Qus. 1 : The language that the computer can understand and execute is called
- Machine Language.
- Application Software.
- System Program.
- Assembly language.
- Scheduling
- Caching
- Swapping
- Spooling
- Logic unit.
- Arithmetic unit.
- Storage unit.
- Control unit.
- Magnetic tape
- Static Random Access Memory
- Magnetic disk
- Batch system
- Quick response system
- Real time system
- Time sharing system
- Random order
- Sequential order
- Indexed order
- Printer-referenced order
- Universal Automatic Computer
- Universal Array Computer
- Unique Automatic Computer
- Unvalued Automatic Computer
- Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
- Easily Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
- Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
- None of the above
- to use primary memory efficently
- to do intra process communication
- to do inter process communication
- None of above
- Time Sharing Operating System
- Multi-User Operating System
- Multi-tasking Operating System
- All the Above
- FAT16
- FAT32
- Increased throughput
- Shorter response time
- Decreased operating system overhead
- Ability to assign priorities to jobs
- Command Resources
- Manage Resources
- Provide Utilities
- Be user friendly
- name@website@info
- name@website.info
- firstname.lastname@example.com
- name.website.com
- Uploading
- Forwarding
- Downloading
- Java
- Flash
- Web Browser
- Network Protocol
- Programming Langauge
- Markup Language
- Extra Markup Language
- Extended Marking Links
- Excellent Markup Language
- eXtensible Markup Language
- Integrated Services Digital Network
- Integrated Services Data Network
- Integrated Security Digital Network
- Integrated Security Data Network
- .edu
- .com
- .in
- .co.in
- Table Slide
- Graph Slide
- Bullet Slide
- Title Slide
- None of the above
- Messenger Mailbox
- Message Box
- Outlook Express
- None of the above
- Ability to write computer programs
- Knowing what a computer can and cannot do
- Knowing computer related vocabulary
- Ability to assemble computers
- .html
- .mp3
- .mp4
- None of the above
- being cheaper to install
- being easier to install than twisted wire
- having less interference
- using direct line-of-sight
- Rs 10
- Rs 20
- Rs 50
- All of these
- Account Opening Form
- Nomination form
- Affidavit
- None of above
- Linking of Aadhaar with Bank account
- Duplicate issuance of Aadhaar
- Transfer of Aadhaar
- None of above
- Banking Correspondents engaged by Banks
- Valuable customer of Bank
- Security guard in a branch
- None of above
- Websites
- Information
- Programs
- Objects
- <TD>
- <br>
- <P>
- <TR>
- <UL>
- <OL>
- <DL>
- None of these
- HTML 4.0
- HTML 5.0
- #
- $
- &
- ^
- <TD>
- <BR>
- <P>
- <TR>
- :first-child
- :last-child
- ::first-line
- ::first-letter
- :root
- :nth-oftype(n)
- :only-child
- None of these
- Both a and b are equal in value, type and reference address
- Both a and b are equal in value
- Both a and b are equal in value and type
- None of these
- ajax
- easyAJAX
- jQueryajax
- jQajax
- Flowchart
- Psuedocode
- Algorithm
- All of the above
- Megabits
- Dots per inch
- Hertz
- Inches
- Compailer
- Antivirus
- Defender
- Uploading
- Downloading
- Streaming
- Buffering
- Android
- Ubuntu
- BeOS
- Compiler
- Interpreter
- Assembler
- None of the above
- Executable programs
- Interrupts
- COM Programs
- None of the above
- 2
- 8
- 16
- 32
- Assembler
- Compiler
- Convertor
- Translator
- Choose Vertical on Text alignment in Format Cells dialog box
- Choose 90 Degrees in Orientation of Format Cells dialog box
- Choose Distributed from the Vertical drop down list of Format Cells dialog box
- Choose Center across Selection from Horizontal combo box in Format Cells dialog box
- Ctrl+P
- Ctrl+V
- Ctrl+X
- Ctrl+C
- O.M.R
- Punch card reader
- Optical scanners
- Magnetic tape
- Personal Computers
- Super Computers
- Laptops
- Notebooks
- Rows
- Columns
- Cells
- All of the above
- Octal System
- Hexadecimal System
- Decimal System
- Binary Numbering System
- 1267
- 1067
- 1167
- 967
- MD
- CD
- RD
- Mixed cell reference
- Absolute cell reference
- Relative cell reference
- All of the above
- Microsoft Word Files
- Images
- Audio Files
- Video Files
- Motherboard
- All of the above
- Screen
- Speakers
- Keyboard
- Printer
- Both UDP and TCP
- An advertisement displayed on a web page
- A program that records web site visits
- Information stored by web server on client system
- A technology to store password on client system
- Router
- Modem
- Hub
- Wire Accessible Network
- Widely Accessible Network
- Wide Area Network
- Wire and Network
- A Single Network
- A vast collection of different networks
- Interconnection of Local Area Networks
- None of the above
- IP Header Length
- Total Length
- Fragment Offset
- Header Checksum
- <image>
- <picture>
- <src>
- <img>
- Microcomputer
- Hybrid computer
- Mainframe computer
- Mini computer
- Decimal
- Octal
- Hexadecimal
- Binary
- 128
- 124
- 156
- 172
- Cache
- Hard disk
- Read only
- Write only
- Read and write
- None of the above
- Logic gate
- Bus
- Modem
- Serial port
- Logic gate
- Control unit
- Closing
- Restarting
- Saving
- Opening
- Ctrl+F4
- Alt+F4
- Ctrl+W
- Stealling
- Cyber crime
- Network crime
- Threat
- Joystick
- Touch Panel
- Keyboard
- Track Ball
- What-if
- Mail merge
- Goal seeking
- Sorting
- Chart
- Table
- 2 Column Text
- Organisation Chart
- Mixed cell reference
- Absolute cell reference
- Relative cell reference
- All of the above
- replace both text and formatting.
- replace text of a document only.
- replace formatting only.
- replace documents name with a new name.
- to align all the paragraphs in a Word document
- to align all the open Word documents on screen for easy accessibility
- to arrange all open Word files alphabetically
- none of the above
- Ctrl and V
- Ctrl and C
- Ctrl and A
- Ctrl and X
- 1400
- -1364
- 1363.45
- 1464
- lynx, minx
- netscape, ie
- mosaic, gopher
- none of the above
- Internet Explorer
- Netscape
- Both A) and B)
- None of the above
- Joystick
- CD Drive
- Mouse
- NIC Card
- Windows 7
- Linux
- Apple
- Allen Turing
- Charles Babbage
- Simur Cray
- Augusta Adaming
- Arithmetic Logic Unit
- Array Logic Unit
- Application Logic Unit
- None of above
- American Stable Code for International Interchange
- American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- American Standard Code for Interchange Information
- Control unit
- Central Processing unit
- Arithmetic and language unit
- Monitor
- Read / Write Memory
- Long Memory
- Permanent Memory
- Real Memory
- Badware
- Malware
- Maliciousware
- Illegalware
- Network Interface Card
- Network Interference Control
- No Internet Connection
- New Infrared Controller
- Repeater
- Gateway
- Bridge
- Routers
- Keep your customers cool
- Keep your cool
- Know your customers
- Know your credit
- Human insurance
- Life insurance
- Machine insurance
- All of the above
- The fire
- theft
- Bump
- All of the above
- Cash discount on items
- Remittances through banks
- Direct Benefit Transfer of beneficiaries of Social Benefit / Subsidy
- None of the these
- I & B
- Inter NIC
- None of these
- Dynamic system
- Complex system
- Decentralized system
- All of the above
- None of the above
- Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
- Advance Research Project Agency Network
- Asymmetric Routing Project Advance Network
- None of Above
- List
- Links
- Address
- None of the options
- Pointer
- Pointing Device
- Output
- All of The Above
- Open Mark Reader
- Optical Mark Recognition
- Optical Mark Read
- Open Mark Recognition
- Protocol
- Virus
- Catastrophe
- Medium
- routers which connect intranet to internet
- bridges used in an intranet
- expensive modem
- users application programs
- RAM (Random Access Memory)
- ROM (Read Only Memory)
- PRAM (Programmable Read Access Only Memory )
- EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only
- Mozilla Firebox
- IE
- Opera
- None of These
- Inkjet
- Laser
- Thermal
- Dot matrix
- .doc
- .html
- .txt
- .tif
- 1KB
- 1MB
- 1TB
- None of The Above
- Pure document format
- Pure document font
- Portable document format
- None of the above
- MS Word
- MS Excel
- MS Writer
- MS Access
- Internet express
- Microsoft Outlook
- Web express
- Email Express
- Open wallet
- Semi open wallet
- Semi closed wallet
- None of the above
- Integrity
- Privacy
- Authentication
- All of these
- Confidentiality, integrity, availability
- Control, intelligence, action
- Central, intelligence, agency
- Confidence, integrity, action
- Computer virus
- Trojan horse
- Computer worms
- All of the above
- Faster, better decision making
- Cost Reduction
- Manage of Data
- None of the above
- Increase efficiency
- Reduced complexity
- Enabled self controlling
- All of above
- Industrial internet of things
- Intranet of things
- Internet of things
- All of Above
- Intranet of things
- Industry of things
- Internet of things
- None of above
- Smart factory
- Speed
- Analytics
- None of above
- Factories and logistic systems that will operate and organize themselves without human interaction
- Robots who will replace people
- Both a & b
- None of above
- Shift + A
- Tab
- Ctrl + Enter
- Ctrl + C
- Ctrl + Shift + V
- Ctrl + V
- Ctrl + Shift + P
- Ctrl + P
- Ctrl + Shift + F
- Ctrl + Shift + F
- Ctrl + Shift + J
- None of These
- Format
- File
- Tools
- Insert
- Ctrl + O
- Ctrl + Shift + P
- Ctrl + F2
- Ctrl + Shift + O
- Ctrl + N
- Ctrl + shift + N
- Shift + N
- None of These
- Ctrl + W
- Ctrl + Q
- Ctrl + Shift + C
- None of These
- Ctrl + Z
- Ctrl + Y
- Ctrl + R
- Ctrl + Shift + R
- Ctrl +Shift +D
- Ctrl + U
- Ctrl + Shift + U
- Ctrl + D
- Ctrl + T
- Ctrl + shift + N
- Shift + N
- None of These
- Ctrl + Shift + P
- Ctrl + Shift + B
- Ctrl + Shift + S
- None of These
- Ctrl + ]
- Ctrl + >
- Ctrl + [
- A & B Both
- Ctrl + F3
- Ctrl + F2
- Ctrl + F4
- None of These
- Ctrl + Shift + S
- Ctrl + S
- F12
- None of These
- Shift + F7
- Ctrl + F7
- F7
- Ctrl + shift + F7
- Ctrl + 1
- Ctrl + 2
- Ctrl + Shift + 3
- Ctrl + 3
- Ctrl + F2
- Ctrl + F12
- Ctrl + F1
- Ctrl + F10
- Ctrl + Enter
- Shift + Enter
- Enter
- Ctrl + shift + Enter
- Shift + F12
- F12
- Ctrl + F12
- None of These
- F1
- F2
- F4
- F3
- None of these
- Target
- Things
- Twice
- Twit
- National election fund transfer
- National electronic funds transfer
- National electric fund transfer
- None of these
- Medium Interface for Digital Input
- Musical Instrument Digital Interface
- Musical Input for Digital Interface
- Musical Interface for Digital Input
- 01011001
- 01001010
- 01011010
- 01000100
- Dialog Box
- Table
- Pie Chart
- Organization Chart
- System Software
- Operating System
- Open Source Software
- All of the above
- a Compiler
- an Assembler
- an Operating System
- an Editor
- None of the above
- USB Drive
- Floppy Disk
- (110101.101)2
- (111101.001)2
- (110111.100)2
- (100101.101)2
- 51/4-inch
- 21/4-inch
- 71/4-inch
- All of the above
- It can be used to prepare annual report.
- It can be used to generate same document to send multiple persons.
- It has autocorrect facility and dictionary facility.
- It can create a graph from given data.
- Ctrl + W
- Alt + N
- Ctrl + N
- Ctrl + F
- 12663
- 15B3
- 3B51
- 5555
- Most Boot Report
- Master Byte Record
- Master Boot Record
- Most Burn Record
- Cache
- Joy-stick
- 2
- 4
- 6
- 8
- American Standard code for Information interconnection
- American Standard code for Information Interchange
- American Standard code information intercommunication
- American Standard Coding for information interconnection
- 121
- 163
- 199
- 212
- Open the print Dialog box
- Update the current web page
- Close the current window
- Open the new window
- Uttarakhand
- Jammu-Kashmir
- Jharkhand
- Karnataka
- Atomicity
- Consistency
- Isolation
- Durability
- Ctrl +R
- Ctrl +Y
- Ctrl +X
- Ctrl +Z
- तनय
- सà¥à¤¤à¤¾
- आतà¥à¤®à¤œà¤¾
- दà¥à¤¹à¤¿à¤¤à¤¾
- सरोज
- अरविनà¥à¤¦
- सलिल
- जलज
- Read only
- Write only
- Read and write
- None of the above
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Backspace
- Delete
- Ctrl+Delete
- Ctrl+Backspace
- It contains text and data Restarting
- It can be modified
- It can contain many sheets including worksheets and chart sheets
- It can be used for calculation
- F11
- Alt+F11
- Shift+F11
- Ctrl+F11
- Left aligned
- Right aligned
- Center aligned
- Justify aligned
- Lines and spaces
- Layers and planes
- Rows and columns
- Height and width
- Slide show view
- Slide sorter view
- Presentation view
- Outline view
- AutoContent Wizard
- Transition Wizard
- Chart Wizard
- Animations
- AutoStyle
- Wizard
- Template
- Preformatting
- 2
- 3
- 1
- A and B Both
- Retweet
- Tweeting frequently
- Replying to someone's tweet
- All of the above
- Web Browser
- Search Engine
- Social media
- IM
- Ctrl + J
- Ctrl + R
- Ctrl + Alt + R
- Ctrl + Shift + J
- Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode
- Active Metter Organic Light Emitting Diode
- Access Matrix Organic Light Emitting
- Active Matrix Original Light Emitting Diode
- Mobile Money Identifier
- Mobile making identifier
- Money mobile identifier
- Mobile money immediate
- 15
- 17
- 12
- 13
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 1986
- Ctrl + Q
- Ctrl + W
- Ctrl + T
- None of These
- Linus Torvalds
- Semyon Korsakv
- Jeff bezos
- None of these
- Artificial intelligence
- Machine intelligence
- Natural intelligence
- All
- In payment transfer
- In account verification
- In both
- neither of the above
- International mobile equipment identify
- Internet mobile equipment identify
- International mobile equipment identity
- None
- Unified Supplementary Service Date
- Unstructured Supplementary System Data
- Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
- None of These
- 6, 96
- 6, 69
- 7, 72
- 11, 96
- 8.00 am to .6.00 pm
- 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
- 6:30 am to 5:30 pm
- Any Time i.e. 24x7
- Immediate Payment Service
- immediate fund transfer service
- Interested Payment Service
- A & B both
- Read only
- Write only
- Read and write
- None of the above
- Mesh
- Ring
- Tree
- None
- Shortest-Seek-time-first scheduling
- small – small-time-first
- simple-seek-time-first
- small-simple-time-first scheduling
- route
- ipconfig
- ifconfig
- traceroute
- External Commercial Borrowings
- Exta Commercial Borrow
- External Computer Borrowings
- None
- Aadhaar Based Remittance Service
- Aadhaar Board Remittance Service
- Advance Based Remittance Service
- None
- multimedia messaging service
- multi messaging service
- multiple messaging service
- multi mobile service
- Internet Related Chat
- Internet Relay Chat
- Internet Related Content
- Internet Reliable Content
- Network Address
- Host Address
- Both A) and B)
- None of the above
- True True
- False True
- False False
- True False
- 2
- 0
- error
- none of the mentioned
- 4
- 0
- Error
- True
- True
- False
- n
- 1rn@
- rn
- r
- [‘h’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘l’, ‘o’]
- ‘hello’
- [‘hello’]
- hello
- [0]
- 0
- [0.00]
- Error
- True
- False
- None
- Error
- [3,2,4]
- [2,3,4]
- Error
- [3,4,2]
- Error
- 2017-06-18
- 18-06-2017
- 06-18-2017
- August
- Aug
- 08
- 8
- Error
- Any integer between 3.5 and 7, including 7
- Any integer between 3.5 and 7, excluding 7
- The integer closest to the mean of 3.5 and 7
- An algorithm
- A decision table
- A program
- None of the above
- December 2
- November 2
- December 12
- November 12
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Windows 7
- Windows 10
- Shakunthala Devi
- Savitri Devi
- Suman Devi
- Kamala Devi
- Constructors
- Retriever
- Finder
- Selectors
- Identifiers
- constant
- syntax
- expression
- ATmega328m
- ATmega328p
- ATmega2560
- None
- #
- $
- %
- !
- General PCB
- Connectivity circuit boards
- Arduino shields
- Other high-end Arduino boards
- Spyder
- Jupyter Notes
- Sublime Test
- Identifiers
- Function
- Keywords
- Literals
- iCloud
- Google Drive
- Google Docs
- Dropbox
- Wikipedia
- Telegram
- YouTube
- Downloading illegal software
- Accessing hardware on a shared network
- Stealing a network’s password
- All are treated as Cyber Crime
- Paytm
- Microsoft
- Snapchat
- Inbox
- Draft
- Sent mail
- No where
- Write File
- Calendar
- Task Manager
- Date and Time
- Tools>Automatic Spell Checking
- Format>Automatic Spell Checking
- Format>Spell Checking
- Tools>Spell Checking
- 3
- 5
- 7
- 9
- Cryptomessaging
- Cryptocurrency
- Random Messaging
- Cryptography
- Open Source Interchange
- Open Source Internet
- Open Source Initiative
- None of these
- 20
- 24
- 30
- 35
- IQ
- KG
- Inch
- Gigabyte
- The Brain
- The Processor
- The Central Processing Unit
- All of these
- Freeware
- Free software
- x += 5
- x *= 5
- x = x ** 5
- none of these
- []
- [10, 8, 6]
- [2, 5, 8]
- [8, 5, 2]
- Arrow lines
- Symbols
- Annotation
- Special symbols
- Label Tag
- Select Tag
- TextBox Tag
- Frame Tag
- Number()
- parseFloat()
- parseInt()
- All of the above
- position()
- index()
- indexOf()
- None of These
- चीता
- केसरी
- शावक
- नृसिंह
- अशà¥à¤µ
- घोटक
- हà¥à¤¯
- कटक
- अवजà¥à¤ž
- बहà¥à¤œà¥à¤ž
- अà¤à¤¿à¤œà¥à¤ž
- कृतजà¥à¤ž
- अनà¥à¤¤à¤°à¤‚ग
- रंगारंग
- जलतरंग
- रागरंग
- ज + ञ
- जॠ+ ञ
- ज + ध
- ज + य
- तहसीलदारी
- तहिसीलदारी
- तहशीलदारी
- तहीसलदारी
- बà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¨
- बरतन
- बरà¥à¤¤à¤¨
- बà¥à¤°à¤°à¤¤à¤¨
- मृतà¥à¤¯à¤‚जय
- मिरà¥à¤¤à¥à¤¯à¤¨à¤œà¤¯
- मृतà¥à¤¯à¥à¤‚जय
- मृतà¥à¤¯à¤¨à¥à¤¨à¥à¤œà¤¯
- उदà¥à¤¯à¥‹à¤—ीकरण
- औदà¥à¤¯à¥‹à¤—ीकरण
- औदà¥à¤¯à¥‹à¤—िकरण
- ओदà¥à¤¯à¥‹à¤—ीकरण
- रचयिता
- रचियता
- राचियता
- रचयीता
- उजवà¥à¤²
- उजà¥à¤œà¥à¤µà¤²
- ऊजà¥à¤œà¥à¤µà¤²
- उजवल
- सामानà¥à¤¯
- समà¥à¤®à¤¾à¤¨à¥à¤¯
- समानà¥à¤¯
- समà¥à¤®à¤¾à¤¨à¥à¤¯
- अलौकिक
- अगम
- अपà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤à¤¾
- अपà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤®
- दà¥à¤°à¥à¤—म
- अधिगम
- अगमà¥à¤¯
- सà¥à¤—म
- Mv
- Cp
- Ipr
- Pt
- Open Office
- Linux
- Ubuntu
- Windows 10
- List
- Tree
- Hash
- Huffman
- बहूवà¥à¤°à¥€à¤¹à¤¿
- दà¥à¤µà¤¿à¤—à¥
- ततà¥à¤ªà¥à¤°à¥à¤·
- करà¥à¤®à¤§à¤¾à¤°à¤¯
- महेनà¥à¤¦à¥à¤°
- जलीय
- गà¥à¤°à¥‚पदेश
- परमौदारà¥à¤¯
- उजà¥à¤œà¥à¤µà¤²
- निशà¥à¤šà¤²
- राजेनà¥à¤¦à¥à¤°
- दà¥à¤°à¥à¤—म
- वात + अनà¥à¤•à¥‚ल
- वात + अनूकà¥à¤²
- वाता + अनà¥à¤•à¥‚ल
- वाता + अनूकà¥à¤²
- निविकार
- निरà¥à¤µà¤¿à¤•à¤¾à¤°
- निबिकार
- निहविकार
- सपà¥à¤¤à¤°à¥à¤·à¤¿
- निराधार
- सतà¥à¤•à¤¾à¤°
- हिमालय
- पानी
- वारिद
- तोय
- अमà¥à¤¬à¥
- उतॠ+ धृत
- उदॠ+ धृत
- उतॠ+ हृत
- उदॠ+ हृत
- मातà¥à¤°à¤¾ + आजà¥à¤žà¤¾
- मातà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤œà¥à¤ž + अ
- मातृ + आजà¥à¤žà¤¾
- मातॠ+ आजà¥à¤žà¤¾
- गढ़त
- रटंत
- महनà¥à¤¤
- à¤à¤¿à¤¡à¤¼à¤¨à¥à¤¤
- परà¥à¤µà¤¤
- पाषाण
- शैल
- चटà¥à¤Ÿà¤¾à¤¨
- खà¥
- गà¥
- घà¥
- शà¥
- नà¥
- तà¥
- धà¥
- थà¥
- ज
- à¤
- य
- ह
- new line
- vertical ruler
- new paragraph
- horizontal line
- Agra, Jhansi
- Varanasi, Gorakhpur
- Allahabad
- Merat
- {body;color:black;}
- {body:color=black;}
- body {color: black;}
- body:color=black;
- color
- background-color
- bgcolor
- None Of These
- font-style
- font-family
- font-weight
- font-color
- border-width:10px 1px 5px 20px;
- border-width:5px 20px 10px 1px;
- border-width:10px 20px 5px 1px;
- border-width:10px 5px 20px 1px;
- margin-left
- indent
- padding-left
- left-margin
- Separate each selector with a plus sign
- Separate each selector with a comma
- Separate each selector with a space
- All of These
- function:myFunction()
- function myFunction()
- function = myFunction()
- function.myFunction()
- ceil(x, y)
- Math.max(x, y)
- top(x, y)
- Math.ceil(x, y)
- Unified Payment Interface
- Unidentified Payment Interface
- Unified Payment Infrastructure
- Uni Payment Institute
- <ol begin=”3”>
- <ol list=”3”>
- <ol start=”3”>
- <ol num=”3”>
- <dl>
- <li>
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <header>
- <footer>
- <nav>
- <aside >
- <h1>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <a>
- ticked
- select
- selected
- checked
- header
- footer
- nav
- aside
- Separate each selector with a plus sign
- Separate each selector with a space
- Separate each selector with a comma
- Seperate each selector with a star
- border-width
- border-bottom
- border-width-bottom
- border-bottom-width
- border-width
- border-bottom
- border-width-bottom
- border-bottom-width
- Set the margin equally on top and bottom of the element
- Set the margin equally on left and right of the element
- Set the margin equally on all sides of the element.
