform
- Text editor
- ATmega328m
- ATmega328P
- ATmega2560
- None
- Massimo Banzi
- Kevin Ashton
- Tim berner Lee
- None of the Above
- Python
- Android
- C++
- Arduino Duemileanove
- Arduino Diecimila
- Arduino Esplora
- Arduino Due
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Crumb board
- breadboard
- Slice board
- None of the above
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
Arduino Program to take input from serial and on the led based on input.
Arduino program to fade the led bulb using for loop
Arduino program to connect a led through push button
Arduino program to change the blinking speed of led using the potentiometer
Arduino program to print all integer number from 0 to 99 using for loop
Arduino program to print odd numbers from 1 to 99
Arduino program to print odd numbers from 99 to 1
arduino program to interface buzzer with Arduino board to buzz on off with the delay of 1sec
Arduino program to Blink a Light Emitting Diode LED
Arduino program to print Hello word in LCD
Arduino program to run a counter and display in LCD
Arduino program to interface the sensor and led
Arduino program to sound the buzzer on press on push button for 1 second
Arduino program to interface buzzer with LDR and LED
Arduino program to create automatic street light control by using LDR sensor
Arduino program to read a integer number and print its table
Arduino program to print the square root of a given number
Design a night lamp using a LDR and a LED using Arduino Uno and find out the time delays associated in keeping ON the lamp
Design a counter using an atmega microcontroller (like ATMEGA328P) using Arduino to display the number of entries per day in an office.
Write a program to interface a temperature sensor (LM35) and water Nozzle with the Arduino.
Arduino program to interface led buzzer with Arduino or raspberry pi and turn ON LED for 2 second after every 3 second
Arduino program to connect RGB Led Bulb
Arduino program to turns on LED when the button is pressed once and remains on until the button is pressed again to turn it off
Arduino program to interface security password with Arduino board to show green light for correct password and red light for incorrect password.
Arduino program to input any integer number and print its table
Arduino program to connect with Servo Motor
Arduino program to interface LCD with Arduino board and print some text
Arduino application where pressing a button increases a counter value, which is then displayed on an LCD
Arduino program to interface DHT 22 sensor and find the Humidity Temperature and Heat index
Arduino program to interface soil moisture sensor
Arduino program to interface a temperature monitoring system in a public environment which will display information
Arduino program to interface a PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor
Arduino program to interface gas sensor to detect the gas
Arduino program to Design a night lamp using a photodiode and a LED and find out the time delay associated with turning the lamp on and off.
Arduino program to implement Two way traffic signal system.