- It is uncertain what will happen
- Statement 1) is correct and 2) is incorrect
- Statement 1) is incorrect and 2) is correct
- Statement 1) and 2) are both correct
- Statement 1) and 2) are both incorrect
- More Secure
- Lightweight
- Both A and B
- None
- μm
- uC
- All Of The Above
- Ground Pin Input/Output
- General pin Input/Output
- General purpose Input/Output
- None of these
- Slave mode
- Master Mode
- Both (A) and (B)
- None of these
- A key on your key chain
- A key given to the public
- A key not to be given to the public
- A key that opens a secret door
- Bot-to-Bot(B2B)
- Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
- InterCloud
- Skynet
- A distributed ledger on a peer-to-peer network
- A type of Cryptocurrency
- An exchange
- A centralized ledger
- Keep changing your password
- Update your every device
- Avoid using devices that are risky
- All of the above
- vertical
- horizontal
- flip
- upside down
- Decision
- Initialization
- Input/Output
- None of Mentioned
- Flowchart
- Program
- Pseudo code
- Syntax
- Personality
- Personality development
- Social Interaction
- None of These
- Self-confidence
- Self-respect
- Self-value
- Self-acceptance
- Self-Esteem
- Self-Evaluation
- Self-Efficiency
- Self-Analysis
- A politician
- A private citizen
- A house of worship
- A government institution
- <Iframe>
- <Inframe>
- <frame>
- <inlineframe>
- A markup language
- A programming language
- A database
- A server
- Position
- Window
- Standard
- Location
- ng-repeat
- ng-init
- ng-app
- ng-model
- Alternative to if-else
- Immediate if
- If-then-else statement
- Switch statement
- <checkbox>
- <input type="checkbox">
- <input=checkbox>
- <input checkbox>
- size
- face
- color
- All of the above
- Hash
- Plus
- Dot
- None
- w3-color
- w3-background-color
- w3-bgcolor
- w3-colour
- w3.color
- w3_color
- w3-color
- w3:color
- Standalone Global Markup Language
- Standard Global Markup Language
- Standard Generalized Markup Language
- Standalone Generalized Markup Language
- Animation
- Typing
- Accounting
- Photo Editing
- Dots per ink
- Dots per inch
- Disk Point Inch
- Display per inch
- Adobe Reader
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Premier Pro
- Adobe Photoshop
- आम
- ओज
- कपूर
- हंसी
- वियोग रस
- रौदà¥à¤° रस
- संयोग रस
- करà¥à¤£ रस
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 13
- à¤à¤¯
- निरà¥à¤µà¥‡à¤¦
- जà¥à¤—à¥à¤ªà¥à¤¸à¤¾
- रति
- शà¥à¤°à¥ƒà¤‚गार रस
- करà¥à¤£ रस
- हासà¥à¤¯ रस
- वीर रस
- Transactions Allowed in a Linear Yards
- Transactions Allowed in a Linear Line Year
- Transactions Allowed in a Linear Line Yards
- Transactions Accounting in a Linear Line Yards
- Control Unit
- Storage Unit
- None of the Above
- अपादान
- करà¥à¤¤à¤¾
- करण
- समà¥à¤ªà¥à¤°à¤¦à¤¾à¤¨
- सोना
- आसू
- योधा
- शामà¥à¤¬à¤¾
- हसà¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤•à¥à¤·à¤°
- पà¥à¤¸à¥à¤¤à¤•
- सोना
- सहायता
- करण
- समà¥à¤ªà¥à¤°à¤¦à¤¾à¤¨
- अधिकरण
- करà¥à¤¤à¤¾
- करण
- सबंध
- अधिकरण
- समà¥à¤ªà¥à¤°à¤¦à¤¾à¤¨
- अधिकरण
- करà¥à¤¤à¤¾
- संबोधन
- करण
- करà¥à¤¤à¤¾
- संपà¥à¤°à¤¦à¤¾à¤¨
- करà¥à¤®
- करण
- करà¥à¤¤à¤¾
- अपादान
- करà¥à¤®
- करण कारक
- करà¥à¤¤à¤¾
- अपादान
- संपà¥à¤°à¤¦à¤¾à¤¨
- करण
- करà¥à¤®
- अपादान
- संपà¥à¤°à¤¦à¤¾à¤¨
- करà¥à¤¤à¤¾
- करà¥à¤®
- अपादान
- करà¥à¤¤à¤¾
- करण कारक
- करà¥à¤¤à¤¾
- करà¥à¤®
- संपà¥à¤°à¤¦à¤¾à¤¨
- करण
- करण
- संबंध
- अपादान
- संबोधन
- Amir Khusro
- Minhaj-us Siraj
- Zia-ud-din Barni
- Jayadeva
- Shah Jahan
- Jahangir
- Akbar
- Aurangzeb
- Ahmed Shah
- Jahandar Shah
- Mohammad Shah
- Bahadur Shah II
- French East India Company
- Danish East India Company
- English East India Company
- Portuguese East India Company
- Khwaja Abdal Chisti
- Shaikh Shihabuddin Suhrawardi
- Syed Muhammad Mahadi
- Shaikh Bahauddin Zakariya
- Vallabhacharya
- Chaitanya
- Madhavacharya
- Nimbarkacharya
- Vima Kadaphises
- Kuzul Kadaphises
- Kanishka the Great
- Huvishka
- Hyderabad
- Mumbai
- Delhi
- Noida
- Bankimchandra Chatterjee
- Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay
- Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
- Shambhunath Pandit
- Uttarpradesh
- West Bengal
- Jharkhand
- None of these
- Rose
- Jasmine
- Tulip
- Marigold
- Nalanda
- Pataliputra
- Rajgir
- None of these
- 1912
- 1921
- 1935
- 1948
- Rajendra Prasad
- Vidyapati
- Krishna Singh
- Binodanand Jha
- Sonepur
- Hajipur
- Buxar
- None of these
- Vulture peak
- Bird peak
- Monks peak
- None of these
- Nalanda
- Vaishali
- Lumbini
- Pataliputra
- Mahabodhi Vihar
- Buddhist monastery in Nalanda
- Ancient site of Vikramashila Monastery
- Tomb of Sher Shah Suri
- Bhojpuri
- Maithili
- Magadhi
- Sanskrit
- Agricultural prosperity
- Heavy industries
- Flood
- Famine
- Jai Prakash Narayan
- Ram Manohar Lohia
- Vinoba Bhave
- Ram Pujan Sahay
- The President
- The Supreme Court
- The Prime Minister
- The Parliament
- Silk
- Jute
- Leather
- Cement
- Ganges and Gandak
- Ganges and Kosi
- Mahananda and Gandak
- Gandak and Kosi
- Sahajanand Saraswati
- N. G. Ranga
- Karyanand Sharma
- Ram Manohar Lohia
- Orissa
- Uttar Pradesh
- Nagaland
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Rohtas
- Patna
- Bhagalpur
- Siwan
- 1910
- 1911
- 1917
- 1934
- 59.8%
- 61%
- 63.8%
- 72%
- Saran
- Muzaffarpur
- Gopalganj
- Buxar
- 243
- 158
- 168
- 188
- 1947
- 1950
- 1951
- 1952
- Treaty of Allahabad
- Treaty of Buxar
- Treaty of Bassein
- Treaty of Sugauli
- 40
- 45
- 30
- None of These
- IoT Device
- Gateway
- Application
- None of the above
- domain name into IP
- IP into domain name
- both (A) & (B)
- domain name into physical address
- <h6>
- <head>
- <h1>
- <heading>
- Byte
- memory word
- do calculations
- create graphics
- plot graphs
- plot charts
- Open office writer document file
- Office writer document file
- Open document Text
- Office document file
- Ctrl+Shift + V
- Ctrl+Shift + Alt+ O
- Ctrl + Alt + Shift+ V
- None
- Command+P
- Ctrl+P
- Caps+P
- None of the above
- Name of Computer
- Page Number
- Character
- None of the above
- .xlx
- .txt
- .doc
- .ott
- Ctrl+Shift+ Alt + V
- Ctrl+Shift +V
- Ctrl+V
- None of these
- 200
- 100
- 0
- None of These
- Metropolitan All Network
- Metropolitan Area Networking
- Metro Area Network
- Metropolitan Area Network
- 11
- 13
- 8
- 10
- # DIV/0!
- #DIV/0
- #D/0!
- #DI/0!
- Device drivers
- System software
- Application software
- Customized software
- 200 OK
- 304 Not Found
- 400 Bad Request
- 301 Moved Permanently
- UserName
- {{UserName}}
- {UsertName}
- {_UserName)
- Web
- Domain
- Protocol
- Selector and Declaration
- Property name and value
- Color and style
- None-of these
- ID
- Class
- Text
- Name
- Code 1
- Code 2
- Both Code 1 and Code 2
- Cannot Compare
- element
- attribute
- value
- operator
- Shift+Enter
- Ctrl+L
- Ctrl+Enter
- Ctrl+0
- Shift+Ctrl+R
- Shift+Ctrl+X
- Shift+Ctrl+S
- Shift+F
- abc@gmail.com
- abc@gmail-com
- abcgmail@com
- None of the above
- Classes
- Patterns
- Properties
- Functions
- MP5
- WebM
- wbr
- None of These
- Relative
- Absolute
- Fixed
- Static
- Panels
- Layers
- Tools
- Effects
- Selection Tool
- Paint Brush
- Paint Bucket
- Lasso Tool
- HTML Framework
- .Net Framework
- JavaScript framework
- Oracle Framework
- a_=3
- _a=3
- a?=3
- All of These
- 1
- 3
- 2
- 4
- infile.read(2)
- infile.read()
- infile.readlines()
- infile.readline()
- dump()
- load()
- Both A and B
- None of the above
- विधेय विशेषण
- गà¥à¤£à¤µà¤¾à¤šà¤• विशेषण
- सारà¥à¤µà¤¨à¤¾à¤®à¤¿à¤• विशेषण
- पà¥à¤°à¤µà¤¿à¤¶à¥‡à¤·à¤£
- अतà¥à¤²
- अकà¥à¤·à¤¤
- अनà¥à¤œ
- अटल
- Indian Coast Guard
- Indian Navy
- 9-10 %
- 13-14 %
- 15-16 %
- 19-20 %
- India
- Uzbekistan
- Pakistan
- China
- Tamil Nadu
- Kerala
- Andhra Pradesh
- Karnataka
- Union Social Justice and Empowerment
- Union Law and Justice
- Union Science and Technology
- Union Health and Family Welfare
- New Delhi
- Pittsburg
- Paris
- Rome
- India
- Indonesia
- Bangladesh
- Ministry of Law and Justice
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Women and Child Development
- Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
- NITI Aayog
- Union Finance Ministry
- Textile
- Automobile
- Leather
- Electronics
- 8.2 %
- 7.6 %
- 7.0 %
- 6.8 %
- 20 September
- 23 September
- 25 September
- 27 September
- Increase Use of Electric Vehicles
- Reduction of hydrofluorocarbons
- Increase Renewable Energy Consumption
- Phasing out Coal plants
- Space Science
- Employment
- Psychology
- Finance
- Ministry of Culture
- Ministry of Tourism
- Ministry of External Affairs
- Ministry of Communications
- Walmart
- Amazon
- Flipkart
- ebay
- Dassault Aviation
- Dhruv Aerospace
- Maharashtra
- Goa
- Gujarat
- Kerala
- Nobel Prize
- Breakthrough Prize
- Turing Award
- Albert Einstein World Award of Science
- State Bank of India
- HDFC Bank
- UCO Bank
- Federal Bank
- Typing Speed
- Machine Operation
- Time Management
- Coding
- Lights
- Clock
- Voltage Divider
- All of above
- Make good use of technology
- Clean up and get organized
- Concentrate on one key task at a time
- All of the above
- Kerala
- Goa
- Uttarakhand
- Himachal Pradesh
- Mysuru
- Indore
- Chennai
- Bengaluru
- New Delhi
- Mumbai
- Ahmedabad
- Bengaluru
- Irai Anbu I.A.S
- Akash Tripathi I.A.S
- UdhayaChandran I.A.S
- Amir Subhani I.A.S
- Chennai
- Varanasi
- Mumbai
- Ahmedabad
- UK
- France
- Italy
- Rafael Nadal
- Stefanos Tsitsipas
- Roger Federer
- Novak Djokovic
- Egypt
- Kenya
- Gambia
- Namibia
- India
- Indonesia
- Italy
- Israel
- Hindu
- Islam
- Christianity
- No religion
- Himachal Pradesh
- Assam
- Karnataka
- Tamil Nadu
- Ajay Tyagi
- Viral Acharya
- Urjit Patel
- C.K. Mishra
- Egypt
- Oman
- Maldives
- Malaysia
- Weaving a better future for cotton
- Cotton and Sustainability
- Assistance to Cotton-4 Nations
- Cotton by-products and its Markets
- Indian Air Force
- Indian Navy
- Indian Army
- Indian Navy
- Indian Air Force
- Indian Coast Guard
- Ministry of Electronics and IT
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- China
- India
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Kerala
- Madhya Pradesh
- Child health
- Mental health
- Communicable Diseases
- Science and Technology
- Gandhi Nagar
- Varanasi
- Jaipur
- Ranchi
- January
- August
- October
- December
- Rs 50 Crore
- Rs 300 Crore
- Rs 500 Crore
- Rs 1000 Crore
- New Zealand
- Japan
- Indonesia
- Value of standardisation
- Build Back Better
- Standards and Sustainability
- Businesses and Standards
- 1 megawatt
- 5 megawatt
- 10 megawatt
- 50 megawatt
- Kerala
- Gujarat
- Karnataka
- Haryana
- Solar
- Healthcare
- Automobile
- Software
- India
- Sri Lanka
- Bangladesh
- नेपाल
- 44
- 41
- 35
- 27
- Param Megha
- Parama Kamarupa
- Param Deka
- Param Kapila
- R. N. Subraminamam
- G. Mahalaxmi
- S. Somnath
- S. Chandra Rajashekhar
- Gandhi Nagar
- Jaipur
- Bangalore
- Ahmedabad
- Global Handwashing Day
- Global Hygiene Day
- Global Covid Outbreak Day
- Global Menstrual Health Day
- Basket Ball
- Cricket
- Football
- Table Tennis
- Rahul Dravid
- Roger Binny
- Vinod Kambli
- V V S Lakshman
- Mallikarjun Kharge
- Shashi Tharoor
- P Chidambaram
- Ashok Gehlot
- Rs 15000 crore
- Rs 20000 crore
- Rs 40000 crore
- Rs 50000 crore
- Tamil Nadu
- Andhra Pradesh
- Kerala
- Odisha
- National Anti-profiteering Authority
- National Accreditation Board
- Bureau of Indian Standards
- Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
- Ministry of Power
- Ministry of Telecommunication
- Ministry of Electronics and IT
- Ministry of Defence
- Sri Ravishankar
- Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
- Ranjan Gogoi
- Sunil Arora
- Amazon
- Apple
- Samsung
- Meta
- Karnataka
- Gujarat
- Maharashtra
- Rajasthan
- Mumbai
- Gandhi Nagar
- Faridabad
- Hyderabad
- Canara Bank
- Indian Bank
- Indian Overseas Bank
- Punjab National Bank
- 142.33 million tonnes
- 242.33 million tonnes
- 342.33 million tonnes
- 442.33 million tonnes
- India
- China
- Israel
- Russia
- 6.5 %
- 7.0 %
- 7.5 %
- 8.2 %
- 25 per cent
- 40 per cent
- 60 per cent
- 80 percent
- Roorkee
- Bengaluru
- Ahmedabad
- Chennai
- Ministry of Communications
- Ministry of Electronics and IT
- Ministry of MSME
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Switzerland
- Ukraine
- Serbia
- Maldives
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of MSME
- Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- India
- Sri Lanka
- Australia
- Harmanpreet Singh
- Sreejesh
- Mandeep Singh
- Birendra Lakra
- 1930
- 1942
- 1946
- 1951
- Karla
- Rajasthan
- Madhya Pradesh
- Assam
- Ministry of Women and Child Development
- Ministry of Minority Affairs
- Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
- Africa
- Europe
- Oceania
- Asia
- Bihar
- Uttar Pradesh
- West Bengal
- Jharkhand
- Bengaluru
- Hyderabad
- Dhaka
- Male
- Justice DY Chandrachud
- Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul
- Justice S. Abdul Nazeer
- Justice K.M. Joseph
- Sustainable Post
- Post for Planet
- Covid and Post
- Delightful Post
- Garuda Aerospace
- Pixel Aerospace
- NITI Aayog
- Chess
- Tennis
- Carrom
- Table-Tennis
- 400
- 1000
- 1600
- 2400
- Indian Coast Guard (ICG)
- Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In)
- Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)
- Assam
- Tripura
- Meghalaya
- Arunachal Pradesh
- New
- Next
- Novel
- Node
- Shashi Tharoor
- Amitava kumar
- Abhay Kumar
- Sanjaya Baru
- Shanghai
- Beijing
- Tashkent
- Astana
- Ukraine
- Syria
- Iran
- Qatar
- October 15
- October 16
- October 17
- October 18
- Automobile
- Fertiliser
- Defence
- Economy
- Ukraine
- Sweden
- Italy
- France
- Iran
- Russia
- Ukraine
- Japan
- Karnataka
- Maharashtra
- Tamil Nadu
- Gujarat
- World Bank
- Sri Lanka
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Singapore
- October 25
- October 27
- October 29
- October 31
- Sikkim
- Ladakh
- Uttarakhand
- Himachal Pradesh
- Uttar Pradesh
- Bihar
- Madhya Pradesh
- Gujarat
- China
- Russia
- India
- Sri Lanka
- France
- Japan
- Australia
- Maharashtra
- West Bengal
- Rajasthan
- Odisha
- Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Ministry of Communication
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Meta
- Mastercard
- Amazon
- Microsoft
- Rice
- Banana
- Cotton
- Grapes
- Frog
- Bird
- Snake
- Turtle
- Chennai
- Varanasi
- Mumbai
- Ahmedabad
- Australia
- Germany
- Norway
- Teaching Importance of Sustainability
- Teaching Equality
- The change of education begins with teachers
- Leaving No one Behind
- Tennis
- Cricket
- Football
- Hockey
- Rs 1000 crore
- Rs 1500 crore
- Rs 5000 crore
- Rs 10000 crore
- 51 %
- 49 %
- 34 %
- 25 %
- Afghanistan
- Iran
- Ukraine
- China
- Dr Reddy’s Labs
- Serum Institute of India
- Biocon
- Bharat Biotech
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
- Ministry of MSME
- Ministry of Education
- China
- Russia
- France
- Australia
- Brazil
- United Kingdom
- New Zealand
- Tamil Nadu
- Maharashtra
- Gujarat
- Madhya Pradesh
- Sikkim
- Ladakh
- Arunachal Pradesh
- West Bengal
- Assam
- Sikkim
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Meghalaya
- Aceclofenac
- Progestin
- Erythromycin
- Colistin
- Europe
- Africa
- Oceania
- Asia-Pacific
- July 2022
- August 2022
- September 2022
- October 2022
- Gujarat
- Karnataka
- Telangana
- Andhra Pradesh
- Rs 5000
- Rs 7500
- Rs 10000
- Rs 15000
- South Sudan
- Israel
- Ghana
- Egypt
- Maharashtra
- Gujarat
- Karnataka
- Rajasthan
- Uttarakhand
- Nagaland
- Assam
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Madhya Pradesh
- Chhattisgarh
- Jharkhand
- Bihar
- Japan
- Australia
- Russia
- Elon Musk
- Satya Nadella
- Tim Cook
- Steve Ballmer
- NITI Aayog
- Three
- Five
- Seven
- Nine
- Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
- Ministry of Panchayati Raj
- Ministry of Rural Development
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Russia
- China
- Israel
- Rabindranath Tagore
- J B Kripalani
- Abul Kalam Azad
- Annie Besant
- Kerala
- Punjab
- Jharkhand
- West Bengal
- England
- Australia
- India
- Pakistan
- Gaurav Dwivedi
- Abhishek Singh
- Saurabh Garg
- Rajesh Bansal
- Assam
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Jammu and Kashmir
- West Bengal
- World Bank
- World Economic Forum
- Meghalaya
- Assam
- West Bengal
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Union Bank of India
- Bank of India
- State Bank of India
- Canara Bank
- Mumbai
- New Delhi
- Kolkata
- गांधी नगर
- Odisha
- Karnataka
- Maharashtra
- Gujarat
- November 2
- November 8
- November 16
- November 24
- NITI Aayog
- Madhya Pradesh
- Bihar
- West Bengal
- Odisha
- India-Sri Lanka Fund
- India-Nepal Fund
- India-Japan Fund
- India-Australia Fund
- Singapore
- India
- Sweden
- India
- Thailand
- Australia
- Sri Lanka
- Iran
- Israel
- Kazakhstan
- Turkey
- Justice A K Mishra
- Venu Gopal Achanta
- Justice Ranjan Gogoi
- Venkatraman
- October 27
- October 30
- November 4
- November 7
- Australia
- Italy
- Germany
- Assam
- Meghalaya
- West Bengal
- Odisha
- Wheat
- Rice
- Mango
- Cotton
- India
- Spain
- Brazil
- कोलंबिया
- Indonesia
- Japan
- Philippines
- Australia
- Maharashtra
- Gujarat
- Assam
- Arunachal Pradesh
- First
- Second
- Fifth
- Tenth
- China
- India
- Russia
- Israel
- Finland
- Denmark
- Austria
- New Zealand
- Guwahati
- Aizawl
- Kohima
- Dispur
- Japan
- China
- Switzerland
- Sweden
- Mumbai
- Chandigarh
- Mysuru
- Gandhinagar
- NITI Aayog
- Reserve Bank of India
- National Innovation Foundation
- Assam
- Uttarakhand
- West Bengal
- Madhya Pradesh
- Honey-bee
- Turtle
- Spider
- Fish
- Assam
- Himachal Pradesh
- West Bengal
- Gujarat
- Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers
- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Maharashtra
- Kerala
- Telangana
- Gujarat
- Goa
- New Delhi
- Uttar Pradesh
- Gujarat
- Tamil
- Hindi
- Kannada
- Telugu
- State Legislative assembly Elections
- State Legislative council Elections
- Local Body Elections
- Rajya Sabha Elections
- Chennai
- Mumbai
- New Delhi
- Kolkata
- Pixel
- Agnikul Cosmos
- Dhruv Aerospace
- Shakti
- Afghanistan
- Pakistan
- Sri Lanka
- Nepal
- Sri Lanka
- India
- Maldives
- Taiwan
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
- Ministry of External Affairs
- Ministry of Education
- Sri Lanka
- Cambodia
- Spain
- Nepal
- Grievance Redressal in Election
- Technical Courses in Local Languages
- Endowment Fund for Temples
- Agriculture and Agribusiness
- Deepika Padukone
- Ranveer Singh
- Vidya Balan
- Alia Bhatt
- Norway
- Finland
- Slovenia
- Syria
- Access to diabetes education
- Awareness and Education
- Inclusion in medical care
- Availability of Medicines
- Spain
- Sweden
- Norway
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
- Subash Chandra Bose
- B R Ambedkar
- Retail
- Whole-sale
- Commodity
- Crypto-currency
- Kerala
- Karnataka
- Andhra Pradesh
- Bihar
- Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Build for the World
- Global Supply Chain
- Tradition and technology
- Nature and culture
- Turtle
- Blue Whale
- Cattle
- Frog
- Primary
- Upper Primary
- Higher Secondary
- All levels
- Gujarat
- Assam
- Chhattisgarh
- Punjab
- Gujarat
- Madhya Pradesh
- Tamil Nadu
- Odisha
- Brazil
- Israel
- Afghanistan
- Australia
- Karnataka
- Uttarakhand
- Kerala
- Sikkim
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Goa
- Sikkim
- Nagaland
- India
- Japan
- Philippines
- Indonesia
- Department of Economic Affairs
- Department of Financial Services
- Department of Heavy Industries
- Department of Expenditure
- Ghana
- Sri Lanka
- India
- Egypt
- Egypt
- Australia
- Brazil
- Jharkhand
- Haryana
- Andhra Pradesh
- Madhya Pradesh
- Tamil Nadu
- Andhra Pradesh
- Karnataka
- West Bengal
- Gandhi Nagar
- Kolkata
- Varanasi
- Chennai
- Nostro account
- Vostro account
- Forex Trade Account
- Settlement Account
- Andhra Pradesh
- Tamil Nadu
- West Bengal
- Tamil Nadu
- Australia
- Sweden
- Spain
- G-7 and V20
- G-20 and V20
- Dun & Bradstreet India
- J.P. Morgan
- Goldman Sachs Group
- Pakistan
- Bangladesh
- China
- Sri Lanka
- COP-27
- G-20 Annual Summit
- ASEAN Annual Summit
- WEF Annual Summit
- Andhra Pradesh
- Tamil Nadu
- Madhya Pradesh
- Gujarat
- 6.1 %
- 6.3 %
- 6.5 %
- 7.2 %
- Goa
- Andhra Pradesh
- Uttarakhand
- Sikkim
- 130 per lakh live births
- 101 per lakh live births
- 97 per lakh live births
- 85 per lakh live births
- USD 50 billion
- 100 बिलियन अमरीकी डालर
- USD 150 billion
- USD 200 billion
- Australia
- France
- Sri Lanka
- Karnataka
- Uttarakhand
- Odisha
- Telangana
- Japan
- China
- Assam
- Nagaland
- Sikkim
- Arunachal Pradesh
- France
- Singapore
- Sri Lanka
- Russia
- South Africa
- Mazagon Dock
- Australia
- France
- South Korea
- Sweden
- Rs 1.46 lakh crore
- Rs 1.26 lakh crore
- Rs 1.06 lakh crore
- Rs 0.96 lakh crore
- Conventional weapons
- Climate Change
- Crypto-currency
- Nuclear Weapons
- 1 December
- 3 December
- 5 December
- 7 December
- IIT Madras
- IIT Delhi
- Indian Institute of Science
- IIT Bombay
- Declining
- Raising
- No change
- No data available
- Andhra Pradesh
- Odisha
- Chhattisgarh
- Kerala
- Madras High Court
- Delhi High Court
- Bombay High Court
- Calcutta High Court
- Philippines
- Indonesia
- Japan
- Australia
- Size of the particles
- Mechanical properties of solids
- Thermodynamic and kinetic factors
- Environmental factors
- Distillation method
- Vaporization method
- Coprecipitation method
- Crystallization method
- Impurities concentrate in the liquid phase than in the gaseous phase
- Impurities concentrate in the solid than in the liquid phase
- Impurities concentrate in the gaseous phase than in the solid phase
- Impurities concentrate in the liquid phase than in the solid phase
- Pakistan
- Afghanistan
- Bangladesh
- India
- Australia
- United Kingdom
- Russia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Qatar
- France
- Australia
- England
- Brazil
- India
- Sri Lanka
- Thailand
- Singapore
- 8.1 %
- 7.5 %
- 7.2 %
- 6.9 %
- 5.9 %
- 6.25 %
- 6.50 %
- 6.75 %
- Mandous
- Asani
- Sitrang
- Mocha
- Economist
- Sports-person
- Business-person
- Scientist
- Italy
- Germany
- UK
- Fiji
- NITI Aayog
- World Bank
- World Economic Forum
- International Monetary Fun
- India
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- Bangladesh
- UN Women
- Karnataka
- Maharashtra
- Kerala
- Andhra Pradesh
- 80
- 87
- 92
- 95
- All types of solids
- No type of solid
- Amorphous solids
- Crystalline solids
- Monomer
- Molecule
- Unit cell
- Atom
- rhombic and monoclinic
- rhombic and triclinic
- hexagonal and triclinic
- hexagonal and monoclinic
- 3
- 6
- 14
- 24
- 2
- 10
- 50
- 100
- Diffraction patterns possess a centre of symmetry
- Diffraction patterns don’t have centre of symmetry
- Diffraction patterns are linear space
- Diffraction patterns contains α-rays
- Liquid, aqueous solution, emulsion
- Gas, aqueous solution, foam
- Aqueous solution, melt, glass or gel
- Solid, gas, melt, solid aerosol
- Absolute volume
- Partial volume
- Total volume of a gas mixture
- None of the mentioned
- Absolute pressure
- Partial pressure
- Total pressure of a gas mixture
- None of the mentioned
- Ideal Solution
- Real Solution
- Non-Ideal solution
- None of the mentioned
- V
- 2V
- Greater than 2V
- Less than 2V
- Heat of solution
- Heat of dissolution
- Heat of reaction
- Heat of mixing
- Ideal Solution
- Non-Ideal solution
- Real Solution
- None of the mentioned
- Solid in gas solution
- Gas in gas solution
- Solid in liquid solution
- Liquid in gas solution
- It becomes a colloidal solution
- The solute dissolves in the solution
- The solution desaturates
- The solute precipitates out of the solution
- Brass
- Bronze
- Hydrated salts
- Aerated drinks
- Solute and solvent
- Solute and solute
- Solvent and solvent
- None of the above
- Oxidation occurs at the cathode
- Electrons move into the cathode
- Usually denoted by a negative sign
- Is usually made up of insulating material
- Cell potential is an extensive property
- Cell potential is an intensive property
- The Gibbs free energy of an electrochemical cell is an intensive property
- Gibbs free energy is undefined for an electrochemical cell
- Voltaic cell
- Photovoltaic cell
- Electrolytic cell
- Fuel Cell
- An example of a primary cell is a mercury cell
- An example of a primary cell is a nickel-cadmium storage cell
- The electrode reactions can be reversed
- It can be recharged
- Potassium hydroxide
- Sulphuric acid
- Ammonium chloride
- Manganese dioxide
- It is a primary cell
- The cathode is made up of lead(IV) oxide
- The anode is made up of lead
- The electrolyte used is an aqueous solution of sulphuric acid
- Flow of free mobile electrons
- Movement of ions
- Either movement of electrons or ions
- Cannot be said
- Electrolyte
- Electrode
- Electrolysis
- Electrochemical cell
- Nitrogen
- Argon
- Hydrogen
- Helium
- Hydrogen
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
- Chlorine
- Rate of reaction
- Mechanism of reaction
- Factors which affect the rate of reaction
- All of the mentioned
- Zero
- Unity
- Doubled the initial concentration
- Infinite
- n = Rate constant at T + 10°/Rate constant at T°
- n = Rate constant at T + 20°/Rate constant at T°
- n = Rate constant at T + 30°/Rate constant at T°
- n = Rate constant at T + 40°/Rate constant at T°
- Shifts forward and upward
- Shifts forward and downward
- Shifts backwards and upward
- Shifts backwards and downward
- Concentration of reactants and temperature
- Concentration of products and temperature
- Rate constant and temperature
- Rate of catalysis and temperature
- It increases
- It decreases
- It remains the same
- Both increases as well as decrease
- Integration method
- Half-life period method
- Graphical method
- Ostwald’s isolation method
- 30 minutes
- 60 minutes
- 90 minutes
- 120 minutes
- Energy given
- Energy released
- Free energy
- None of the mentioned
- Greater than zero
- Less than zero
- Zero
- None of the mentioned
- Absorption
- Adsorption
- Sorption
- Desorption
- Increases with increase in temperature
- Decreases with increase in surface area
- Decreases with increase in the strength of Van der Waals forces
- Decreases with increase in temperature
- Sponge in water
- Cotton dipped in ink
- Water on silica gel
- Oxygen on the metal surface
- Gold solution
- Sulphur solution
- NaCl solution
- Blood
- Protein solution is an example of macromolecular colloids
- Man-made macro-molecules like polythene can form such colloids
- Silver solution can form macromolecular colloids
- These are normally of lyophilic type
- Different diameters of colloidal gold particles
- Variable valency of gold
- Different concentrations of gold particles
- Impurities produced by different methods
- Catalytic promoters
- Homogeneous catalyst
- Catalytic poison
- Heterogeneous catalyst
- Decreasing Ea
- Increasing Ea
- Increasing pressure
- Increasing entropy
- Vanishing cream is a water-in-oil emulsion whereas cold cream is an oil-in-water emulsion
- Both are examples of water-in-oil emulsions
- Both are examples of oil-in-water emulsions
- Vanishing cream is an oil-in-water emulsion whereas cold cream is a water-in-oil emulsion
- Emulsion
- Aerosol
- Gel
- Foam
- Hematite
- Magnetite
- Siderite
- Iron Pyrites
- Calamine
- Cinnabar
- Argentite
- Malachite
- When the ores are good conductors of electricity
- When the impurities can be distinguished from the ore by the naked eye
- When either the ore or the impurities are magnetic
- When the ore particles are heavier than the impurities
- Away from the magnetic roller
- On the conveyor belt
- Below the magnetic roller
- Above the magnetic roller
- Enhances wettability of gangue particles
- Stabilises the froth
- Draws in the air causing frothing
- Enhances non-wettability of the ore particles
- Zone refining
- Hydrometallurgy
- Liquation
- Thermite process
- To avoid gangue particles
- To get crude metal by using an oxidising agent
- To remove volatile impurities in the form of their oxides
- To make the ore porous
- Na
- Mg
- Al
- Fe
- Pyrometallurgy
- Hydrometallurgy
- Electrometallurgy
- Magnetic separation
- Baeyer’s process
- Solvay process
- Bergius process
- Hall-Heroult process
- Ammonia
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
- Hydrogen
- Ammonia
- Amide
- Nitrate
- Nitrite
- Size does not change
- Size increases then decreases
- Size increases
- Size decreases
- Nitrogen (III) oxide
- Nitrogen (IV) oxide
- Nitrogen (I) oxide
- Nitrogen (II) oxide
- Platinum-Rhodium gauze
- Vanadium (V) oxide
- Palladium hydride
- Sodium amalgam
- It is also called phosphonic acid
- The oxidation state of phosphorus is +1
- It is monobasic
- It is represented by the formula H3PO2
- Peroxodiphosphoric acid
- Hypophosphorous acid
- Orthophosphorous acid
- Hypophosphoric acid
- It is an inert gas
- It is non-toxic
- It’s a gas and can easily be handled
- It has an extremely low freezing point
- Group 15
- Group 14
- Group 11
- Group 13
- carbon dioxide and hydrogen
- carbon monoxide and hydrogen
- carbon monoxide and nitrogen
- carbon dioxide and nitrogen
- Plutonium
- Chromium
- Nickel
- Iron
- Helium
- Hydrogen
- Sodium
- Chlorine
- Remains constant
- Decreases
- Increases
- Irregular
- Atomic number > 92
- Example is Thorium
- Decay radioactively as they are unstable
- Elements after Uranium
- Both actinoids and lanthanoids are less basic
- Both actinoids and lanthanoids are electropositive
- Both actinoids and lanthanoids do not exhibit magnetic and spectral properties
- Both actinoids and lanthanoids do not show same oxidation of +3
- The radius remains unchanged
- The radius first increases and then decreases
- The radius increases
- The radius decreases
- They are soft metals with a white silvery colour
- They tarnish rapidly by air
- The hardness of the metals increases with increase in the atomic number
- The melting point of the metal ranges from 500-1000K
- Ytterbium
- Erbium
- Thulium
- Lutetium
- Acidified KMnO4
- Aqueous KMnO4
- Acidified K2Cr2O7
- Alkaline KMnO4
- Alkaline test
- Acidic test
- Chromyl chloride test
- Baeyer’s reagent test
- Bronsted-Lowry acid
- Lewis base
- Lewis acid
- Bronsted-Lowry base
- Coordination entity
- Ligand
- Central atom
- Coordination compound
- VSEPR Theory
- Crystal Field Theory
- Valence Bond Theory
- Molecular Orbital Theory
- tetrahedral
- octahedral
- trigonal bipyramidal
- square planar
- It does not explain the colour of coordination compounds
- It can distinguish between strong and weak ligands
- It does not explain the kinetic stabilities of coordination compounds
- It is unreliable in the prediction of geometries of 4-coordinate complexes
- Atomicity of the ligand
- Charge on the ligand
- The first letter in the name of the ligand
- Denticity of the ligand
- The sign of the charge is written after the number
- The charge of the complex ion is written in parenthesis while naming the entity
- The charge is indicated as a subscript outside the square bracket on the right
- The charge on the complex ion is depicted along with the counter ion
- Potassium tetrachlorinepalladium(II)
- Potassium tetrachloridopalladate(II)Potassium
- Potassium tetrachloridopalladium(II)
- tetrachlorinepalladate(II)
- Mg(EDTA)
- Fe(EDTA)
- Na2(EDTA)
- Co(EDTA)
- Vitamin B12
- Haemoglobin
- Chlorophyll
- Carboxypeptidase-A
- Haloalkane
- Alkyl nitrite
- Nitroalkane
- Hydrocarbon
- The transition state is stable
- The complete mechanism takes place in a single step
- The rate of the reaction depends on the concentration of both reactants
- There is an inversion of configuration
- aliphatic halogen compound
- side-chain substituted aryl halide
- alkyl halide
- aromatic halogen compound
- Allyl bromide
- Vinyl bromide
- Tert-Butyl bromide
- Propylidene bromide
- 1,2-Dichloroethane
- Ethylene dichloride
- Ethylidene chloride
- Vic-dichloride
- red phosphorous
- concentrated H2SO4
- anhydrous ZnCl2
- pyridine
- Phosphorus acid
- Phosphoryl chloride
- Phosphorus trichloride
- Phosphoric acid
- Chloromethane
- Tetrachloromethane
- Trichloromethane
- Dichloromethane
- para>ortho>meta
- meta>ortho>para
- ortho>meta>para
- para>meta>ortho
- It results in the formation of a vicinal dihalide
- It results in the discharge of a reddish-brown colour
- It results in the formation of a colourless compound
- It results in the breaking of the C-C double bond
- Alkaline KMnO4
- Aqueous KMnO4
- Acidified KMnO4
- Anhydrous CrO3
- Brown liquid
- Colourless gas
- White precipitate
- No reaction
- A
- Cannot be determined
- C
- A and B
- Ether
- Aldehyde
- Ketone
- Amine
- Acid catalysed hydration of alkenes
- Free radical halogenation of alkanes
- Reduction of aldehydes
- Hydroboration-oxidation of alkenes
- Sodium hydroxide
- Water
- Diborane
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Oxidising agent
- Bases
- Acids
- Reducing agents
- Ethanol
- Phenol
- Vinyl alcohol
- Benzyl alcohol
- mixed
- symmetrical
- simple
- diethyl
- Propylene glycol
- Ethylene glycol
- Cyclohexanol
- Benzene-1,2-diol
- Oxidation of primary alcohols
- Oxidation of secondary alcohols
- Dehydrogenation of tertiary alcohols
- Dehydrogenation of primary alcohols
- Methanal
- Benzaldehyde
- Butanone
- Acetone
- nucleophilic addition
- electrophilic substitution
- nucleophilic addition
- electrophilic addition
- Acetaldehyde
- Di Tert-Butyl ketone
- Diisopropyl ketone
- Butanone
- hemiacetals
- cyclic ketals
- cyclic acetals
- acetals
- Preservation of biological specimens
- Preparation of acetic acid
- Silvering of mirrors
- Manufacturing of bakelite
- CO2 and H2O
- Benzoic acid
- Benzaldehyde
- Benzophenone
- Propanal
- Acetaldehyde
- Formaldehyde
- Acetone
- Methanal
- Pentanal
- Propanone
- Ethanal
- Methanal
- Butanal
- Propanal
- Ethanal
- Benzenamine
- Benzylamine
- Aniline
- Aminobenzene
- Benzenediamine
- Benzene-1,4-diamine
- p-Aminoaniline
- 4-Aminobenzenamine
- Friedel-Craft’s reaction
- Hofmann reaction
- Hoffmann bromamide degradation reaction
- Hinsberg reaction
- Preparation of primary amines
- Separation of amine mixtures
- Preparation of tertiary amines
- Preparation of secondary amines
- Ethanamine
- Aminoethane
- Ethylamine
- Ethane amine
- Phenylaminomethane
- Benzylamine
- Benzenamine
- Phenylmethanamine
- Sandmeyer reaction
- Carbylamine test
- AgNO3
- NaHCO3
- Chloroform alone
- Methyl iodide
- Chloroform and alcoholic KOH
- Zinc dust
- Methylamine is stronger base than NH3
- Methylamine is less basic than NH3
- Methylamine is slightly acidic
- Methylamine forms salts with alkali
- Alcohol
- Ether
- Carboxylic acid
- Phosphine
- glycosidic
- peptide
- ionic
- phosphodiester
- dextrorotatory; dextrorotatory
- laevorotatory; laevorotatory
- laevorotatory; dextrorotatory
- dextrorotatory; laevorotatory
- It consists of two glucopyranose units
- It is a disaccharide
- Glycosidic bond between C1 of one unit and C4 of the other unit
- It is a non-reducing sugar
- It gives blue colour with iodine
- It is a polymer of α-D-glucose
- It is a reducing carbohydrate
- It consists of branched chains
- Thymine
- Cytosine
- Uracil
- Adenine
- Serine
- Aspartate
- Lysine
- Arginine
- Polyhydroxy ketones
- Polyhalo aldehydes
- Polyamino aldehydes
- Polyhydroxy carboxylic acids
- It is due to this process that biomolecules do not have a turnover
- It involves the formation of biomolecules
- It involves the breaking down of biomolecules
- It involves various chemical reactions
- Addition of carbon dioxide
- Removal of ammonia
- Addition of ammonia
- Removal of carbon dioxide
- Disulfide bond
- Glycosidic bond
- Phosphodiester bond
- Hydrogen bond
- Mers
- Plastic
- Resins
- Blocks
- Cross-linked
- Atactic
- Syndiotactic
- Isotactic
- Polyvinyl chloride
- Epoxy
- Polyesters
- Nylon
- Source
- Structure
- Method of preparation
- Number of monomers
- Cellulose
- Starch
- Rayon
- Polythene
- Nylon-6,6
- Buna-N
- Buna-S
- Increases
- Remains constant
- Moderate
- Decreases
- Water
- Ether
- Ethyl alcohol
- Methanol
- High-polymers
- Oligo-polymers
- Copolymers
- Homopolymers
- Initiation
- Recrystallisation
- Termination
- Propagation
- pharmacological effect
- molecular targets
- chemical structure
- drug action
- Analgesics
- Antiseptics
- Antihistamines
- Antipyretics
- messengers
- poisons
- inhibitors
- receptors
- The active site slowly regains its original shape
- The body synthesizes a new enzyme
- The enzyme is blocked temporarily
- The enzyme develops a new active site
- Shape of binding site
- Location in the membrane
- Amino acid composition
- Structure
- Ranitidine
- Cimetidine
- Histamine
- Omeprazole
- Antiseptics
- Antimalarials
- Disinfectants
- Antibiotics
- Sodium benzoate
- Potassium metabisulphite
- Dulcin
- Sorbic acid salts
- Shaving soap
- Floating soap
- Transparent soap
- Laundry soap
- Pentaerythritol monostearate
- Sodium dodecyl sulphate
- Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide
- Sodium lauryl sulphate
- China
- Russia
- Maldives
- Sri Lanka
- France
- Peru
- Brazil
- Australia
- Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Communication
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- World Bank
- Gujarat
- Telangana
- Goa
- Bihar
- Goa
- Gujarat
- Himachal Pradesh
- Uttarakhand
- Mumbai
- Varanasi
- Ahmedabad
- Chennai
- Turtle
- Medicinal Plant
- Snake
- Butterfly
- Soils: Where food begins
- Soils: Where life begins
- Soils: Where earth begins
- Soils: Where all begins
- Assam
- Gujarat
- Kerala
- Telangana
- December 10
- December 11
- December 14
- December 15
- Kerala
- Tamil Nadu
- Telangana
- Odisha
- Climate Change and Mountains
- Women move mountains
- Protect Mountains
- Mountains are Monuments
- Pune
- Varanasi
- Gandhi Nagar
- Mysuru
- Mumbai
- Bengaluru
- Chennai
- Kolkata
- 5.22 %
- 5.88 %
- 6.22 %
- 8.88 %
- 3
- 5
- 7
- 10
- Haryana
- Himachal Pradesh
- Goa
- Telangana
- Rohit Sharma
- Ravindra Jadeja
- Ishan Kishan
- K L Rahul
- World Bank
- World Economic Forum
- à¤à¤†à¤ˆà¤†à¤ˆà¤¬à¥€
- China
- Russia
- India
- Narendra Modi
- DY Chandrachud
- Rajiv Kumar
- Amitabh Kant
- Jharkhand
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Meghalaya
- Kolkata
- G-20
- G-7
- Kerala
- Tamil Nadu
- Karnataka
- Gujarat
- Varanasi
- New Delhi
- Bengaluru
- Jaipur
- Department of Science and Technology
- Department of Space
- Department of Commerce
- Indian Computer Emergency Response Team
- Andhra Pradesh
- Odisha
- Tamil Nadu
- Kerala
- Kerala
- Goa
- Sikkim
- Punjab
- Odisha
- Assam
- Kerala
- West Bengal
- [1 2 3]
- [1. 1.5 2. 2.5]
- [1. 1.5 2. 2.5 3]
- [1 1.5 2 2.5 3]
- Zero charges
- Point charges
- Single charge
- No charges
- Electric current
- Electric potential
- Electric field
- Electric space
- -1
- 0
- 1
- Infinite
- Charge, which is a fraction of charge on an electron, is not possible
- A charge cannot be destroyed
- Charge exists on particles
- There exists a minimum permissible charge on a particle
- Equality of charge
- Polarity of charge
- Fraction of charge
- None of the option
- Electric potential
- Electric current
- Electric flux
- Electric field
- gains protons from silk
- gains electrons from silk
- gives electrons to silk
- gives protons to silk
- Electrostatic forcing
- Electrostatic binding
- Electrostatic shielding
- None of the options
- Electrostatic potential = Work done*charge
- Electrostatic potential = Work done/charge
- Electrostatic potential = Work done+charge
- Electrostatic potential = Work done-charge
- 1 Coulomb
- 1 Newton / 1 Coulomb
- 1 Joule / 1 Coulomb
- 1 Newton / 1 meter
- Always 1
- Infinite
- Zero
- Negative
- Zero
- 1
- Infinite
- Negative
- Equal-potential surface
- Same potential surface
- Equi-magnitude surface
- Equipotential surface
- Thermal energy
- Kinetic energy
- Potential energy
- Solar energy
- Conducting substances
- Non-conducting substances
- Semi-conducting substances
- None of the option
- is zero
- increases from centre to the surface
- decreases from centre to the surface
- remains constant from centre to the surface
- area of the plate is decreased
- area of the plate is increased
- distance between the plates increases
- None of the option
- 0.0059
- 0.0039
- 0.0129
- 0.0159
- Electric flux
- Electric potential
- Electric current
- Electric field
- Lamp filament
- Copper wire
- Carbon resistor
- Diode
- Dyne
- Siemen
- Ohm
- Volts
- scalar quantity.
- vector quantity.
- dimensionless quantity.
- none of these options
- Conductivity
- Partial conductivity
- Superconductivity
- Non-conductivity
- External resistance
- Internal resistance
- Non-resistance
- None of these options
- Dyne
- Ohm
- Tesla
- Volt
- Centripetal force
- Centrifugal force
- Lorentz force
- Orbital force
- Slow down charged particles
- Accelerate the positively charged particles
- Stop the charged particles
- Newton
- Ampere
- Maxwell
- Fleming
- Natural magnet
- Artificial magnet
- Neither natural nor artificial
- None of these options
- South-west
- East-west
- North-south
- North-west
- Ferromagnetic material
- Paramagnetic material
- Diamagnetic material
- None of these options
- All substances
- Some substances
- Only ferromagnetic substances
- None of these options
- Dyne
- Tesla
- Weber
- Ohm
- Ferromagnetic material
- Paramagnetic material
- Diamagnetic material
- Option (a) and (b)
- M = m × 2I
- M = m + 2I
- M = m – 2I
- M = m / 2I
- W = MB (cos θ1/cos θ2)
- W = MB (cos θ1 + cos θ2)
- W = MB (cos θ1 – cos θ2)
- W = M+B (cos θ1 – cos θ2)
- Ferromagnetism
- Paramagnetism
- Diamagnetism
- None of these options
- Time
- Resistance of the coil
- Change of flux
- None of the above
- Lenz’s Law
- Ohm’s Law
- Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction
- None of the above
- Biot-Savart Law
- Lenz’s Law
- Ampere’s circuital Law
- Fleming’s right-hand Rule
- Self Inductance
- Mutual Inductance
- Impedance
- None of the above
- Lenz’s Law
- Ohm’s Law
- Archimedes Law
- All of the above
- Voltmeter
- Galvanometer
- Generator
- Electric Motor
- induced voltage
- current
- time
- coil resistance
- Ampere’s Rule
- Fleming’s Left-Hand Rule
- Fleming’s Right-Hand Rule
- None of the above
- A metal plate can be heated by passing either a direct current or an alternating current through the plate.
- A metal plate can be heated by placing it in a time-invariant magnetic field.
- A metal plate can be heated by placing it in a time-variant magnetic field
- Both (a) and (c)
- 60 Hz
- 50 Hz
- 40 Hz
- 30 Hz
- Choke Coil
- Dynamo
- Electric Motor
- Transformer
- Voltmeter
- Ammeter
- Suspended coil galvanometer
- Moving coil galvanometer
- Pure Inductive Circuit
- Pure Capacitive Circuit
- Pure Resistive Circuit
- None of the above
- Increases
- Decreases
- Remains the same
- Decreases inversely
- Increases
- Decreases
- Remains the same
- None of the above
- Voltage across R equals the applied voltage.
- Voltage across R is zero.
- Voltage across C is zero.
- Voltage across L equals the applied voltage.
- When the inductance of the circuit is zero.
- When the resistance of the circuit is zero.
- When the current is alternating.
- When both resistance and inductance are zero.
- Pure capacitor
- Pure inductor
- Pure resistor
- All of the above
- 0
- π
- π/2
- π/4
- infrared waves
- gamma rays
- microwaves
- radio waves
- Induced EMF
- Electric Field
- Magnetic Field
- Magnetic Dipole
- Reflection
- Diffraction
- Interference
- Polarisation
- Gamma Rays
- Infrared Rays
- X-Rays
- Cosmic Rays
- Microwaves
- Infrared Rays
- Ultraviolet Rays
- X-Rays
- When the source is ac
- When the source is dc
- When the source is either an ac or a dc
- When the source is neither dc nor ac
- moving in a circular orbit
- moving with a constant velocity
- falling in an electric field
- Both (a) and (c)
- Infrared rays
- Microwaves
- Radiowaves
- X-Rays
- Red Light
- Violet Light
- Neither (a) nor (b)
- Both (a) and (b)
- Refraction of light
- Reflection of light
- Total internal reflection
- Diffraction of light
- Concave mirror
- Convex mirror
- Plane mirror
- Cylindrical mirror
- Both frequency and wavelength of the light increase
- The wavelength increases but the frequency remains unchanged
- Both wavelength and frequency decrease
- The wavelength decreases but the frequency remains constant
- Increases
- Decreases
- Does not change
- No effect
- The power of the lens
- The focal length of the lens
- Lens Aperture
- Object Size
- Refraction
- Diffraction
- Scattering
- Total Internal Reflection
- Light travels from rarer medium to denser medium
- Light travels from denser medium to rarer medium
- Light travels in water only
- Light travels in the air only
- Focal Length will become zero
- Focal Length will become infinite
- Focal length will reduce, but not become zero
- Remains unchanged
- Greater the resolving power
- Greater the magnifying power
- Smaller the resolving power
- Smaller the magnifying power
- Converging spherical
- Diverging spherical
- Plane
- None of the above
- By decreasing the width of the slit
- By reducing the separation of slits
- By reducing the wavelength of the slits
- By decreasing the distance between slits and the screen
- Fringe
- Wavelet
- Wavefront
- None of the above
- Frequency
- Wavelength
- Amplitude
- Velocity
- Refraction of light
- Diffraction of light
- Dispersion of light
- Polarization of light
- They are cheaper
- They have a good colour
- They look fashionable
- They reduce the light intensity to half on account of polarization
- The same amplitude and phase
- The same intensity and wavelength
- The same speed
- The same wavelength and constant phase difference
- Doppler Radius
- Doppler Spectrometer
- Doppler Velocimeter
- All of the above
- Fresnel
- Rayleigh
- Fraunhofer
- Poisson
- Intensity
- Amplitude
- Phase
- None of the above
- Photoelectric Emission
- Thermionic Emission
- Secondary Emission
- X-Ray Emission
- It varies with the frequency of light
- It varies with the light intensity
- It varies with the speed of light
- It varies irregularly
- Converts light energy into electricity
- Converts electricity into light energy
- Stores Light energy
- Stores Electricity
- Electrons
- Protons
- Photons
- Alpha particles
- J.J Thomason
- William Crookes
- R.A Millikan
- Wilhelm Hallwachs
- Rubidium
- Sodium
- Caesium
- Cadmium
- Diffraction
- Photocurrent
- Polarization
- Interference
- Magnetic field only
- Electric field only
- Electromagnetic field
- None of the above
- Energy
- Momentum
- Mass
- Angular momentum
- Energy
- Momentum
- Rest Mass
- Frequency
- Electrons
- Protons
- Neutrons
- Nucleus
- Electrons do not remain in orbit.
- Nuclei will break down.
- The nucleus repels electrons.
- Orbiting electrons radiate energy.
- Ultraviolet
- Visible
- Infrared
- Partially Visible
- Circular
- Parabolic
- Spiral
- Straight line
- Nuclear Force
- Coulomb’s Force
- Gravitational Force
- Van Der Waal’s Force
- They jump on the nucleus
- They move randomly
- Radiate electromagnetic waves
- Escape from the atom
- Lyman
- Balmer
- Paschen
- Pfund
- Quantization of angular momentum
- Conservation of Quantum frequency
- Conservation of Mass
- Conservation of Linear Momentum
- the whole of the positive charge is concentrated at the centre of an atom
- there are neutrons inside the nucleus
- α-particles are hydrogen nuclei
- electrons are embedded in the atom
- Neils Bohr
- Albert Einstein
- J.J Thompson
- Ernest Rutherford
- Swachh Bharat Mission
- Namami Gange
- National Mission for Green India
- Global Water Project
- Pradhan Mantri Virasat Ka Samvardhan (PM VIKAS)
- Mission Karmayogi
- Samarth Scheme
- Pradhan Mantri SVANidhi Scheme
- Byju’s
- Tata Steel
- Reliance Industries
- Jio
- Nepal
- Sri Lanka
- France
- Australia
- Russia
- Israel
- China
- Varanasi
- Jaipur
- Hyderabad
- Mysuru
- G-7
- G-20
- European Union
- Sri Lanka
- Ireland
- Singapore
- Maldives
- December 15
- December 18
- December 21
- December 23
- China
- Sweden
- Canada
- Australia
- France
- Argentina
- England
- Morocco
- Odisha
- Arunachal Pradesh
- West Bengal
- Assam
- Kerala
- Telangana
- Karnataka
- Odisha
- 25 %
- 30 %
- 50 %
- 75 %
- 2025
- 2030
- 2035
- 2040
- Union Finance Ministry
- Union Road, transport and highways Ministry
- Union Corporate Affairs Ministry
- Union Commerce and Industry Ministry
- Ukraine
- India
- Sri Lanka
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
- Sri Lanka
- Bangladesh
- Bhutan
- Mass
- Charge
- Momentum
- None of the above
- Isotones
- Isotopes
- Isomers
- Isobars
- free electrons existing in the nuclei
- inner orbits of an atom
- photon escaping from the nucleus
- decay of a neutron in a nuclei
- Joining of nuclei
- Burning of nuclei
- Breaking of nuclei
- Reflection of solar light
- Energy only
- Mass, energy and momentum
- Momentum only
- Mass only
- Protons
- Electrons
- Gamma Rays
- Helium Nuclei
- The innermost shell of the nucleus
- The outermost shell of the nucleus
- Nucleus
- The outermost shell of the atom
- Nuclear Fusion
- Nuclear Fission
- Photoelectric Effect
- Radioactive Decay
- Excess of neutrons
- Excess of protons
- Its excited state
- Large mass
- Protons
- Electrons
- Neutrons
- All of the above
- Monovalent
- Bivalent
- Covalent
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Decreases
- Increases
- Unchanged
- Sometimes decreases and sometimes increases
- Holes
- Atoms
- Electrons
- Protons
- Simplify
- Amplify
- Rectify
- All of the above
- Electrons only
- Holes only
- Both electrons and holes
- Neither electrons nor holes
- Increases
- Decreases
- Remains the same
- First increases later decrease
- Unequal
- Equal
- Infinite
- Zero
- OR
- Positively charged
- Negatively charged
- Uncharged
- None of the above
- It converts sound signal to electrical signal
- It converts the electrical signal to a sound signal
- It converts electrical signals to magnetic form
- It converts sound signal to magnetic signal
- Noise Reception
- Low Efficiency
- Low Operating range
- All of the above
- The signal cannot be amplified for distance communication
- Because it has more noise
- The length of the transmitting antenna is very small
- The length of the transmitting antenna is very large
- Increases
- Decreases
- Remains same
- Both (a) and (b)
- Modulation is doubled
- Modulation is halved
- Carrer swing is halved
- The modulation index is decreased
- Pulse amplitude is increased
- Pulse spacing is reduced
- Pulse width is increased
- Repeater stations are used
- Amplitude modulated
- Frequency modulated
- Phase modulated
- Both frequency and amplitude modulated
- Will bend towards normal
- Will bend away from the normal
- Will follow a straight path
- None of these
- AM Waves
- FM Waves
- Both (a) and (b)
- Neither of these
- MF
- Interference
- Mirage
- Diffraction
- Refraction
- 180 degrees
- 90 degrees
- 0 degree
- 45 degrees
- Interference
- Refraction
- Diffraction
- Mirage
- i
- a
- v
- c
- a convex mirror
- a plane mirror
- a concave mirror
- none of the options
- Faraday’s law
- Snell’s law
- Newton’s law
- Murphy’s law
- Reflection
- Interference
- Refraction
- Divergence
- a convex mirror
- a plane mirror
- a concave mirror
- all mirrors irrespective of their shape
- Radius of curvature
- Optical centre
- Focus
- None of the options
- only virtual image
- only erect image
- only diminished image
- virtual, erect, and diminished image
- blue colour of sky
- reddening of the Sun at sunrise
- reddening of the Sun at sunset
- All of the above
- Cornea
- Iris
- Ciliary muscles
- Pupil
- Indexing of eye
- Accommodation of eye
- Vision restoration
- Adaptivity of eye
- The lens moves in or out
- The pupil gets smaller
- The retina moves in or out
- The lens becomes thicker or thinner
- Hypermetropia
- Myopia
- Cataract
- Presbyopia
- Hypermetropia
- Myopia
- Cataract
- Presbyopia
- Hypermetropia
- Myopia
- Colour-blindness
- Cataract
- Minimum deviation position
- Maximum deviation position
- No deviation position
- None of these option
- 1
- greater than 1
- Lesser than 1
- No magnification seen
- Oil
- Water
- Air
- Paper
- Paper
- Iron
- Glass
- Ebonite
- Ohms
- Volt
- Faraday
- Ampere
- Length
- Material
- Thickness
- Shape
- Galvanometer
- Ammeter
- Voltmeter
- Potentiometer
- Kilowatt hour
- Volt second
- Ampere hour
- Volt second
- Semi-insulator
- Semiconductor
- Conductor
- Insulator
- Metal extraction
- Electric bulb
- Insulators
- Textile manufacturing
- Vector quantity
- Scalar quantity
- Dimensionless quantity
- None of these option
- High resistivity
- Low resistivity
- No resistivity
- None of these option
- South pole
- North Pole
- Center of magnet
- None of these option
- Scalar quantity
- Vector quantity
- Dimensionless quantity
- None of these option
- Short circuits
- Decrease in power supply
- Increase in power supply
- Option (a) and (c)
- Meter bridge
- Sonometer
- Galvanometer
- Electric motor
- Cell
- Load
- Switch
- Wires
- Electric Potential
- Electric Circuit
- Electric Path
- Electric Difference
- Galvanometer
- Ammeter
- Electric motor
- Potentiometer
- 100 V
- 280 V
- 220 V
- 0 V
- 180 degree
- 45 degree
- 90 degree
- 60 degree
- Renewable sources of energy
- Non-renewable sources of energy
- Neither renewable nor non-renewable sources of energy
- None of these option
- Biomass
- Solar energy
- Coal
- Wind
- Uranium
- Thorium
- Air
- Fossil fuels
- as it burns with releasing smoke
- as it burns without releasing smoke
- as it burns without oxygen
- None of these option
- Uranium
- Thorium
- Methane
- Hydrochloric acid
- Venus
- Pluto
- Sun
- Moon
- depends on the tower height
- depends on wind velocity
- does not depend on wind velocity
- depends on the trees surrounding it
- White house effect
- Red house effect
- Blackhouse effect
- Greenhouse effect
- Exhaustible
- Inexhaustible
- Neither exhaustible nor inexhaustible
- Too expensive
- Fuel gas
- Ethane gas
- Gobar gas
- Petroleum gas
- Herbivores
- Carnivores
- Omnivores
- None of these option
- Non-biodegradable waste
- Biodegradable waste
- Neither Non-biodegradable waste nor biodegradable waste
- None of these option
- Producers
- Decomposers
- Consumers
- Herbivores
- Bacteria
- Plants
- Water
- All the above options
- Air pollution
- Extinction
- Urbanisation
- All the above options
- Animal
- Plant
- Fungi
- None of the options
- Dog
- Cat
- Lion
- Deer
- Flood
- Rain
- Increased UV radiations
- Earthquake
- Water bottle
- Cupboard
- Glass
- Water
- Government Application Plan
- Government Auction Plan
- Ganga Action Plan
- Ganga Application Plan
- Reduce
- Reuse
- Recycle
- All the above options
- Schools
- Highways
- Forests
- Apartments
- ozone layer depletion
- increase in global warming
- degradation of catchment areas
- All the above options
- Floods
- Rains
- Acid rain
- None of the options
- rise in the temperature of Earth
- melting of polar ice caps
- flooding in low-lying areas
- All the above options
- Iron
- Soil
- Coal
- Petroleum
- Ministry of Electronics and IT
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Ministry of Corporate Affairs
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of MSME
- Ministry of Finance
- Gujarat
- Tripura
- Telangana
- Odisha
- Gujarat
- Assam
- West Bengal
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Hemant Gupta
- A K Sikri
- V V Ramana
- Ranjan Gogoi
- China
- Japan
- France
- Australia
- Cervical Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Oral Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Atal Behari Vajpayee
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Chaudhary Charan Singh
- P V Narasimha Rao
- NITI Aayog
- State Bank of India
- National Stock Exchange
- Anti-terrorism
- Ease of doing business
- Eradication of Mal-nutrition
- Police Reforms
- Serum Institute of India
- Biological E Ltd
- Bharat Biotech
- Biocon
- Indian Railways
- Can Fin Homes
- LIC Housing Finance
- Harmanpreet Singh
- P.R. Sreejesh
- Amit Rohidas
- Rupinder Pal Singh
- Israel
- Russia
- France
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
- Maldives
- Mauritius
- Antarctica
- Australia
- Greenland
- Iceland
- Pune
- Amravati
- Udupi
- Varanasi
- China
- Sri Lanka
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
- Enforcement Directorate
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- Ministry of Rural Development
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
- NITI Aayog
- Supreme Court
- USD 3.56 billion
- USD 13.56 billion
- USD 23.56 billion
- USD 43.56 billion
- Department of Expenditure
- Department of Economic Affairs
- Department of Revenue
- Department of Financial Services
- Assam
- West Bengal
- Andhra Pradesh
- Gujarat
- 1 Lakh
- 1.5 Lakh
- 2.5 Lakh
- 5 Lakh
- Finance Ministry
- Reserve Bank of India
- NITI Aayog
- World Bank
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Punjab
- Goa
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Gujarat
- Odisha
- Kerala
- West Bengal
- Finland
- Sweden
- Italy
- Germany
- NITI Aayog
- Meta
- Amazon
- Samsung
- R Praggnananda
- Magnus Carlsen
- Koneru Humpy
- Harika Dronavalli
- Sri Lanka
- Austria
- Bangladesh
- Brazil
- France
- Italy
- Argentina
- Slovenia
- Croatia
- Serbia
- Romania
- New Delhi
- Uttar Pradesh
- Haryana
- Andhra Pradesh
- Sri Lanka
- Nepal
- Bangladesh
- Bhutan
- Israel
- Guyana
- Ukraine
- Captain Shiva Chouhan
- Captain Bhawana Kanth
- Captain Avani Chaturvedi
- Captain Mohana Singh Jitarwal
- Delhi High Court
- Bombay High Court
- Chennai High Court
- Allahabad High Court
- Mumbai
- Bangkok
- Colombo
- Dhaka
- China
- India
- Israel
- Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
- Article 14
- Article 16
- Article 19
- Article 22
- Rs 1500 crore
- Rs 2500 crore
- Rs 3000 crore
- Rs 4000 crore
- Dhruv Aerospace
- Pixxel
- Space Kidz India
- Astra
- Karnataka
- Kerala
- Tamil Nadu
- Odisha
- Varanasi
- Indore
- Pune
- Chennai
- Ministry of MSME
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
- 100
- 200
- 500
- 1000
- 6 per cent
- 7 per cent
- 8 per cent
- 8.5 per cent
- Railway Ministry
- NITI Aayog
- Indonesia
- Philippines
- Hawaii (USA)
- Japan
- Telangana
- Kerala
- Odisha
- West Bengal
- Grievance Redressal
- Invitation Management
- Issuance of Electoral Bonds
- Donation to Places of Worship
- Amoeba, sponge, leech
- Sponge, cockroach, Amoeba
- Earthworm, sponge, leech
- Tapeworm, earthworm, honeybee
- Cucurbits and coconuts are monoecious plants.
- Papayas and date palms are dioecious plants.
- Leeches and tapeworms are bisexual animals.
- Sponges and coelenterates are unisexual animals.
- asexually reproducing diploid individuals
- sexually reproducing haploid individuals
- sexually reproducing diploid individuals
- all of these.
- diploid, haploid
- haploid, diploid
- diploid, diploid
- haploid, haploid
- Housefly
- Butterfly
- Ophioglossum
- Onion
- 40
- 30
- 20
- 10
- 380
- 190
- 95
- 760
- Multiprocessor
- Time sharing
- Interactive
- Real time
- OR
- a
- b
- c
- d
- water
- air
- pollination
- apomixis
- Brinjal
- Cucumber
- Papaya
- Bitter gourd
- pericarp
- fruit wall
- fruit
- both (a) and (b).
- offspring do not possess exact copies of parental DNA
- DNA of only one parent is copied and passed on to the offspring
- offspring are formed at different times
- DNA of parent and offspring are completely different
- 12,24,12
- 24,12,12
- 12, 24, 24
- 24, 12, 24.
- nodes are shorter than intemodes
- nodes have meristematic cells
- nodes are located near the soil
- nodes have non-photosynthetic cells.
- they cannot reproduce sexually
- they reproduce be binary fission
- parental body is distributed among the offspring
- they are microscopic.
- the habitat and morphology of the organism
- morphology of the organism
- morphology and physiology of the organism
- the organisms habitat, physiology and genetic makeup.
- Transfer of pollen grains
- Embryo development
- Formation of flower
- Formation of pollen grains
- 20
- 10
- 40
- 15
- juvenile phase
- vegetative phase
- both (a) and (b)
- none of these.
- Bamboo
- Lite hi
- Mango
- All of these
- annual plants
- perennial plants
- biennial plants
- ephemeral plants.
- 5 years
- 12 years
- 20 years
- 50 years.
- being monocarpic
- length of juvenile phase
- being polycarpic
- none of these.
- cows and sheep
- humans and monkeys
- chimpanzees and gorillas
- none of these.
- Gorillas and chimpanzees
- Monkeys and humans
- Orangutans and monkeys
- All of these
- slow metabolism
- cessation of reproduction
- decreased immunity
- all of these
- heterothallic
- homothallic
- dioecious
- monoecious
- eggs
- antherozoids
- fruits
- all of these
- State Bank of India
- Canara Bank
- Indian Bank
- Punjab National Bank
- Bihar
- Assam
- West Bengal
- Jharkhand
- Kolkata
- Tamil Nadu
- Odisha
- Rajasthan
- NITI Aayog
- World Bank
- Tamil Nadu
- Kerala
- Rajasthan
- Haryana
- NITI Aayog
- Reserve Bank of India
- Sustainable Science
- Atmanirbhar India and Science
- Global Science for Global Wellbeing
- Behavioural Science
- West Bengal
- Odisha
- Jharkhand
- Maharashtra
- NITI Aayog
- they grow indefinitely in size
- they can tolerate any degree of change in temperature
- they can reproduce throughout their life span
- they continue to live as their daughter cells.
- Banyan tree
- tortoise
- parrot
- Elephant
- Parrot < Crow < Butterfly < Banyan tree
- Butterfly < Crow < Parrot < Crocodile
- Fruit fly < Crocodile < Parrot < Banyan tree
- Parrot < Tortoise < Dog < Crow
- Growth
- Reproduction
- Respiration
- Nutrition
- Prithvi II
- Agni V
- Vikas II
- Bhim I
- Marenge Toh Wahin Jaakar
- Naatu Naatu
- Pasoori
- Kalakatha
- Paris Agreement
- Montreal Protocol
- Chicago Agreement
- Kyoto Protocol
- 5.5 %
- 6.6 %
- 7.0 %
- 7.7 %
- Haryana
- Odisha
- West Bengal
- Kerala
- Lifespan
- physiology
- growth rate
- genetic makeup.
- Regeneration
- Budding
- Binary fission
- Fragmentation
- Monera
- Plantae
- Animalia
- All of these.
- Plasma membrane
- Nucleus
- Contractile
- All of these
- sexual reproduction in animals
- sexual reproduction in plants
- asexual reproduction in animals
- asexual reproduction in plants.
- Bud
- Bulbil
- Turion
- Antherozoid
- Dahlia and ginger
- Potato and sweet potato
- Dahlia and rose
- Potato and sugarcane
- bulbs
- bulbils
- tubers
- offsets.
- Bryophyllum and Kalanchoe
- Chrysanthemum and Agave
- Agave and Dioscorea
- Bryophyllium and Asparagus
- 2 x
- x/2
- x/4
- x
- A piece of potato tuber with eyes
- A middle piece of sugarcane internode
- A piece of ginger rhizome
- A marginal piece of Bryophyllum leaf
- it is not affected by adverse environmental conditions
- fertilization is a chance factor
- it rapidly multiplies the population
- it assists in evolution by producing variations.
- syngamy
- embryogenesis
- oogamy
- parthenogenesis.
- November
- December
- January
- February
- Maldives
- Panama
- Malaysia
- UK
- Japan
- India
- Kerala
- Karnataka
- Bihar
- West Bengal
- Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana
- Pradhan Mantri Antodaya Ann Yojana
- Pradhan Mantri Ann Raksha Yojana
- Pradhan Mantri Vikas Yojana
- Fucus
- Funaria
- Marsilea
- all of these.
- never occurs
- occurs at time of gamete production
- occurs after fertilisation
- occurs during vegetative growth.
- single-celled zygote
- double-celled zygote
- haploid zygote
- haploid gametes.
- It is usually biparental.
- Gametes are always formed.
- It is a slow process
- It involves only mitosis.
- proper embryonic care and protection is absent
- embryo does not develop completely
- progenies are of smaller size
- genetic variations do not occur.
- birds and reptiles
- birds and mammals
- mammals and reptiles
- all of these.
- Lizard, Turtile
- Platypus, Crocodile
- Cow, Crocodile
- Whale, Mouse
- Ornithorhynchus and Echidna
- Macropus and Pteropus
- Balaenoptera and Homo sapiens
- Both (a) and (c)
- Sharks
- lizards
- frogs
- birds
- Secondary nucleus, polar nucleus
- Polar nucleus, female gamete
- Male gamete, female gamete
- All of the above
- The filiform apparatus blocks the entry of pollen and sperm cells
- The secondary nuclei form a polar nucleus prior to fertilisation
- Androecium is a part of the carpel
- All of the above
- Microspore mother cell
- Endosperm nucleus (primary)
- Megaspore mother cell
- Megaspore
- Vasectomy
- Femidom
- Copper T
- Silver T
- Syphilis
- Chlamydia
- Hepatitis B
- Cholera
- Proteins
- Sugar Fructose
- Sperm
- (a) and (b)
- Formation of ovum
- Secretion of Progesterone
- Secretion of Estrogen
- All of the above
- Filters oxygen, glucose and other nutrients to the baby via the umbilical cord
- Removes carbon dioxide and waste products from the baby’s blood
- Both A and B
- None of the above
- Diaphragm
- Withdrawal
- Sterilization
- All of the above
- Vasectomy
- Tubal Sterilization
- a) and (b)
- Variation
- Heredity
- Gene
- Allele
- Adaptation
- Evolution
- Variation
- All of the above
- Gene is a sequence of nucleotides
- During the process of gene expression, DNA is first copied into RNA
- Genes can acquire mutations in their sequence
- Genes cannot acquire mutations in their sequence
- Phenotype
- Genes
- All of the above
- Dominant plant
- Mutant plant
- Hybrid plant
- All of the above
- Charles Darwin
- Stanely Miller
- Harold Urey
- Aristotle
- Different function with a different structure
- Same function with the same structure
- Same function but with a different structure
- Different function but the same structure
- Chromosome
- Mitochondria
- Gene
- Eye colour
- Height
- Hair colour
- None of the above
- Swimming technique
- Big nose
- Sculpted body
- All of the above
- Polythene
- Paper
- Plastic
- Glass
- Human/ animal waste
- Newspaper
- Aluminium
- Plant products
- Genus
- Ecosystem
- Class
- Biome
- Amoeba
- Mushrooms
- Sunlight
- Green plants
- Humidity
- Animal
- Temperature
- Altitude
- Whales
- Eagle
- Bear
- Cow
- Mountains
- Rocks
- Grass
- All of the above
- Ocean
- Pond
- Underground caves
- Forest
- Panther
- Bear
- Wolf
- Lion
- O5
- O4
- O3
- O2
- Gujarat
- Karnataka
- Odisha
- West Bengal
- Hero Motorcorp
- Eicher Motors
- TVS Motors
- Honda Motors
- Rs 2002 crore
- Rs 4002 crore
- Rs 6002 crore
- Rs 8002 crore
- Nitrotrous oxide
- Methane
- Ozone
- None of the above
- Grazing
- Removing topsoil
- Afforestation
- Deforestation
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
- Carbon dioxide
- Bacteria present in the digestive tract of animals
- Bacteria present in hot springs
- Bacteria present in frigid cold environments
- All of the above
- Agriculture
- Aestivation
- Vegetation
- Afforestation
- Sericulture
- Apiculture
- Silviculture
- Agriculture
- Air
- Water
- Sunlight
- Forests
- Reuse, reduce, recycle
- Reuse, redistribute, recycle
- Reduce, ration, regenerate
- All of the above
- Water
- Fruits
- Tree
- Wooden boat
- Fossil fuel is not a renewable source
- Natural gas is not a renewable source
- Sunlight is a renewable source
- Coal is a renewable resource
- Snake
- Butterfly
- Spider
- Turtle
- Bihar
- West Bengal
- Rajasthan
- Haryana
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- Politics
- Science
- Sports
- Business
- Ministry of MSME
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Corporate Affairs
- Tamil Nadu
- Maharashtra
- Karnataka
- Madhya Pradesh
- World Bank
- World Trade Organisation
- NITI Aayog
- World Economic Forum
- 10 per cent
- 20 percent
- 25 percent
- 40 percent
- World Bank
- Asian Development Bank
- Saudi Arabia
- Afghanistan
- Jaydev Unadkat
- Ravichandran Ashwin
- Jasprit Bumrah
- Mohammed Shami
- Assam
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Punjab
- France
- Australia
- Sri Lanka
- Mumbai
- Ahmedabad
- New Delhi
- Bengaluru
- Tesla
- Microsoft
- Apple
- Gujarat
- Odisha
- Jharkhand
- Bihar
- South Korea
- North Korea
- Singapore
- Malaysia
- Kerala
- Haryana
- Telangana
- Punjab
- UK
- Saudi Arabia
- Sri Lanka
- Australia
- Keralotsavam
- Kerala Sahavu
- Malayala Manorama
- Mallu Magic
- 10
- 20
- 50
- 100
- Larsen & Toubro
- China
- Canada
- Germany
- Table Tennis
- Tennis
- Squash
- Three
- Four
- Five
- Seven
- Dictionary
- Thesaurus
- Spelling
- Character
- Paragraph
- Frame
- All the above
- Thailand
- Myanmar
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
- 1.2 lakh crore
- 1.5 lakh crore
- 1.7 lakh crore
- 1.8 lakh crore
- Ministry of Coal
- Ministry of Railways
- Ministry of Steel
- Ministry of Tourism
- South Africa
- Italy
- Indonesia
- Nagpur
- Indore
- Varanasi
- Cochin
- Iran
- Afghanistan
- Israel
- Gukesh
- Praggnananda
- Koneru Humpy
- Viswanathan Anand
- NITI Aayog
- Union Health Ministry
- World Bank
- World Economic Forum
- International Monetary Fund
- Asian Development Bank
- Amit Shah
- Sanjeev Sanyal
- Santishree Dhulipudi Pandit
- Manoj Soni
- Germany
- UK
- Italy
- France
- Assam
- Meghalaya
- West Bengal
- Bihar
- Odisha
- Madhya Pradesh
- West Bengal
- Assam
- NITI Aayog
- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
- Canara Bank
- State Bank of India
- Union Bank of India
- Punjab National Bank
- Punjab
- Delhi
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Assam
- Agriculture
- Transport
- Meteorology
- Tourism
- MV Ganga Vilas
- MV Bharat Vilas
- MV Gangayaan
- MV Uttarayaan
- Rajasthan
- Karnataka
- Telangana
- Odisha
- New Delhi
- Telangana
- Kerala
- Himachal Pradesh
- Sikkim
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Assam
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Chhattisgarh
- Madhya Pradesh
- Assam
- Andhra Pradesh
- Cooperation in a Fragmented World
- Planet People Partnership
- Inclusive and sustainable growth
- Promotion of Regional Trade
- World Economic Forum
- Oxfam International
- NITI Aayog
- Reserve Bank of India
- France
- Sri Lanka
- Kerala
- Telangana
- West Bengal
- Odisha
- Electronics
- Economics
- Sports
- Business
- Sikkim
- Karnataka
- Meghalaya
- Gujarat
- Punjab
- New Delhi
- Rajasthan
- Kerala
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Urdu
- Malayalam
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
- Badminton
- Squash
- Tennis
- Chess
- NITI Aayog
- Pratham
- Oxfam International
- UK
- Sri Lanka
- Bangladesh
- Mastercard
- Visa
- Maestro
- Paypal
- India
- China
- Indonesia
- Pakistan
- 4.95 %
- 5.15%
- 6.25%
- 7.15%
- Egypt
- France
- Sri Lanka
- Boeing
- Air Bus
- Tesla
- Apple
- Japan
- Nepal
- Sri Lanka
- Bangladesh
- India
- Pakistan
- China
- Australia
- Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force
- Border Security Force
- Central Railway Protection Force
- Central Industrial Security Force
- France
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Brazil
- Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of External Affairs
- Ministry of Defence
- IndOS
- BharOS
- MadrasOS
- TamilOS
- Marching towards Amrit Kaal with Science, Technology, and Innovation
- Innovation for Sustainable Development
- Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
- Bharat Vigyan
- Chennai
- Bengaluru
- Kochi
- Varanasi
- Kerala
- Tamil Nadu
- Karnataka
- Odisha
- Assam
- New Delhi
- Uttarakhand
- Telangana
- Kazakhstan
- Italy
- Israel
- India
- Bharat Ratna
- Padma Vibhushan
- Padma Bhushan
- Param Vir Chakra
- INS Vagir
- INS Virat
- INS Vaaman
- INS Vajra
- India
- Indonesia
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
- 1 million
- 10 million
- 5 million
- 50 million
- West Bengal
- Assam
- Telangana
- Odisha
- Bharat e-platforms
- India Stack
- e-Bharat
- Digi Bharat
- Skating
- Fishing
- Painting
- Sculpting
- NITI Aayog
- Ministry of Culture
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of External Affairs
- Ministry of Finance
- New Delhi
- Kerala
- Sikkim
- Telangana
- West Bengal
- Tamil Nadu
- Odisha
- Gujarat
- Tata Power
- Reliance Industries
- Providing guidance and counseling
- Helping in character building
- Developing effective communication
- To learn to live as per ancient Indian values
- Developing learning skills
- Attainment of knowledge
- Formation of belief
- Glorification of one's country
- regularity of the student in the class
- completion of homework of that subject by the student
- comparison of his/her academic achievement with other students
- Participation of the student in teaching - learning process
- use of teaching - learning material in the classroom
- student’s interest
- Learning outcomes of the students
- course coverage
- Readiness to take risks
- Is ready to question anything
- Is a leader by nature
- Mentally active and alert
- Age of the teacher
- Maturity level of the teacher
- Mental level of the teacher
- Socio- economic background of the teacher's parents
- Demonstration Method
- Showing a video film on gram seed
- Showing five charts of gram seed
- Question Answer Method
- Story telling method
- Play and learn method
- An open and frank discussion on all issue
- Field trip method
- exhibits on bulletin boards
- magazines
- Maps,Charts and Graphs
- video lectures
- Formative
- Oral
- Summative
- Interview based
- India
- Russia
- China
- Gandhinagar
- Mumbai
- Mysuru
- Kochi
- Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Finance Affairs
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 25
- Union Ministry of Textiles
- Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Union Ministry of MSME
- Union Ministry of Steel
- January 25
- January 26
- January 27
- January 30
- IndiGo
- Air India
- Spice Jet
- Vistara
- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Ministry of Consumer Affairs
- Ministry of Agriculture and Family Welfare
- New Delhi
- Durban
- Beijing
- Moscow
- One
- Three
- Five
- Seven
- Nitin Gadkari
- Gireesh Pradhan
- Indu Shekhar Jha
- Arun Goyal
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Corporate Affairs
- Ministry of External Affairs
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Vega
- Steelbird
- Studds
- Royal Enfield
- 24 January
- 27 January
- 30 January
- 2 February
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Australia
- Germany
- Mysuru
- Bhopal
- Guwahati
- Shimla
- Beating Retreat Ceremony
- Martyrs’ Day Ceremony
- Presentation of Guard of Honour Ceremony
- Vijay Diwas Ceremony
- Babar Azam
- Virat Kohli
- Rohit Sharma
- Joe Root
- Andaman and Nicobar Islands
- Lakshadweep
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Sikkim
- Oil marketing companies organised more than 10,000 LPG Panchayats on the occasion of Ujjwala Diwas
- Ujjwala Diwas was celebrated on 1st May 2022
- Free hot plate service camps were organised
- New LPG connections were distributed under Ujjwala 2.00
- The science, technology and innovation observatory will be established as a central repository.
- Library of all private funded institutions will be made publicly accessible.
- The information generated by all privately funded research will be made freely accessible.
- Government will supply critical scientific journals throughout the world.
- Najma Akhtar
- Vashishth Tripathi
- Pratibha Ray
- Radheyshyam Khemka
- Speaker of the Lok Sabha
- Vice - President of India
- Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
- Chairman of the Legislative Council
- Russia
- Ukraine
- India
- Flee
- The Hand of God
- Drive My Car
- The Worst Person in the World
- Russia
- Maldives
- Taiwan
- India
- Telengana
- Manipur
- Sikkim
- Goa
- West Bengal
- Uttar Pradesh
- Uttarakhand
- Bihar
- Chilika lake and Keoladeo National park
- Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary and TSO Kar
- Pallikaranai Marsh Reserve Forest
- Lonar Lake, Asan Barrage and Vembanad - Kol Wetland
- xylem
- epidermis
- phloem
- cambium
- Nucleus
- Cell wall, Chloroplasts, Vacuoles
- Cell membrane
- None of these
- Nitric acid
- Zinc sulphate
- Magnesium sulphate
- Copper sulphate
- fruit
- flower bud
- stem
- root
- It lacks chlorophyll
- It stores food material
- It has notes and internodes
- It grows horizontally in the soil
- Calcium
- Carbon
- Magnesium
- Hydrogen
- It grows in the soil
- It contains carotene
- It is not exposed to sunlight
- The entire plant is orange in colour
- oxygen
- nitrogen
- carbon monoxide
- carbon dioxide
- poisons
- diseases
- bacteria
- viruses
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Fats
- Proteins
- Phloem
- Xylem
- Collenchyma
- Parenchyma
- Sepal
- Petal
- Anther
- Ovary
- partial root parasite
- complete root parasite
- partial stem parasite
- complete stem parasite
- Nitrogen
- Calcium
- Sulphur
- Phosphorus
- Cedar
- Neem
- Cinchona
- Eucalyptus
- Boron
- Zinc
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Nuclear proteins
- Radioactive substances
- Resin
- Latex
- Tannin
- Mucilage
- Adequate light
- Supply of oxygen
- Suitable moisture
- Suitable temperature
- Cryptogams
- Thallophytes
- Bryophytes
- Phanerogams
- DNAse
- Rubisco
- Zymase
- Invertase
- They become concentric
- Their shape is distorted
- They become widely spaced
- They are immune to this change
- Water
- Magnesium
- Nitrogen
- Calcium
- Aldehydes
- Tannis
- Lignins
- Carotenoid
- Food is magnified
- Light is magnified
- Toxic matters are magnified
- Living beings are magnified
- Drosera
- Orobanche
- Rafflesia
- Balanophora
- Coimbatore
- Ernakulam
- Lucknow
- Surat
- Gujarat
- Uttar Pradesh
- Odisha
- West Bengal
- Jaisalmer
- Patiala
- Bhopal
- New Delhi
- Goa
- Kerala
- Karnataka
- Maharashtra
- Mysuru
- Chennai
- चंडीगढ़
- Guwahati
- India
- Bangladesh
- Pakistan
- Nepal
- Mazagon Dock
- West Bengal
- New Delhi
- Telangana
- Kerala
- Indian Oil Corporation
- Hindustan Petroleum
- Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
- Bharat Petroleum
- New Zealand
- Russia
- China
- Mary Kom
- Nikhat Zareen
- Sania Mirza
- P V Sindhu
- December
- January
- February
- March
- Maharashtra
- Madhya Pradesh
- Assam
- जमà¥à¤®à¥‚ और कशà¥à¤®à¥€à¤°
- Jodhpur
- New Delhi
- Kolkata
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Maharashtra
- Madhya Pradesh
- Gujarat
- Odisha
- China
- Australia
- Israel
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Finance
- इसà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤¤ मंतà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤²à¤¯
- Ministry of Rural Development
- Gujarat
- Uttar Pradesh
- Assam
- Nagaland
- NITI Aayog
- National Statistical Office
- Reserve Bank of India
- Ministry of Finance
- Fungi
- Fossils
- Insects
- Birds
- Holoenyme
- Apoenzyme
- Isoenzyme
- All the above
- Cellulose
- Chlorophyll
- Cytochrome
- Carotene
- Garlic
- Turmeric
- Sunflower
- Rose flower
- Ficus
- Euphorbia
- Cuscuta
- Santalum
- fungi
- algae
- ferns
- mosses
- purify air
- drive away flies
- attract insects
- perform all the above
- Epiphytes
- Xerophytes
- Sciophytes
- Heliophytes
- Sciophilous
- Xerophytes
- Heliophytes
- Epiphytes
- Diffusion
- Capillary action
- Absorption
- Both (A) and (B)
- Nitrifying
- Digesting
- Manuring
- Composting
- herb
- shrub
- small tree
- very big tree
- Boron
- Copper
- Molybdenum
- Manganese
- leaf
- stem
- root
- none of these
- Clones
- Pure line
- Indred line
- Pedigree line
- Orange
- Pulses
- Apple
- Rice
- Leaves
- Stem
- Exudate from stem and male inflorescences.
- Exudate from leaves and female inflorescences.
- cricketer
- turtle species
- grass type vegetation
- another name for olive tree
- Culture of Hilsa
- Culture of silver carp
- Culture of oil-producing
- Forest crops
- Fructose
- Maltose
- Sucrose
- Glucose
- Golgi body
- Mitochondrion
- Ribosome
- Lysosome
- Saffron
- Cloves
- Cinnamon
- Cardamom
- राबरà¥à¤Ÿ कà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤‡à¤µ ने
- हेकà¥à¤Ÿà¤° मà¥à¤¨à¤°à¥‹ ने
- Warren Hastings
- इनमें से कोई नहीं
- Robert clive
- Warren Hastings
- Hector monroe
- Charles Eyre Coot
- From 1757 to 1767
- From 1764 to 1793
- From 1765 to 1772
- From 1760 to 1793
- Nawab of awadh
- Nizam of Hyderabad
- Nawab of Karnataka
- king of mysore
- lord hastings
- lord canning
- lord minto
- lord curzon
- Treaty of Mangalore
- Treaty of sringapatnam
- Treaty of Mysore
- Treaty of Bidnoor
- Hastings
- canning
- William Bentinck
- Dalhousie
- Guru Harirai
- Guru Harikishan
- Guru Gobind Singh
- Guru Tegh Bahadur
- Lord dalhousie
- Lord wellesley
- Lord auckland
- Lord bentick
- Guru Angaddev
- Guru Amardas
- Guru Ramdas
- Guru Arjun Dev
- Harram
- Har Kishan
- Govind Singh
- Tegh Bahadur
- canning
- Hastings
- clive
- Cornwallis
- 1 and 2
- 2 and 3
- 1,2 and 4
- 1,2 and 3
- Nanakdev, Ramdas, Amardas, Angdev
- Teg Bahadur, Ramdas, Arjundev, Govind Singh
- Guru Nanak, Angdev, Arjundev, Amardas
- Amardas, Ramdas, Arjundev, Teg Bahadur
- East India Company and Nepal
- East India Company and Mithila
- East India Company and Awadh
- Nawab of Awadh and Nepal
- in mysore
- in coorg
- in Srirangapatna
- in Wandiwash
- Jhansi, Nagpur and Travancore
- Jhansi, Nagpur and Satara
- Jhansi, Satara and Mysore
- Mysore, Satara and Bhavnagar
- Cornwallis
- benthic
- Dalhousie
- Ripen
- Princely state of mysore
- Travancore
- vijayanagar
- none of these
- Srirangapatna
- Mysore
- Bangalore
- Bhagyanagar
- in 1756 AD
- in 1757 AD
- in 1758 AD
- in 1759 AD
- Warren Hastings
- Cornwallis
- William Bentinck
- Lord Canning
- Lord mountbatten
- Curzon
- Warren Hastings
- Lord ripon
- Rajputs
- The Mughals
- The sikhs
- Marathas
- It ended French power in India
- It paved the way for British supremacy in Bengal and thereafter for British control over the whole of India
- The entire army under Admiral Watson-Colonel Clive was annihilated
- All traitors against Siraj-ud-daulah were killed
- To strengthen the foundation of his political power in India
- To raise the standard of education in India?
- Developing Mass Literacy in India
- To remove the chaos prevailing inside the illiterate Indians
- Awadh
- Odisha
- Burma
- United Provinces
- Guru Nanak
- Guru Ramdas
- Guru Arjun
- Guru Gobind Singh
- from the Charter Act of 1813
- from Macaulay's minutes of 1835
- From the Hunter Commission of 1882
- From Wood's Despatch of 1854
- Http URL
- News Address
- Telnet URL
- CTRL+Shift+L
- CTRL+Shift+A
- CTRL+Shift+F
- CTRL+Shift+K
- 1, 2, 3, 4
- 1, 2, 4,3
- 2, 1, 3, 4
- 3, 2,1, 4
- Lack of national feeling in India
- Company's army was western trained and had modern weapons
- Lack of national spirit in Indian soldiers
- The above three
- Lord Mayo
- Lord dalhousie
- Lord Canning
- Lord dufferin
- Lord dalhousie
- Lord william bentick
- Lord Canning
- Lord auckland
- Lord dalhousie
- Lord william bentick
- Lord auckland
- Lord Canning
- Shujauddaulah
- Saadat Khan 'Burhan-ul-Mulk'
- safdarjung
- sher khan
- Jahandar Shah
- Farrukhsiyar
- Mohammad Shah
- Shah Alam II
- Ahmed shah
- Azizuddin Alamgir ll
- Mohammad Shah
- Shah alam ii
- Bentick
- Cornwallis
- Hastings
- Wellesley
- The British opposed the ascension of Siraj-ud-daulah
- The British misused trade exemptions
- The British attacked the French colony of Chandra Nagar in Bengal.
- Occurrence of black holes
- 1, 2 and 4
- 2 and 4
- 1 and 4
- 1,4, and 5
- murshidism
- ढाका
- मà¥à¤‚गेर
- कलकतà¥à¤¤à¤¾
- Naveen Chandra Sen
- बंकिम चंदà¥à¤° चटरà¥à¤œà¥€
- रवीनà¥à¤¦à¥à¤°à¤¨à¤¾à¤¥ टैगोर
- काजी नजरूल इसà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤®
- Jadunath Sarkar
- K.M.Panikkar
- ताराचंद
- इनमें से कोई नहीं
- from Warren Hastings
- from Lord Ilhousie
- हेनरी लॉरेंस से
- लॉरà¥à¤¡ हेसà¥à¤Ÿà¤¿à¤‚गà¥à¤¸ से
- Mohammad Raza Khan
- Raja Shitav Rai
- opinion rare
- Syed Ghulam Hussain
- amichand
- माणक चंद
- opinion rare
- Raja Shitab Rai
- from shah shuja
- from Zaman Shah
- from friend Muhammad
- from Sher Ali
- captain popham
- Sir Eyrecoot
- sir hector munro
- General Godai
- Hari Singh Nalwa
- Khadak Singh
- sher singh
- Naunihal Singh
- Lord Cornwallis - Permanent Settlement
- Lord Wellesley - Subsidiary Alliance System
- Lord Hastings - Second Anglo-Maratha War
- Lord Bentinck - 17th Regulation of 1829
- Guru Hargobind
- Guru Gobind Singh
- Guru Tegh Bahadur
- Guru Arjun Dev
- war of Plasi
- Battle of Buxar
- Battle of Wandiwash
- Third Battle of Panipat
- Lord William Bentinck
- lord canning
- Lord Burnham
- Sir Harcourt Butler
- Sukarchakia
- Sandhwalia
- Ahluwalia
- Ramgarhia
- Lord Wellesley
- Lord Hastings
- Lord William Bentinck
- Lord Hardinge
- Alivardi Khan
- sirajuddaulah
- Mir Jafar
- Mir Qasim
- Guru Ramdas
- Guru Angad
- guru arjundev
- Guru Gobind Singh
- Aurangzeb
- shah alam
- bahadur shah zafar
- shah alam ll
- 1857 AD
- 1799 AD
- 1793 AD
- 1769 AD
- Alivardi Khan
- Mir Jafar
- sirajuddaulah
- Mir Qasim
- guru arjundev
- Guru Gobind Singh
- Guru Tegh Bahadur
- none of these
- war of Plasi
- Battle of Buxar
- Third Battle of Mysore
- Revolt of 1857
- of a bird sanctuary in Kerala
- of a town in Tamil Nadu
- a festival in karnataka
- of a coastal town in Andhra Pradesh
- robert clive
- vensitart
- courier
- Warren Hastings
- Regulating Act of 1773
- Charter Act of 1793
- Charter Act of 1813
- Charter Act of 1833
- robert clive
- vensitart
- worst
- Warren Hastings
- Warren Hastings
- Cornwallis
- wellesley
- lord minton
- Haider Ali
- Mir Qasim
- Shah Alam II
- tipu sultan
- since dufferin
- from the time of dalhousie
- from the time of lytton
- since curzon
- General Henry Prendergrant
- Colonel Sleeman
- Alexander Banners
- Captain Robert Pemberton
- Muhammad Shah
- Bahadur Shah I
- Jahandarshah
- Shah Alam II
- zulfikar khan
- Hussain Ali Khan
- Abdullah Khan
- none of these
- zulfikar khan
- syed brothers
- Muhammad Ameer Khan
- Mir Jumla
- Mir Jumla
- zulfikar khan
- chinkilich khan
- syed brothers
- Jahandar Shah
- farukhsiyar
- Rafi-ud-Darjat
- Rafiuddaulah
- 1, 2 and 3
- 1,2 and 4
- 1, 2, 3 and 4
- 1, 3 and 4
- farrukhsiyar
- Rafi-ud-Darjat
- Muhammad Shah
- Shah Alam .
- Muhammadshah 'Rangeela'
- Shah Alam .
- Bahadurshah II
- none of these
- farrukhsiyar
- Muhammadshah 'Rangeela'
- ahmedshah
- Shah Alam .
- Muhammad bin Qasim
- Timur Lung
- nadirshah
- Ahmad Shah Abdali (Durrani)
- Muhammadshah 'Rangeela'
- Akbar ll
- Alamgir ll
- Shah Alam.
- Muhammad Shah
- ahmedshah
- Alamgir I
- Shah Alam
- Bahadur Shah.
- Muhammad Shah
- Bahadur Shah
- Shah Alam
- Shah Alam II
- Akbar
- Alamgir ll
- none of these
- Nawab of Awadh
- Nawab of Bengal
- Nawab of Karnataka
- none of these
- Gokula
- King Rama
- Churaman (Chudamani)
- Badan Singh
- churaman
- Badan Singh
- Surajmal
- none of these
- bahadur shah
- Jahandarshah
- firmvasier
- Muhammad Shah.
- Murshid Quli Jafar Khan
- shujauddin
- Alivardi Khan
- sirajuddaulah
- Bahadur Shah.
- farrukhsiyar
- Muhammadshah 'Rangeela'
- ahmed shah
- Alivardi-Khan
- sirajuddaulah
- Mir Jafar
- Mir Qasim
- Alivardi Khan
- sirajuddaulah
- Mir Jafar
- Mir Qasim
- sirajuddaulah
- Sarfaraz
- Mir Jafar
- Mir Qasim
- He wanted to stay away from the conspiratorial atmosphere of Murshidabad and Calcutta so that the British would not interfere
- He was forced to do so by Vensitart, the governor of Bengal.
- He was impressed by the pleasant environment of Munger.
- none of these
- Alivardi Khan
- sirajuddaulah
- Mir Jafar
- Mir Qasim
- Shah Alam II and Clive
- Shujauddaulah and Clive
- Mir Kasim and Clive
- none of these
- sirajuddaulah
- Mir Jafar
- Mir Qasim
- najmuddaulah
- Mir Jafar
- najmuddaulah
- saifuddaulah
- Mubarakuddaulah
- Immadi Chikk Krishnaraj
- Haider Ali
- tipu sultan
- none of these
- Chanda Sahib
- Muhammad Ali
- Haider Ali
- tipu sultan
- Search Engine
- Meta Search Engine
- Mega Search Engine
- None of the above
- dialog-based
- dialog-free
- Incremerntal Search
- Decremental Search
- First Anglo-Mysore War
- Second Anglo-Mysore War
- Third Anglo-Mysore War
- Fourth Anglo Mysore War
- Web Service
- Web Hosting
- Web Marketing
- Web Publishing
- Warren Hastings
- lord cornwallis
- Sir Jan Shor
- lord wellesley
- 1, 2 and 4
- 2, 3 and 5
- 1, 2, 3 and 4
- 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
- Travancore, Nizam, Maratha and British
- Travancore, Nizam, Maratha and French
- Rohilkhand, Travancore, Maratha and British
- Rohilkhand, Travancore, Nizam and Maratha
- Haider Ali
- Tipu Sultan
- Sirajuddaulah
- Mir Qasim
- Haider Ali
- tipu sultan
- Alivardi Khan
- Mir Qasim
- arjundev
- Hargovind
- Tegh Bahadur
- Guru Gobind Singh
- subsidiary alliance
- amalgamation
- Warning
- cheating
- arjundev
- Hargovind
- Tegh Bahadur
- Guru Gobind Singh
- arjundev
- Tegh Bahadur
- Guru Gobind Singh
- none of these
- 1, 2 and 3
- 1, 2 and 4
- 2, 3 and 4
- 1,2,3 and 4
- Tegh Bahadur
- Guru Gobind Singh
- Banda Bahadur (Veer Banda Vairagi)
- Ranjit Singh
- Bahadur Shah I
- farrukhsiyar
- Muhammad Shah I
- Shah Alam II
- Guru Gobind Singh
- Kapoor Singh
- Maha Singh
- Ranjit Singh
- 1-2-3-4
- 1-2-4-3
- 2-1-3-4
- 4-3-2-1
- Lahore
- Amritsar
- Malwa
- kangada
- Lahore Victory Campaign
- Amritsar Victory Campaign
- Malwa victory campaign
- Kangra Victory Campaign
- Posture
- Sukarchakia
- Singhpuria
- Ahluwalia
- Sindhu
- Jhelum
- Raavi
- Sutlej
- 1, 2 and 3
- 1, 3 and 4
- 1, 2, 3and 4
- 2, 3 and 4
- Tegh Bahadur
- Guru Gobind Singh
- man brave
- Ranjit Singh
- Khadak Singh
- Naunihal Singh
- sher singh
- Dilip Singh
- lord elvenrow
- lord auckland
- Lord Hardinge |
- lord hastings
- Macaulay
- Alexander Burns
- outram
- sir charles napier
- lord wellesley
- tomas monroe
- lord dalhousie
- none of these
- लॉरà¥à¤¡ वैलेसà¥à¤²à¥€
- Karl Marx
- lord dalhousie
- tomas monroe
- Duple
- lord wellesley
- lord dalhousie
- none of these
- Duple
- lord wellesley
- lord dalhousie
- clive
- lord wellesley
- lord dalhousie
- lord harding
- William Bentinck
- Amritsar
- Lahore
- rawalpindi
- Peshawar
- weak mughal emperor
- Lack of strong defense in the North West Frontier
- Delayed preparations for the defense of Delhi
- use of superior military technology by the invasion force
- He ruled Travancore
- he suppressed the feudal lords
- He organized a strong and modern army
- He paid heavy bribes to European officials to keep the peace
- Yahoo
- startpage
- Excite
- DuckDuckGo
- Anput handler
- Event handler
- Document handler
- Action handler
- It did not allow the Indian rulers to adopt a successor
- It did not allow the adopted successor to rule after the death of the ruler.
- It made the amalgamation of Indian states mandatory after the death of a ruler
- It made the accession of the Indian state mandatory if the adoption of the successor was not approved by the British authority
- English
- Haider Ali
- Maratha
- construction of hyderabad
- Mir Jafar
- Mir Qasim
- sirajuddaulah
- None of these
- Economic
- Political
- Religious
- psychological
- after the battle of plassey
- after the battle of buxar
- After the company is allowed to do business in India
- after the charter act of 1813
- permanent settlement
- ryotwari system
- Mahalwadi system
- Dahsala system
- William Dudley
- roger smith
- george clarke
- Warren Hastings
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Surendra Nath Banerjee
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Bombay and Thane
- Calcutta and Madras
- Bombay and Agra
- Calcutta and Agra
- sharecropper
- Farmer
- landlord
- farm worker
- face
- Bombay
- Ahmedabad
- Coimbatore
- permanent land system of bengal province
- Ryotwari Land System of Madras Province
- zamindari land system of intermediate province
- land revenue system of united provinces
- robert clive
- Warren Hastings
- lord wellesley
- lord cornwallis
- in 1753
- in 1793
- in 1762
- in 1803
- in 1816
- in 1818
- in 1820
- in 1822
- in 1793
- in 1816
- in 1820
- in 1822
- 1,2,3 and 4
- 1, 3, 4 and 5
- 1,2,4 and 5
- 1,2,3,4 and 5
- A state in Eastern India
- D. India
- Gujarat
- Assam
- reduction in production quality
- non availability of raw material
- high tariffs on goods exported to Britain
- unavailability of craftsmen
- Bankimchandra Chatterjee
- humble friend
- Sharat Chandra Chatterjee
- Rabindranath Tagore
- in Chikmagalur district
- in Coorg district
- in Nilgiri district
- in Wayanad district
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- M. N. Rai
- Jai Prakash Narayan
- Ram Manohar Lohia
- Lord Dufferin's
- Lord Lytton's
- Lord Mayo's
- Lord Ripon's
- permanent settlement
- Mahalwadi Settlement
- ryotwari settlement
- none of these
- Howrah and Shrirampur
- Bombay and Thane
- Madras and Guntur
- Delhi and Agra
- Requirement of educated Indians for appointment to small administrative posts
- Promotion of Indian Culture
- Modernizing the Indian people so that they can participate in political responsibility
- none of the above
- iframe
- uframe
- no frame
- frameset
- 89%'
- 11%'
- 66%'
- 33%'
- 89%'
- 11%'
- 66%'
- 33%'
- 1,2,3and 4
- 1,3,4 and 5
- 1,2,4and 5
- 1,2,3,4,5
- Safari
- Chrome
- Edge
- All the above
- martin bird
- tomas monroe
- captain reed
- charles grant
- permanent settlement
- ryotwari system
- Mahalwadi system
- none of these
- Testing India's capacity for further political reforms
- Making recommendations on reports on the existing conditions of workers
- Preparing a project for financial reforms in India.
- To develop a comprehensive system for administrative services in India.
- Hindustan Commercial Bank
- Avadh Commercial Bank
- Punjab National Bank
- Punjab And Sind Bank
- Bengal Presidency
- Madras Presidency
- Bombay Presidency
- Madras Presidency and Bombay Presidency
- Holding Indians and Europeans on an equal footing as far as the criminal jurisdiction of the courts was concerned
- Severely curbing the freedom of the native press as it was seen as hostile to the colonial rulers
- Conducting civil services examinations in India so that native Indians can be encouraged to appear in them
- Amending the Arms Act to allow indigenous Indians to keep arms
- lack of heavy industries
- lack of foreign capital
- depletion of natural resources
- Preference / priority to invest in real estate by the wealthy class
- Embedded style sheets enable to embed an entire CSS document in an XHTML document's head section
- Class Selectors are used in Embedded Style sheets
- The style element's type attribute specifies the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type that describes a file's content
- All the statements are correct
- Paper
- Jute
- Tea
- Sugar
- w3-opacity
- w3-trans
- w3-grayscale
- None of the above
- an index of encyclopedia articles
- where all Internet data is stored
- required for access to the Internet
- the first page of a website
- Education domain
- Commercial domain
- E-Learning domain
- Entertainment domain
- Telnet
- if
- else
- else if
- none of the above
- Charter Act of 1813
- Charter Act of 1833
- Victoria's Proclamation Act of 1858
- none of these
- The farmers had faith in the landlords
- There was no government control over the zamindars
- It was the responsibility of the British Government
- Farmers were not interested to get
- Wood's Dispatch, 1854
- हणà¥à¤Ÿà¤° आयोग (1882) के पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤µà¥‡à¤¦à¤¨ को
- रैले आयोग (1902) के पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤µà¥‡à¤¦à¤¨ को
- सैडलर आयोग (1917) के पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤µà¥‡à¤¦à¤¨ को
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- 1, 2 and 3
- 1,2 and 4
- 1, 3 and 4
- 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Downward Filtration Theory
- Upward Filtration Theory
- Downward Distillation Theory
- Upward Distillation Theory
- Charles Grant
- marshman
- William Jones
- John Marshall
- david hair
- William Jones
- Macaulay
- john marshall
- The British took the finished goods of the Indian weavers at throwaway prices.
- Raw material control by the British
- Heavy import tax on Indian goods imported into England
- All of the above
- 1757-1857
- 1800-1850
- 1850-1947
- none of these
- in 1550 AD
- in 1650 AD
- in 1750 AD
- in 1850 AD
- lord cornwallis
- William Bentinck
- lord dalhousie
- Lord Canning
- Rapid consumption of goods produced in British industries and supply of raw materials from different parts of India to British industries
- binding the vast Indian empire into a single political-administrative thread
- Rapid movement of army during internal rebellion and external aggression
- all of the above
- lord dalhousie
- carl marx
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Rishra (Bengal)
- Bombay
- Broach
- Surat
- In Bihar
- in Bengal
- in Maharashtra
- in Tamil Nadu
- Carl marx
- Buchanan
- William Jones
- lord dalhousie
- Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- Bengal
- Maharashtra
- Rajasthan
- Gujarat
- V.K. R. V. Rao
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Sardar Patel
- Rajendra Prasad
- in 1879
- 1881 में
- 1883 में
- in 1885
- lord dufferin
- लॉरà¥à¤¡ लिटन
- lord ripon
- Lord Mayo
- in 1925
- in 1929
- in 1858
- in 1935
- in 1813
- in 1833
- in 1853
- in 1858
- Control the compare, capture mode
- Act as a counter
- Provide a time delay
- All of these
- R. C. Mazumdar
- Ramesh Chandra Dutt
- R. G. Bhandarkar
- Rajnipam Dutt
- in 1809
- in 1913
- in 1916
- in 1919
- E. Thomson
- D. T. Garratt
- harald lasky
- Karl Marx
- Destruction of Indian traditional industries
- Recruitment of British in all high posts
- withdrawal of funds
- Indian treatment by the Neelhas
- M. G. Ranade
- Ramesh Chandra Dutt
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Surendranath Banerjee
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Ramesh Chandra Dutt
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- M. G. Ranade
- in 1911 AD
- in 1913 AD
- in 1916 AD
- in 1923 AD
- in 1903 AD
- in 1905 AD
- in 1907 AD
- in 1909 AD
- Annie Merchant
- T. C. Goswami
- V. P. Wadia
- M. Visvesvaraya
- Anand Mohan Bose
- Badruddin Tyabji
- Dada Bhai Naoroji
- Firoz Shah Mehta
- lord dalhousie
- lord curzon
- lord wellesley
- lord lytton
- Destruction of Indian Agriculture
- destruction of Indian industries
- destruction of Indian trade
- destruction of Indian feudalism
- Monopolize trade in raw materials wherever possible and sell them at high rates
- To compel Indian artisans to produce quality products in fixed quantities and at fixed prices
- Free Trade Policy
- Eastern Railway
- Madras Railway
- Avadh Tirhut Railway
- Great Indian Peninsular (CIP) Railway
- by the Charter Act of 1793
- by the Charter Act of 1813
- by the Charter Act of 1833
- by the Charter Act of 1853
- IISc Bengaluru
- IIT Madras
- IIT Delhi
- IIT Kharagpur
- Assam
- West Bengal
- Gujarat
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Ministry of Rural Development
- Ministry of Jal Shakti
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- Ministry of MSME
- Ministry of External Affairs
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Electronics and IT
- Bangladesh
- Singapore
- France
- NITI Aayog
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Skill Development
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Minority Affairs
- 6.5%
- 7.0%
- 7.5%
- 8.0%
- Electronics and IT Ministry
- Home Affairs Ministry
- Science and Technology Ministry
- External Affairs Ministry
- Teachers
- Artisans
- Students
- Finland
- Equatorial Guinea
- Norway
- Sweden
- Australia
- Russia
- Ukraine
- January
- February
- March
- April
- Virat Kohli
- Shubman Gill
- Suryakumar Yadav
- Rohit Sharma
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- Ministry of Rural Development
- Ministry of MSME
- Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
- France and UAE
- UAE and USA
- UAE and Israel
- Japan and Singapore
- Ministry of Electronics and IT
- Ministry of Heavy Industries
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Ministry of Electronics and IT
- Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
- Ministry of Rural Development and Entrepreneurship
- Trishakti Prahar
- Atmanirbhar Prahar
- Vikram Prahar
- Trilok Shakti
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of MSME
- Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
- Ministry of Power
- Eliminate
- Motivate
- Threaten
- Apprise
- Speech, writing
- Printing
- Electronic communication
- All of the above
- Brahmo Samaj
- Arya Samaj
- Theosophical Society
- Ram krishna mission
- to attack the evils of religion
- preach monotheism
- both a and B
- none of these
- Religious meeting
- Tattvabodhini Sabha
- Arya Samaj
- Prayer society
- Radhakant Dev
- Devendranath Tagore
- Keshavchandra Sen
- Dayanand Saraswati
- lord curzon
- lord wellesley
- lord lytton
- lord william bentick
- Narendranath Dutt
- Batukeshwar Dutt
- Krishna Dutt
- Surendra Dutt
- British
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Preacher
- Maharishi Karve
- Syed ahmed khan
- Badruddin Tyabji
- Abul kalam azad
- Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- existence of god
- religious rituals and idol worship
- Hindutva
- Islam
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Devendranath Tagore
- Henry Vivian Derozio
- David hair
- 1882, Adyar
- 1885, Belur
- 1890, Avadi
- 1895, Vellore
- P. Tyagraj Shetty
- Chhatrapati Maharaj
- E. V. Ramaswamy Naicker
- Jyotiba Phule
- Protecting the lower castes from the arrogant brahmins and their opportunistic scriptures
- attack on caste system
- Leadership of anti-landlord and anti-moneylender rebellion in Satara
- separate representation for untouchables
- by Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- by Sree Narayana Guru
- by Jyotiba Phule
- by Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
- Jyotiba Phule
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Dayanand Saraswati
- Ramakrishna Paramhansa
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Dayanand Saraswati
- Jaidev
- Kalidas
- Vivekananda
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Keshavchandra Sen
- Ramakrishna Paramhansa
- Patna
- Lucknow
- Tamil Nadu
- Mumbai
- in 1843
- in 1853
- in 1863
- in 1873
- Warren Hastings
- lord ripon
- lord dalhousie
- William Bentinck
- by Swami Vivekananda
- by Swami Dayanand
- by Swami Shraddhananda
- by S. Radhakrishnan
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Bipin Chandra Pal
- Firoz Shah Mehta
- Mahadev Govind Ranade
- London
- Paris
- chicago
- Berlin
- exaltation of religion
- Social reforms
- Education
- introduction to english
- syed ahmed khan
- Muhammad Iqbal
- Muhammad Ali
- none of these
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Bhagat Singh
- widow remarriage
- sanskrit education
- Sati Pratha
- English education
- Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Swami Vivekananda
- Dayanand Saraswati
- Radha Nagar, Burdwan District
- Hooghly District
- 24 Parganas District
- none of these
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
- Brahma Sabha
- soul mate
- both a and B
- Religious meeting
- Devendranath Tagore
- Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
- Attention
- Clear perception
- Frankness
- Ignoring
- Abhishankar
- Gauri Shankar
- Daya Shankar
- Mool Shankar
- Royal class
- Upper middle class
- Rich farmer
- Urban landowner
- Keshavchandra Sen
- Devendranath Tagore
- Gopal Hari Deshmukh
- Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
- Hindu College
- Ripon College
- M.A.O. College
- Sanskrit College
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Ministry of Electronics and IT
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Education
- February 1
- February 2
- February 4
- February 6
- Japan
- Israel
- France
- Plastic
- Stainless Steel
- Water
- Paper
- September
- December
- February
- June
- State Cooperative Banks
- District central cooperative banks
- Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
- Multi-state Cooperative Banks
- State Cooperative Banks
- District central cooperative banks
- Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
- Multi-state Cooperative Banks
- UK
- Australia
- China
- Microsoft
- Meta
- Pharma companies
- Exporters
- Banks
- Iran
- North Korea
- Israel
- France
- Radhakant Dev
- Rammohan Roy
- Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar
- Devendranath Tagore
- Radhakant Dev
- Rammohan Roy
- Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar
- Devendranath Tagore
- देवेंदà¥à¤°à¤¨à¤¾à¤¥ टैगोर
- केशवचंदà¥à¤° सेन
- आनंद मोहन बोस
- इनमें से कोई नहीं
- Keshavchandra Sen
- Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Devendranath Tagore
- social reform especially caste system reform
- Relationship between Hinduism and Brahmaism
- both a and B
- neither a nor
- abul kalam azad
- Mohammad Ali Jinnah
- Badruddin Tyabji
- chirag ali
- Wife of Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Wife of Ramakrishna Paramhansa
- Vivekananda's mother
- daughter of Keshavchandra Sen
- in 1816
- in 1820
- in 1828
- in 1830
- Guru Ramdas
- Guru Nanak
- Guru Ram Singh
- Guru Gobind Singh
- Brahmo Samaj
- Arya Samaj
- prayer society
- Bahujan Samaj
- Ramakrishna Paramhansa
- Swami Vivekanand
- Bankimchandra Chatterjee
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- in 1861
- in 1891
- in 1893
- in 1897
- Swami Vivekanand
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Kazi Nazrul Islam
- Dayanand Saraswati
- M. G. Ranade
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Pandita Ramabai
- Gopal Harideshmukh
- monotheism
- polytheism
- atheism
- monism
- Vallabh Bhai Patel
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Shivnarayan Agnihotri
- Ramakrishna Paramhansa
- Haridas Swami
- Shivdayal sahab
- Shiv Narayan Agnihotri
- Swami Shraddhanand
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- syed ahmed khan
- Maulana Shivli Nomani
- 14 years
- 16 years
- 18 years
- none of these
- Zakir hussain
- abul kalam azad
- syed ahmed khan
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Agha Muhammad Raza
- dadu miyan
- Shamsher Ghazi
- Wazir Ali
- A. Pandurang - Prayer Society
- दयानंद सरसà¥à¤µà¤¤à¥€ - आरà¥à¤¯ समाज
- Raja Rammohan Roy - Adi Brahmo Samaj
- Swami Vivekananda - Ramakrishna Mission
- लोकमानà¥à¤¯ तिलक
- सà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤®à¥€ विवेकानंद
- सà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤®à¥€ दयानंद सरसà¥à¤µà¤¤à¥€
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Dayanand Saraswati
- Vivekananda
- Ramakrishna Paramhansa
- In the year 1829, William Bentinck declared the practice of sati as a crime by law.
- In the year 1856, the government enacted a law according to which Hindu widows could remarry.
- Arya Samaj was founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati in the year 1875.
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a supporter of Sati Pratha.
- Dayanand Saraswati
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Swami Sahajanand
- Atmaram Pandurang
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Swami Dayanand Saraswati
- Swami Vivekananda
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Noble landlord
- New rich Businessman
- Educated Hindu middle class
- Educated muslim
- Liberalization and Religious Reinterpretation of Indian Islam
- Modernization of Indian Muslims through modern education for social reform
- both a and b
- none of these
- Deoband movement
- Ahl-e-Hadis
- Ahl-e-Quran
- Barelvi
- Wahhabi
- Deoband
- Aligarh
- Ahrar
- à¤à¤¨à¥€ बेसेंट
- à¤à¥¦ ओ० हà¥à¤¯à¥‚म
- Michael Madhusudan Dutt
- R. Pam Dutt
- Swaraj Party's
- All Indian National Liberal Federation
- Madras Labor Union
- Servants of India Society
- Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
- Sir Syed Ahmed
- Rasheed Ahmed
- Hussain Ahmed
- 1 and 2
- 2 and 3
- 1 and 3
- 1, 2 and 3
- Keshavchandra Sen
- Radhakant Dev
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Rabindranath Tagore
- 1, 2 and 3
- 1,2 and 4
- 1, 2, 3 and 4
- 1,3 and 4
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- मदन मोहन मालवीय
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Shriram Vajpayee
- करà¥à¤¨à¤² à¤à¤š.à¤à¤¸. allcott
- मैडम कामा
- None of these
- in 1925
- in 1930
- in 1935
- सैयद अहमद खान
- Shibli Nomani
- abul kalam azad
- none of these
- Ahmadiyya Movement
- wahhabi movement
- tayuni movement
- Khilafat movement
- Gadadhar Chattopadhyay
- Narendranath Dutt
- Gauranga Mahaprabhu
- Nimai Pandit
- Kamarpur Village, Hooghly District
- Nadia District
- Burdwan District
- 24 Parganas
- Velur
- Vellari
- Vellore
- None of these
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Vivekananda
- Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar
- Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar
- M.G. Ranade
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Annie Besant
- H.S. allcott
- H. P. Blavatsky
- none of these
- in 1914
- in 1915
- in 1916
- in 1917
- Uttar Pradesh
- Bihar
- West Bengal
- Odisha
- World Bank
- World Health Organisation
- World Economic Forum
- International Monetary Fund
- India
- France
- Indonesia
- G-20
- G-7
- Melinda Gates
- Hillary Clinton
- Jeff Bezos
- Elon Musk
- Ramakrishna Paramhansa
- Swami Vivekananda
- Swami Dayanand
- Swami Shraddhanand
- Derozio
- Bhartendu Harishchandra
- Maithali Sharan Gupta
- Michael Madhusudan Dutt
- Brahmo Samaj
- Arya Samaj
- Ved Samaj
- Dev Samaj
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Arvind Ghosh
- 1,2and3
- 2,3 and 4
- 1,3 and 4
- 1,2,3 and 4
- abdul latif
- Syed Ameer Ali
- syed ahmed khan
- none of these
- 1, 2, 3
- 2, 3,4
- 2, 3, 5
- 1,3,5
- in September 1890
- in September 1891
- in September 1892
- in September 1893
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Dayanand Saraswati
- Shraddhanand
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Arya Samaj
- Brahmo Samaj
- Dev Samaj
- prayer society
- Sir jamshedji
- Sir Rustom Vahramji
- Navalji Tata
- Behramji M. Malabari
- Hindu College, Calcutta
- Delhi College
- Mayo College, Ajmer
- Muslim Anglo-Oriental College
- 12 and 16
- 14 and 18
- 15 and 21
- 16 and 22
- Nana Saheb
- A. O. Hume
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Swami Vivekananda
- by Swami Vivekananda
- Ranade
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Ramakrishna Paramhansa
- Shriram Vajpayee
- Colonel H.S. allcott
- madam cama
- None of these
- Truth seeker society
- Dalit Class Mission Society
- Bahujan Samaj
- None of these
- oppose brahminism
- Educating and uplifting the lower castes
- both a and b
- none of these
- Shree Narayan Guru
- Jyotiba Phule
- B. R. Ambedkar
- V. R. Shinde
- Shree Narayan Guru
- E. V. Ramaswamy Naicker
- Jyotiba Phule
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Rajendra Prasad
- Vinoba Bhave
- Vallabh Bhai Patel
- Jamnalal Bajaj
- lord curzon
- lord lytton
- lord ripon
- Lord Canning
- Punjab
- Chhotanagpur
- Terai
- Manipur
- केरल
- Tamil Nadu
- Karnataka
- Andhra Pradesh
- Shree Narayan Guru
- E. V. Ramaswamy Naicker
- Jyotiba Phule
- None of these
- वी. आर. शिनà¥à¤¦à¥‡
- Mahatma Gandhi
- V.R. Ambedkar
- None of these
- Shree Narayan Guru
- E, V. Ramaswamy Naicker
- C.N. Mudaliar
- T. M. Nair
- V.R. Shinde
- Mukund Rai Patil
- Nana ji Deshmukh
- B. R. Ambedkar
- Padyanath Pillai
- C.N. Mudaliar
- T. M. Nair
- None of these
- V. V. Giri
- S. A. Dange
- Pandit Nehru
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- proved
- buddhu bhagat
- Birsa Munda
- Shambhu Dev
- Swami Sahajanand
- Indulal Yagnik
- N.G. Ranga
- P. C. Joshi
- captain neck feville
- lieutenant bastine
- Major Baro
- colonel height
- 1920 AD
- 1925 AD
- 1929 AD
- 1935 AD
- in 1885
- in 1888
- in 1890
- in 1895
- Jharkhand
- Uttaranchal
- Chhattisgarh
- None of these
- On independent use of forest produce
- On burning forests
- On unemployment
- On pegged land system
- cookie
- Khond
- Oraon
- Naikda
- M.N. Rai
- Muzaffar Ahmed
- S. A. Dange
- None of these
- Okalig
- Nadar
- Mahar
- Palli
- Justice Ranade
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Vasudev Balwant Phadke
- Jyotiba Phule
- stop paying taxes to the government
- protect the rights of landlords
- End of satyagraha
- Paying equal rent to the government during Kharif and Rabi
- Was run by farmers in Pratapgarh district
- movement started by sadhus to uplift the low caste people
- Steps taken by the landlords against the lower castes of the village
- Movement raised by the lower caste against the contractors
- In 1808-09 AD
- in 1820 AD
- In 1858-59 AD
- in 1889 AD
- monopoly
- Tinkathiya
- Janmi
- None of these
- Santhal
- kachcha naga
- cole
- Birsa Munda
- 1874 AD
- 1860 AD
- 1865 AD
- 1870 AD
- Telangana
- Malabar
- Marathwada
- Vidarbha
- Ambedkar
- Jyotiba Phule
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Bhil Rebellion
- Kol Rebellion
- Rampa rebellion
- Santhal Rebellion
- Hem chandrakar
- Harishchandra Mukherjee
- Deenbandhu Mitra
- digambar faith
- Saffron
- Pratap
- Maratha
- Manjusha
- Periyar (Great Soul)
- Nanu Asan
- Anna
- None of these
- C.N. Mudaliar
- T. M. Nair
- P. Thiagarajan Chetty
- Jyotiba Phule
- Annadurai
- C.N. Mudaliar
- T. M. Nair
- None of these
- H.K. Government
- P. C. Joshi
- M. C. Chagla
- M.N. Rai
- Indra Narayan Dwivedi
- Gauri Shankar Mishra
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Madan Mohan Malviya
- Garo
- Kukee
- Tipperah
- Amrutlal Vitthaldas
- Mahatma Gandhi
- C.F. Andrews
- Vinoba Bhave
- in 1935 AD
- in 1945 AD
- in 1955 AD
- in 1965 AD
- M.G. Ranade
- B. R. Ambedkar
- B. N. Rao
- Mahatma Gandhi
- from package import all
- from package import *
- from package include all
- from package include*
- The Maharaja of Baroda
- Nawab of Junagadh
- Maharaja of Mysore
- Maharaja of Nabha
- B. R. Ambedkar
- Irwin
- J. L. Nehru
- Tej Bahadur Sapru
- Vaikom Satyagraha of Kerala (1924-25)
- Bardoli Satyagraha of Gujarat (1928)
- Kalaram Temple Satyagraha of Maharashtra (1928)
- Guruvayur Satyagraha of Kerala (1931-33)
- Australia
- India
- China
- India
- China
- Argentina
- Sri Lanka
- Nepal
- Myanmar
- Bangladesh
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Testing
- Delivery
- Idea
- Development
- Haryana
- Tamil Nadu
- Maharashtra
- Madhya Pradesh
- {3, 4, 5},{3, 4, 5}, {3, 4, 5}
- 345
- syntax error
- None of the above
- 1936
- 1937
- 1938
- 1939
- f.seek(-10, 0)
- f.seek(10, 0)
- f.seek(-10,1)
- none of the above
- hello
- ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
- hel
- Telangana Movement
- Punnapra-Vayalar Movement
- Tebhaga movement
- None of these
- Dodi Kumaraiah
- sundarayya
- both a and b
- None of these
- Agitation of bargadars (sharecroppers) against jotedars
- Movement of Jotdars against Bargadars
- Movement of farmers against moneylenders
- Peasant movement against British rule
- Pavana Rebellion
- Deccan disturbance
- Champaran's Neel Satyagraha
- Kheda Satyagraha of Gujarat
- Tebhaga movement
- Telangana Movement
- Punnapra-Vayalar Movement
- none of these
- Narayan Meghaji Lokhande
- N. M. Joshi
- P. C. Joshi
- Shashipad banerjee
- Madras Layer Union
- Bombay Millhands Association
- Social Service League
- Ahmedabad Textile Mill Workers Union
- shashipad banerjee
- N. M. Lokhande
- B. P. Wadia
- N. M. Joshi
- N. M. Joshi
- N. M. Lokhande
- shashipad banerjee
- B. P. Wadia
- Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
- N. M. Joshi
- J. B. kriplani
- Mahatma Gandhi
- N. M. Lokhande
- N. M. Joshi
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Vallabh Bhai Patel
- Bombay
- Delhi
- Calcutta
- None of these
- Indian Factories Act, 1881
- Indian Factories Act, 1891
- Indian Factories Act, 1911
- None of these
- Indian Factories Act, 1881
- Indian Factories Act, 1891
- Indian Factories Act, 1911
- Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926
- N. M. Lokhande
- B. P. Wadia
- N. M. Joshi
- N. M. Rai
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- N. M. Rai
- N. M. Joshi
- B. P. Wadia
- 1, 2 and 3
- 1,3 and 4
- 1, 2, 3 और 4
- 2, 3 और 4
- 1939-45
- 1926-39
- 1919-26
- 1914-18
- Champaran
- Ranchi
- Baliya
- Alipore
- Calcutta
- Madras
- Lucknow
- Patna
- Implementation of new system of land revenue and imposition of tax on tribal products
- Influence of foreign missionaries in tribal areas
- Rise of large number of moneylenders, traders and rent contractors in tribal areas as middlemen
- Complete disintegration of ancient land related system of tribal communities
- V. V. Giri
- N. Sanjeeva Reddy
- R.S. Narayanan
- Zakir hussain
- in Kheda Satyagraha
- in Bardoli Satyagraha
- in the Salt Satyagraha
- in individual satyagraha
- Syed Ali and his son Fazal Ali
- Digambara faith and Vishnu faith
- Majnushah and Chirag Ali Shah
- None of these
- Delhi
- Jhansi
- Meerut
- Kanpur
- Getting Started Using Grease Cartridges
- Dalhousie's doctrine of forfeiture
- Huge difference in salary of British soldiers and Indian soldiers
- Attempt to convert Indians to Christianity
- Mangal Pandey
- Shiv Ram
- hardev
- Abdul Rahim
- from the 34th Native Infantry
- from the 22nd Native Infantry
- from the 19th Native Infantry
- from the 38th Native Infantry
- Lucknow
- Kanpur
- Banaras
- Allahabad
- lord dalhousie
- lord william bentick
- Lord Canning
- lord lytton
- Kunwar Singh
- Tatya Tope
- Laxmi Bai
- Mangal Pandey
- Kunwar Singh
- Tatya Tope
- Laxmi Bai
- Nana Saheb
- Nana Saheb's leadership
- Leadership of Rani of Jhansi
- Bahadur Shah's cooperation
- hindu muslim unity
- Manikarnika
- Jayshree
- Padma
- Ahalya
- Revolt of the Revolution of 1857
- supported the revolution of 1857
- remained neutral in the revolution of 1857
- fought against the native rulers
- benjamin disraeli
- Lloyd George
- gladstone
- lord palmerston
- the soldiers
- Namdhari Sikhs
- Akali Sikhs
- Nirankari Sikhs
- April 10, 1858
- June 17, 1858
- May 9, 1858
- June 20, 1858
- November 1856
- December 1856
- January 1857
- February 1857
- public service commission
- peel commission
- hunter commission
- simon commission
- mir taqi mir
- Jouk
- Mirza Ghalib
- Iqbal
- Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah
- Maulvi Indadullah
- Maulana Fazlehaq Khairabadi
- Nawab Liaquat Ali
- Nana Sahab
- Tatya Tope
- लकà¥à¤·à¥à¤®à¥€à¤¬à¤¾à¤ˆ
- कà¥à¤‚वर सिंह
- khan bahadur khan
- Kunwar Singh
- Tatya Tope
- queen ram virgin
- Lack of Hindu-Muslim unity
- ack of a common plan and central organization
- limited area of ​​influence
- Non-cooperation of landlords
- James Outram and W Taylor
- Sir John K.
- Sir john lawrence
- T.R. Holmes
- only 1
- 1 and 2
- only 2
- 2 and 4
- Variable
- File
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- Batter Programming
- Optimized Coding
- Systematic testing
- All of the above
- _val
- val
- try
- _try_
- write
- writelineas
- dump
- pickle
- A
- B
- C
- D
- China
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- Madhya Pradesh
- Rajasthan
- Punjab
- Haryana
- Article 142
- Article 153
- Article 27
- Article 52
- Ministry of Rural Development
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- Ministry of Corporate Affairs
- Sikkim
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Ladakh
- Uttarakhand
- Lord Canning
- lord cornwallis
- lord wellesley
- lord william bentick
- biharsharif
- Kolhapur
- face
- Sylhet
- Khan Bahadur
- Kunwar Singh
- maulvi ahmedshah
- birjis kadir
- Tatya Tope
- Laxmi Bai
- Bahadurshah II Zafar
- Bhagat Singh
- Chandrashekhar Azad
- Ram Prasad Bismil
- shahadat khan
- Makhan Lal Chaturvedi
- Grab policy of Lord Dalhousie
- Suspicion of British interference in religion
- soldier discontent
- economic exploitation of india
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Nana Saheb
- Balaji Rao
- Ramchandra Pandurg
- R. C. Mazumdar
- S. N. Sen
- V. D. Savarkar
- None of these
- on May 10, 1857
- on May 11, 1857
- on June 4, 1857
- on July 3, 1857
- 1,2 and 3
- 1, 3 and 4
- 2, 3 and 4
- 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Nana Saheb
- Kunwar Singh
- khan bahadur khan
- Tatya Tope
- Jhansi
- Chittor
- Jagdishpur
- Lucknow
- Revolt of 1857
- Champaran Satyagraha, 1917
- Khilafat and Non-Cooperation Movement, 1919-22
- August Revolution of 1942
- May 11, 1857
- May 12, 1857
- May 13, 1857
- May 14, 1857
- Bakht Khan
- Liaquat Ali
- Bahadurshah II 'Zafar'
- None of these
- Hudson
- Havelock
- huerose
- Taylor and Vicente Ayer
- nicholson
- Hudson
- Havelock
- Colonel Neel
- Delhi
- Kanpur
- Lucknow
- Jhansi
- benjamin disraeli
- V. D. Savarkar
- M. Panicker
- Tarachand
- V. D. Savarkar
- B. Yes. Tilak
- R. C. Mazumdar
- S. N. Sen
- V. D. Savarkar
- R. C. Mazumdar
- S. N. Sen
- None of these
- Karl Marx
- R. C. Mazumdar
- S. N. Sen
- none of these
- 1,2 and 3
- 1 and 2
- 2 and 3
- none of these
- the ruler of kashmir
- the king of mewar
- The Sikhs of the states on the other side of the Sutlej
- Scindia of Gwalior
- bahadur shah
- maternal grandfather
- Tatya Tope
- Laxmi Bai
- In Rangoon, Colonel Neil
- At Gwalior, Lieutenant Hudson
- In Bareilly, James Outram
- Near Humayun's tomb, Lieutenant Hudson
- color
- Singapore
- Siberia
- none of these
- outram
- charles napier
- Campbell
- havelock
- Awadh
- Madras
- East Punjab
- Madhya Pradesh
- maternal grandfather
- Tatya Tope
- Laxmi Bai
- Kunwar Singh
- Lotus and Chapati
- lotus and mace
- lotus and rose
- chapati and sword
- Zeenat Mahal
- Tantya caps
- Kunwar Singh
- Maulvi Ahmadullah
- November 1, 1858
- 31 नवंबर, 1857
- January 6, 1858
- November 17, 1859
- Brahmins of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
- East Bengali and Oriya
- Gurkhas, Sikhs and Punjabis in the Northern Province
- Madras Presidency and Maratha
- R. C Mazumdar
- S. N. Sen
- V. D. Savarkar
- Ashok Mehta
- The rebellion was wholeheartedly supported by the educated Indian elite everywhere.
- The diverse elements participating in the rebellion were united by their hatred for British rule.
- The role of Hindu-Muslim unity in the rebellion was acknowledged by many, including British officials.
- The rebellion did not spread to South India
- R. C. Mazumdar
- Tarachand
- V. D. Savarkar
- S. N. Sen
- Barrackpore
- Meerut
- Delhi
- none of these
- maternal grandfather
- Azimullah
- Tatya Tope
- Maulvi Liaquat Ali
- V. D. Savarkar
- R. C. Mazumdar
- S. N. Sen
- none of these
- Karl Marx
- R. C. Mazumdar
- S. N. Sen
- none of these
- moderate phase
- militant phase
- Gandhi era
- none of these
- Reasons for the establishment of the Indian National Congress
- Reasons for the decline of the Indian National Congress
- Causes of the Battle of Plassey
- Causes of the Battle of Buxar
- The first session of the Indian National Congress was held here
- Surendranath Banerjee and Dadabhai Naoroji were its students.
- A. O. Hume was its principal
- none of these
- regressive nationalism
- constitutional movement
- Theoretical democratization
- none of these
- Calcutta
- Bombay
- Ahmedabad
- Allahabad
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Madan Mohan Malviya
- lord ripon
- lord william bentick
- lord dufferin
- lord curzon
- lord lytton
- lord curzon
- lord ripon
- lord harding
- Satyendra Nath Tagore
- Sarojini Naidu
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- CR Das
- george yule
- William Wedderburn
- A. O. Hume
- Rabindranath Tagore
- S. N. Banerjee
- G.S. K.S. Gokhale
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Firoz Shah Mehta
- The leaders of the Bombay Presidency Association were against the holding of the first session of the Congress in Poona.
- The Governor of Bombay to become the first President of the Congress, A. O. Agreed with Hume's suggestion.
- Bombay being the capital of the Presidency would have helped attract more attention to the session.
- Due to the outbreak of cholera in Poona, the convener was forced to change the place of the first session of the Congress from Poona to Bombay.
- Deenbandhu Mitra
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Surendranath Banerjee
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- Administrative and economic integration of the country
- western thought and education
- Role of Press and Literature and Rediscovery of Indian Past
- all of the above
- The Arms Act of 1878 and the Indian Language Press Act
- Second Anglo-Afghan War of 1870–80
- The royal court held in Delhi in 1877, when the whole of India was in the grip of famine
- Ilbert Bill Controversy of 1883 AD
- Ripen
- litton
- dufferin
- northbrook
- 1875 AD
- 1878 AD
- 1880 AD
- 1882 AD
- Ripen
- litton
- dufferin
- northbrook
- 1835 AD
- 1836 AD
- 1837 AD
- 1838 AD
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- A. O. Hume
- Surendranath Banerjee
- Ganesh Agarkar
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Firoz Shah Mehta
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- M.G. Ranade
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- in 1865
- in 1867
- in 1885
- in 1887
- G.S. K.S. Gokhale
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- R. C. Dutt
- W. C. Banerjee.
- civil servant
- military commander
- Social Worker
- scientist
- from rural areas
- from urban areas
- from both rural and urban areas
- from punjab
- lord harding
- lord curzon
- lord lytton
- lord minto
- 1, 2, 3, 4
- 2, 3, 1,4
- 1, 3, 4, 2
- 1, 4, 3, 2
- abul kalam azad
- Rafi Ahmed Kidwai
- M.Sc. A. Ansari
- Badruddin Tyabji
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Firoz Shah Mehta
- W. C. Banerjee
- lord hamilton
- lord curzon
- lord dufferin
- lord minto
- Surendranath Banerjee
- Firoz Shah Mehta
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Read Dinsha
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Subramaniam Iyer
- Justice Ranade
- Surendranath Banerjee
- A. O. Hume
- W. C. Banerjee
- A. O. Hume
- none of these
- 1835 AD
- 1836 AD
- 1837 AD
- 1838 AD
- landlord
- Farmer
- sculptor
- all of the above
- London
- Glasgow
- aberdeen
- Bombay
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Mahadev Govind Ranade
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- all of the above
- Italian
- Greek
- Latin
- None of the above
- people and things
- emotions and beliefs
- perception and religion
- mind and behaviour
- Afghanistan
- Germany
- Russia
- Governor
- Supreme Court Judge
- Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha
- Deputy Speaker of Rajya Sabha
- Ministry of Tourism
- Ministry of Mines
- Ministry of Culture
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Oxfam International
- Amnesty International
- Thomas Reuters
- Gujarat
- Bihar
- Uttarakhand
- Telangana
- Ganga Vilas
- Bharat Vilas
- Histo Brustro
- Bharat Café
- New Delhi
- Mumbai
- Guwahati
- Gandhi Nagar
- New Delhi
- Mumbai
- Bengaluru
- Ahmedabad
- Uttar Pradesh
- Rajasthan
- Maharashtra
- Gujarat
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Electronics and IT
- Ministry of Skill Development
- Ministry of Defence
- The Deccan Association
- The Indian Association
- Madras Mahajan Sabha
- Poona Public Assembly
- Satyendra Nath Tagore
- Surendra Nath Banerjee
- R. c. Datta
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Dwarkanath Tagore
- Harishchandra Vidyasagar
- None of these
- Madras Mahajan
- Indian Association
- Indian Association
- None of these
- To amend Indian Administrative Service rules and increase the maximum age for appearing in the examination
- Arms Act and Indian Language Press Act
- Help with the tenants oppressed by the landlords
- The deplorable condition of the laborers engaged in tea cultivation by the British
- 1881 AD
- 1882 AD
- 1883 AD
- 1884 AD
- 1885 AD
- 1886 AD
- 1892 AD
- 1895 AD
- 72
- 86
- 93
- 101
- George Yule
- Wedderburn
- Kadambini Ganguly
- None of these
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Wedderburn
- Kadambini Ganguly
- None of these
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Surendra Nath Banerjee
- A. O. Hume
- Dufferin
- Curzon
- Northbrook
- Lytton
- Dufferin
- Elgin II
- Lansdowne
- Curzon
- 1, 2 and 3
- 2, 3 and 4
- 1, 2 and 4
- 1,2,3 and 4
- Prayer, supplication and protest
- violence
- People's Movement
- None of these
- The militants
- Leftists
- Gandhians
- None of these
- Dadabhai Naoroji in 1904 AD
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale in 1905
- Dadabhai Naoroji in 1906 AD
- None of these
- Drawing public attention to the British policy of exploitation
- mass movement
- violent modus operandi
- none of these
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- S. N. Banerjee
- Ferozshah Mehta
- none of these
- dufferin
- elgin
- lansdowne
- Curzon
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Arvind Ghosh
- Bipin Chandra Pal
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Vipin Chandra Pal
- none of these
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Madan Mohan Malviya
- Surendra Nath Banerjee
- Arvind Ghosh
- R.S. C. Dutte
- Veer Raghavacharya
- Syed Ahmed Khan
- in 1881
- in 1882
- in 1883
- in 1884
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Annie Besant
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Surendranath Banerjee
- R. C. Dutt
- Dadabhari Naoroji
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- lord napier
- lord dufferin
- lord ripon
- lord lytton
- moderate phase
- militant phase
- Gandhi era
- none of these
- Calcutta Municipal Corporation Act of 1899
- Indian Universities Act of 1904
- Administrative Secrecy Act of 1904
- Partition of Bengal in 1905
- Swadeshi movement
- Opposition to western education and promotion of national education
- Damaging government property and disrupting government machinery
- Boycott of foreign goods, government jobs, establishments, titles and institutions and non-cooperation with the government
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Bipin Chandra Pal
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- lord curzon
- lord dufferin
- lord harding
- Lord Minty
- P. Mitra
- Hardayal
- B. Yes. Tilak
- Bipin Chandra Pal
- Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh
- Vipin Chandra Pal and Arvind Ghosh
- Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki
- none of these
- Arvind Ghosh
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- 1909
- 1919
- 1935
- 1942
- act of parliament
- Montague Chelmsford Reforms
- Morley-Minto Reforms
- Judiciary Act
- Indian Council Act of 1892
- Morne Minto Reforms of 1909
- Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919
- Government of India Act of 1935
- Motilal Nehru
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Vallabh Bhai Patel
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Agarkar
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Arvind Ghosh
- Vande Mataram
- Swaraj
- Self respect
- Patriot
- in 1908 AD
- in 1903 AD
- in 1906 AD
- in 1905 AD
- Two-nation theory
- communal division of India
- demand of pakistan
- all of the above
- Mahatma Gandhi
- T. Prakasam
- Annie Bassett
- C. Rajagopalachari
- Young India
- saffron
- Comrades
- al hilal
- Bipin Chandra Pal
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Sardar Bhagat Singh
- none of these
- Death of Mahatma Gandhi
- bengal partition
- Transfer of capital from Kolkata to Delhi
- none of these
- V. D. Savarkar
- Bhagat Singh
- Chandrashekhar Azad
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- lord mountbatten
- Lord Canning
- lord harding
- Warren Hastings
- Mohammad Ali
- Mahatma Gandhi
- abul kalam azad
- syed ahmed khan
- Ranjit Singh
- Bhagat Singh
- Sardar Baldev Singh
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- in 1908 AD
- in 1905 AD
- in 1907 AD
- in 1906 AD
- Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- syed ahmed khan
- Salimullah
- Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
- Vallabh Bhai Patel
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Shivaji
- Bipin Chandra Pal
- As a protest against the partition of Bengal
- To encourage the consumption of Indian goods
- Against the killing of Indians in Jallianwala Bagh
- Reasons for the failure of the British government to form a responsible government in India
- Surendranath Banerjee
- C.R. The servant
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- Aruna Asaf Ali
- To remove the economic disorder caused by the famine in Bengal
- Protecting the interests of Muslims in Bengal
- Suppressing growing nationalism in Bengal
- all of the above
- Partition of India and creation of Pakistan
- Together the two organizations strived for independence.
- Hindu-Muslim unity got strength
- The divide and rule policy of the British government failed
- Insult of Lokmanya Tilak
- Election of President of National Congress
- Failure of the Anti-Banghan Movement
- Differences on the proceedings of anti-Bang Bhang movement
- Dr. Rash Bihari Ghosh
- Surendra Nath Banerjee
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Vyomesh Chandra Banerjee
- dedicated to the upliftment of women
- widow remarriage promoter
- interested in the welfare of laborers
- a revolutionary organization
- lord dufferin
- Syed Ahmed
- lord curzon
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Vipin Chandra Pal
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Arvind Ghosh
- in 1906 AD
- in 1916 AD
- in 1911 AD
- in 1909 AD
- lord carmichael
- Sir Reginald Craddock
- lord harding
- William Bentinck
- separate electorate for muslims
- joint electorate
- To give more representation to Hindus
- To give special representation to Muslims by nomination
- August 15, 1905
- September 15, 1905
- October 15, 1905
- November 15, 1905
- Arvind Ghosh
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- G.S. K.S. Gokhale
- S. N. Banerjee
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Arvind Ghosh
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Madan Lal
- Udham Singh
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- after 1906
- after 1909
- after 1914
- after 1919
- 5 years old
- 6 years old
- 7 years old
- 8 years old
- in 1910
- in 1912
- in 1921
- in 1947
- It placed before the country a concrete plan of self-government
- The leadership of the movement came into the hands of Gandhiji.
- Hindus and Muslims started a joint struggle
- It established a realignment between the extremists and the moderates
- in 1907
- in 1913
- in 1917
- in 1920
- syed ahmed khan
- Mohammad Iqbal
- aga khan
- Nawab Salimullah Khan
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Anne Besant
- S. Subramania Iyer
- T.S. olcott
- Arrest of Lala Hardayal
- The Kamgatamaru incident
- start of world war 1
- Kartar Singh Sarabha hanged
- 1916 Lucknow session of Congress
- All India Trade Union Convention to be held in Bombay in 1920
- UP Kisan Sabha to be held in 1918
- In 1938, the United A.I.T.U.C. of Nagpur
- steering committee
- Swadeshi Brotherhood
- Vrati Samiti
- Sadhana Samaj
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- M.Sc. A. Jinnah
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- Anne Besant
- Champaran
- Civil disobedience movement
- Non-Cooperation Movement
- Swadeshi movement
- 1 and 2
- 1 and 3
- 2 and 4
- 3 and 4
- Anne Besant
- madam cama
- M.Sc. A. Jinnah
- Firoz Shah Mehta
- A. O. Hume
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Tilak and Anne Besant
- Tilak and Arvind Ghosh
- Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai
- Tilak and Vipin Chandra Pal
- Establishment of Muslim League in the year 1906
- Partition of Bengal in the year 1905
- Support to the Khilafat Movement by Gandhiji
- Reservation of seats in separate constituencies for Muslims in Legislative Assemblies
- R. Yes. Bhandarkar
- V. D. Savarkar
- C.R. The servant
- Sardar Bhagat Singh
- Sarojini Naidu
- Anne Besant
- Princess Amrit Kaur
- Aruna Asif Ali
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Bipin Chandra Pal
- none of these
- Agha Khan
- hameed khan
- Hasan Khan
- M.Sc. A. Jinnah
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Vinoba Bhave
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- a political party based in taiwan
- A Chinese farmer was a communist leader
- there was a ship on a voyage to canada
- The Chinese village from where Mao Zedong started his long march
- led by Arvind Ghosh
- Under the leadership of Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- under the leadership of Lala Lajpat Rai
- led by Mahatma Gandhi
- 1,2,3
- 3, 2,1
- 2,1,3
- 2, 3, 1
- hot party people
- moderates
- of militants
- turned off
- Motilal Nehru
- Vyomesh Chandra Banerjee
- Arvind Ghosh
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Mahatma Gandhi's death day
- days of partition of india
- on the day of partition of bengal
- congress split day
- Calcutta Session, 1917
- Bombay Session, 1918
- Amritsar Session, 1919
- Lucknow Session, 1916
- V. Chirol
- louis fisher
- webb miller
- lord reading
- 1908
- 1909
- 1907
- 1911
- 1911
- 1904
- 1906
- 1907
- B. C. Pal
- Motilal Nehru
- Bhanabhai Desai
- C R Das
- B. Yes. Tilak
- G.S. K.S. Gokhale
- Annie Besant
- J. Ale. Nehru
- Annie Besant
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Moti Lal Nehru
- Ambika Charan (A.C.) Majumdar
- The Swadeshi movement was formally announced at the Town Hall of Calcutta
- Banga-Bhang (Partition of Bengal) officially came into force on this day
- Dadabhai Naoroji declared that the goal of the Indian National Congress was Swarajya
- Lokmanya Tilak started foreign movement in Poona
- Ashfaqulla Khan
- Rajendra Lahiri
- Ram Prasad Bismil
- Chandrashekhar Azad
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Ajit Singh
- Lajpat Rai
- Syed Haider Raza
- Partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon
- 18 months rigorous imprisonment imposed on Lokmanya Tilak
- Arrest and exile of Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh
- Chapekar brothers sentenced to death
- In Afghanistan
- in german
- in Singapore
- In Turkey
- Swadeshi movement
- Quit India Movement
- Non-Cooperation Movement
- Civil disobedience movement
- in Odisha
- Protecting the interests of Muslims in Bengal
- in Uttar Pradesh
- in Maharashtra
- He threw a bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly on 8th April, 1929
- He was a founding member of the Swaraj Party
- He was the founder of the Hindustan Republican Association
- He was associated with the Kakori Conspiracy Case
- Gonda
- Faizabad
- Gorakhpur
- Varanasi
- Dandi
- Champaran
- Kheda
- Ahmedabad
- Batukeshwar Dutt
- Ram Prasad Bismil
- Chandrashekhar Azad
- Bhagat Singh
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Moti Lal Nehru
- Mahatma Gandhi
- 1907
- 1922
- 1931
- 1940
- Hyderabad
- Kashmir
- Patiala
- Mysore
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- Arvind Ghosh
- Bhagat Singh
- Chandrashekhar Azad
- B. R. Ambedkar
- Chittaranjan (C.R.) Das
- Bipin Chandra Pal
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Bombay
- Calcutta
- Lahore
- Madras
- in 1940
- in 1941
- in 1946
- in 1942
- in 1942
- in 1943
- in 1944
- in 1945
- Reasons for Gandhiji's illness
- Causes of differences between Hindus and Muslims
- Due to differences between the leaders
- Due to the violent incident in Chauri-Chaura
- Amritsar
- Nagpur
- Chandigarh
- Calcutta
- in 1930
- in 1932
- in 1928
- in 1931
- Due to the assassination of Saunders in Lahore in the year 1928
- Reasons for Kakori Conspiracy
- Reasons for throwing a bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly in the year 1929
- Reasons for the Lahore Conspiracy
- Rowlatt Act of 1919
- Government of India Act of 1935
- Indian Councils Act of 1909
- Government of India Act of 1919
- Quit India Movement
- Civil disobedience movement
- Non-Cooperation Khilafat Movement
- Rowlatt movement
- Lord Attlee
- lord mountbatten
- C. Rajagopalachari
- Rajendra Prasad
- act of 1909
- act of 1919
- Act of 1935
- Act of 1947
- Ram Prasad Bismil
- Bhagat Singh
- Batukeshwar Dutt
- barkatulla
- Montague
- Tej Bahadur Sapru
- Minto
- chelmsford
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Jawaharlal Nehru and Abul Kalam Azad
- Vallabh Bhai Patel and Mohammad Ali Jinnah
- Morarji Desai and J. B. kriplani
- Against the British repression on Satyagrahis
- Against the violation of Gandhi-Irwin Pact
- Against Ramsey Macdonald's Communal Award
- Against communal riots in Calcutta
- Non-Cooperation Movement of 1920-22
- Rowlatt Satyagraha on 1919
- Ahmedabad Mill Workers Strike of 1918
- Bardoli Satyagraha
- lord simon
- roulette
- RH Dior
- Curzon Wyllie
- Vallabh Bhai Patel
- C. Rajagopalachari
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- J. Ale. Nehru
- winston churchill being reactionary
- Disagreement on the question of the functions of the Indian Defense Minister
- Gandhi's pacifism
- Take it or leave it approach of Crisp
- abul kalam azad
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- W. C. Banerjee
- Vallabh Bhai Pate
- in Sabarmati Ashram
- In Sevagram Ashram
- in New Delhi
- in Kolkata
- mountbatten plan
- Cripps plan
- Chelmsford Scheme
- Wavell plan
- 30 January 1947
- 30 January 1948
- 30 January 1946
- 30 January 1949
- Rajendra Prasad
- Sardar Patel
- C. Rajagopalachari
- B. R. Ambedkar
- Mohammad Ali Jinnah
- Bhagat Singh
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- 1 and 2
- 1 and 3
- 1, 2 and 3
- only 1
- first round table conference
- second round table conference
- third round table conference
- none of these
- lord hastings
- Lord Canning
- lord dalhousie
- Lord Chelmsford
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Sardar Patel
- Chittaranjan Das
- Moti Lal Nehru
- Bhagat Singh
- Nathuram Godse
- Udham Singh
- Chandrashekhar Azad
- in 1930
- in 1928
- in 1925
- in 1919
- Mumbai
- Vishakhapatnam
- Mysuru
- Kochi
- Sikkim
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Assam
- NITI Aayog
- Odisha
- West Bengal
- Assam
- Jharkhand
- Germany
- France
- Israel
- Maharashtra
- Madhya Pradesh
- Gujarat
- Assam
- Bihar
- New Delhi
- Uttarakhand
- Maharashtra
- Panaji
- Khajuraho
- Mysuru
- Jaipur
- existential DNA
- extrachromosomal DNA
- evolutional DNA
- extra-resistant DNA
- in 1912
- in 1915
- in 1918
- in 1925
- Madan Mohan Malviya
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Rabindranath Tagore
- iqbal
- Rehmat Ali
- Bhagat Singh
- Yes. S. weeds
- Acharya Narendra Dev
- Chittaranjan Das
- C.F. Andrews
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Maulana Azad
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Jai Prakash Narayan
- 2, 1, 3, 4
- 1, 2, 3, 4
- 4, 3,2,1
- 2, 1, 4, 3
- 248 kms
- 385 km
- 284 km
- 348 kms
- rowlatt act
- The Montague Declaration
- hunter commission
- Communal Award
- Vallabh Bhai Patel and Vinoba Bhave
- Jawaharlal Nehru and Rajendra Prasad
- Rajendra Prasad and Anugrah Narayan Singh
- महादेव देसाई और मणि बेन पटेल
- Gurdial Singh Dhillon
- Shahnawaz Khan
- General Mohan Singh
- R. C. Dutt
- in 1919
- in 1920
- in 1922
- in 1923
- Kolkata, 1917
- Bombay, 1918
- Delhi, 1918
- Nagpur, 1920
- Congress Socialists
- members of the Azad Hind Fauj
- to diggers
- to the people led by Queen Gaudinlieu
- The two nation theory was then acceptable to them
- It was imposed by the British Government and the Congress was constrained in this matter.
- Congress wanted to avoid large scale communal riots
- Otherwise, India would have been deprived of the opportunity to get independence.
- Tej Bahadur Sapru
- Ashutosh Mukherjee
- Rabindranath Tagore
- syed ahmed khan
- congress working committee member
- He was not a member of congress
- congress president
- congress general secretary
- Lord Canning
- lord ripon
- lord curzon
- Lord Chelmsford
- Motilal Nehru
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Dr. Ansari
- Patna
- Allahabad
- Lucknow
- इनमें से कोई नहीं
- Regulating Act, 1773
- Government of India Act, 1858
- Cripps Mission, 1942
- August 1917 Declaration
- Gorakhpur
- Lucknow
- Allahabad
- Agra
- Mahatma Gandhi
- C. Rajagopalachari
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Rajendra Prasad
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Rajendra Prasad
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- none of these
- lord willingdon
- lord mhsert
- lord linlithgow
- lord linlithgow
- Once
- twice
- three times
- four times
- Khudiram Bose
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Bhagat Singh
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Sardar Patel
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- B. R. Ambedkar
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- G.S. also. Kriplani
- Sardar Patel
- lord mountbatten
- sir cyril radcliffe
- sir stafford cripps
- Lawrence
- were traveling by ship from England to India
- Was in Sabarmati Ashram
- sailing from england to south africa
- was leading the Champaran movement
- S. N. Banerjee
- C.R. Slave
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Chandrashekhar Azad
- new life
- Indian opinion
- Harijan
- african news
- lord irwin
- lord linlithgow
- Lord Wavell
- lord curzon
- Mahatma Gandhi
- B. R. Ambedkar
- Jagjivan Ram
- Vinoba Bhave
- Singapore
- color
- jakarta
- bangkok
- Review of progress of 1919 reforms
- Determining the relationship between the Indian states and the British government
- Revision of the provisions of the Rowlatt Act
- Explore the possibilities of granting Dominion status to India
- chamberlain
- Churchill
- Clement Attlee
- Macdonald
- J. B. kriplani
- Rajendra Prasad
- abul kalam azad
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Haripura
- Patna
- Ranchi
- Bhagalpur
- modernizing the indian army
- Modernizing Indian Agriculture
- Censoring Indian newspapers
- Improving relations between the Indian government and the princely states
- B. R. Ambedkar
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Mahatma Gandhi
- none of these
- P. C. Rai
- J. C. Bose
- C V Raman
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- J. M. Sengupt
- S. C. Bose
- Vallabh Bhai Patel
- appointment ahead of time
- all members were english
- The chairman belonged to the British Liberal Party
- Gandhi's non-cooperation movement
- Since Government of India Act, 1935
- Marley-Minto Reforms, since 1909
- Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms, since 1919
- Simon Commission, since 1928
- Bijolia Movement
- Dandi March
- ahmedabad mill workers strike
- Bardoli Satyagraha
- Lord Reading
- Mohammad Ali Jinnah
- Moti Lal Nehru
- Rabindra Nath Tagore
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Abul Kalam Azad
- Sarojini Naidu
- Gandhinagar
- Ahmedabad
- Rajkot
- Wardha
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Pattabhi Sitaramaiya
- Rajendra Prasad
- Sardar Patel
- C. Rajagopalachari
- Kriplani
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Jai Prakash Narayan
- Calcutta
- Pune
- Jabalpur
- Ahmedabad
- 1915
- 1917
- 1916
- 1918
- lord mountbatten
- Rajendra Prasad
- S. Radhakrishnan
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Vinoba Bhave
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Arvind Ghosh
- none of these
- Subhash Chandra Bose
- Chandrashekhar Azad
- Bhagat Singh
- Mohd Iqbal
- Delhi
- Uttar Pradesh
- Punjab
- Kashmir
- in 1939
- in 1942
- in 1946
- in 1947
- Three
- Four
- Five
- six
- Muhammad Iqbal
- Agha Khan
- M.Sc. A. Jinnah
- Chaudhary Rehmat Ali
- Defense
- Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Relations
- food and agriculture
- neither
- Indian Freedom Party
- Azad Hind Fauj
- revolutionary front
- forward block
- Rajendra Prasad
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Vallabh Bhai Patel
- C. Rajagopalachari
- Lakshmi Sehgal
- Surya Sen
- Batukeshwar Dutt
- J. M. Sengupt
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
- Sarojini Naidu
- Arvind Ghosh
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Jai Prakash Narayan
- Vinoba Bhave
- Ram Manohar Lohia
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Radhakrishnan
- Arvind Ghosh
- Warren Hastings
- sir william jones
- james mackintosh
- James Prinsep
- Simon Commission proposal
- cabinet mission plan
- mountbatten plan
- Cripps proposal
- C V Raman
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Hargovind Khurana
- Amartya Sen
- Chitra
- Godan
- post office
- Anand Math
- Vikram Samvat
- Kali Samvat
- Shak Samvat
- none of these
- edward lutyens
- antonin raymond
- robert tor sale
- Herbert Bakers
- Chitra
- Kapalkundala
- the court dancer
- Chitrangada
- Indian Council Act of 1861
- Indian Council Act of 1892
- Indian Council Act of 1909
- Government of India Act of 1919
- elgin
- Curzon
- Minto
- readings
- Edward Lutriens and Edward Baker
- F. S. Grouse and Egg
- R. F. Chisholm and H. Irwin
- vitae and swinfon wallets
- Madan Mohan Malviya
- lord dufferin
- Annie Besant
- Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
- Annie Besant
- Sarojini Naidu
- Vijay Lakshmi Pandit
- Pingli Venkayya
- premchand
- Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay
- Maithili Sharan Gupta
- Phanishwar Nath Renu
- Sarat Chandra Chatterjee
- Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Tarashankar Bandyopadhyay
- premchand
- Phanishwar Nath 'Renu'
- Jai Shankar Prasad
- mahadevi Verma
- Jai Shankar Prasad
- Sarat Chandra Chatterjee
- Rabindra Nath Tagore
- premchand
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Mahatma Gandhi
- leo tolstoy
- none of these
- Mumbai
- Lucknow
- Kolkata
- Sabarmati
- Rajendra Prasad
- Ram Manohar Lohia
- mansoor alam
- Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Mulk Raj Anand
- Sarat Chandra Chatterjee
- Vishnu Sharma
- Indian Civil Services (ICS)
- Indian National Congress
- Swaraj Party
- none of these
- premchand
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Dharamveer Bharti
- Suryakant Tripathi “Nirala”
- mahadevi Verma
- Ramdhari Singh Dinkar'
- Suryakant Tripathi “Nirala”
- Maithili Sharan Gupta
- Justice
- revenue administration
- police administration
- Education
- Marley-Minto Reforms Act, 1909
- Indian Council Act, 1892
- Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms Act, 1919
- Government of India Act, 1935
- Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
- Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- abul kalam azad
- the ali brothers
- lord dalhousie
- lord curzon
- lord wellesley
- lord cornwallis
- Girish Chandra Ghosh
- Harishchandra Mukherjee
- S. N. Banerjee
- Shishir Kumar Ghosh
- New India
- leader
- Young India
- free press journal
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
- Maithili Sharan Gupta
- Shyamlal Gupta 'Parpad'
- in 1833
- in 1853
- in 1858
- in 1882
- Regulating Act, 1773
- act of 1786
- Charter Act of 1793
- Charter Act of 1813
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Taraknath Gangopadhyay
- golden virgin
- Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
- Aruna Asif Ali
- Kamla Rani Singh
- Tarakeshwari Sinha
- Rabri Devi
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Nav Gopal Mitra
- Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
- Girish Chandra Ghosh
- in 1930
- in 1933
- in 1936
- in 1937
- lord ripon
- lord lytton
- lord curzon
- lord minto
- Ramnath Puri
- Yes. D. Kumar
- Lala Hardayal
- Taraknath Das
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Annie Besant
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- valentine chirol
- C.B. Raman Pillai
- C.N. Mudaliar
- Ramakrishna Pillai
- C.R. Reddy
- English
- Gujarati
- Tamil
- Urdu
- girl child education
- Higher education
- Primary education
- technical Education
- Charter Act, 1833
- Indian Council Act, 1861
- Indian Council Act, 1892
- Indian Council Act, 1909
- wellesley
- Hastings
- jan adams
- Dalhousie
- grab policy
- Division of Bengal
- permanent settlement
- subsidiary alliance
- Regulating Act, 1773
- Charter Act, 1853
- Government of India Act, 1935
- Indian Constitution
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Moti Lal Ghosh
- Surendranath Banerjee
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Munshi Premchand
- Kalidas
- Nirala
- Dr. Radhakrishnan
- Gandhiji
- Madan Mohan Malviya
- none of these
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia
- abul kalam azad
- Sarojini Naidu
- ameer ali
- Badruddin Tyabji
- Syed Ali Khan
- sir syed ahmed khan
- Bhil Rebellion
- Rangpur and Dinapur rebellion
- Vishnupur and Veerbhum uprisings
- Saints Rebellion
- Veer Savarkar
- Annie Besant
- Ramakrishna Paramhansa
- Swami Vivekananda
- Raja Rao - Telugu
- Govind Trimbak Deshpande - Marathi
- Subrahmanyam Bharathi - Tamil
- Tarashankar Joshi - Gujarati
- Indian Councils Act, 1909
- Government of India Act, 1919
- Government of India Act, 1935
- Indian Independence Act, 1947
- Generating employment opportunities for native Indians
- Expansion of western culture in India
- To enhance literacy among people using the medium of English language
- Introduction of scientific research and rationalism in traditional Indian education
- The condition of giving any degree of autonomy to India was that all the Indian states would have to join the Union of India.
- Establishing the Union of India immediately after World War II and conferring Dominion status on it
- After the World War, the condition of providing complete independence and dominion status to India was
- Framing of a single constitution for the entire Union of India, no separate constitution for any province and the federal constitution will be valid for all the provinces.
- to exercise more direct political and administrative control over the princely provinces
- active involvement of the princes in the administration of the colony
- to finally give effect to the complete political and administrative takeover of all the Princely Provinces by the British
- Using kings to nullify the anti-imperialist principles of nationalist leaders
- With the rejection of the Cripps Mission
- Along with rejecting Rajagopalachari formula
- Along with rejecting the cabinet mission
- Along with rejecting Wavell plan
- Diarchy at the center as well as in the states
- Bicameral Legislature
- Provincial Autonomy
- an all india union
- Indian Council Act of 1861
- Indian Council Act of 1892
- Indian Council Act of 1909
- Government of India Act of 1919
- from simon commission
- From Gandhi Irwin Pact
- from Cripps Mission
- cabinet mission
- Warren Hastings
- lord cornwallis
- lord wellesley
- lord hastings
- abul kalam azad
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Sardar Patel
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Dayanand Saraswati
- Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
- Ram Mohan Roy
- Surendra Nath Banerjee
- Rajni Kant Sen
- Dwijendra Lal Rai
- Mukunda Das
- Rabindranath Tagore
- reform of the army
- With the abolition of sati system
- from english education
- by permanent settlement
- Sahir Ludhianvi
- faiz ahmed faiz
- abul kalam azad
- Muhammad Iqbal
- al hilal
- Comrade
- The Indian Sociologist
- landlord
- Aruna Ashaf Ali
- Annie Besant
- Sarojini Naidu
- Vijay Lakshmi Pandit
- History is a reliable record of past events
- History is a continuation of the struggle between the exploiting and the exploited classes
- History is the record of wars between different peoples
- none of these
- 1857
- 1881
- 1885
- 1905
- Government of India Act 1858
- Indian Council Act 1861
- charter act 1833
- charter act 1853
- Conservative Party
- labor party
- The Liberal Party
- socialist Party
- 1896
- 1905
- 1930
- 1947
- lord william bentick
- charles metcalf
- lord macaulay
- lord harding
- in 1851
- in 1861
- in 1871
- in 1881
- Enforcement of certain restrictions on the carrying of arms by Indians
- Enforcement of ban on newspapers and periodicals published in Indian languages
- Removal of disqualifications imposed on Indian judges for hearing cases of Europeans
- Removal of duty on imported cotton cloth
- Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
- Dr. Rajendra Prasad
- Rafiq Zakaria
- Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre
- Italian
- Greek
- Latin
- None of the above
- Behavior, mental processes
- Mental illness, Mental health
- Physical states, mental states
- None of the above
- Biological science
- Physical science
- Social science
- Natural science
- Wilhelm Wundt
- G. Jung
- Sigmund Freud
- None of the above
- Reticular formation
- Hippocampus
- Limbic system
- Amygdala
- Perception illness
- Movement perception
- Psychological perception or physical stimuli
- None of the above
- Stereotype
- Prototype
- Prejudice
- Discrimination
- Cerebellum
- Hippocampus
- Amygdala
- None of the above
- Some rest after learning
- Gender
- Goal behind learning
- Interesting learning material
- Nativism
- Individual differences
- Multiple determinants
- None of the above
- Aristotle
- Plato
- Archimedes
- None of the above
- Mind-body Dualism
- Specialism
- Centralism
- Mindism
- Reward
- Condition
- Response
- None of the above
- Physiognomy
- Phrenology
- Physiology
- Somatology
- Psychopathic
- Psychotic
- Manic
- Neurotic
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychotherapy
- Psychiatry
- None of the above
- The period of infancy
- The neonatal stage
- Early childhood
- Preoperational stage
- Judgment
- Style of behaving
- Memory
- Motor skills
- Holophrases
- Telegraphic speech
- Under extensions
- None of the above
- Insomnia
- Somniloquy
- Somnambulism
- Sleep terror
- Knowledge of great many facts
- Getting good grades in school
- Ability to think abstractly and learn from experience
- None of the above
- Hypothalamus
- Spinal cord
- Frontal lobe
- None of the above
- Glucose
- Emotions
- Metabolism
- None of the above
- Proprioprediction
- Proprioliction
- Proprioception
- Proprioaction
- 35 to 54
- 10 to 19
- 20 to 34
- 55 to 70
- Positron emission tomography
- Electrical stimulation
- Electroencephalogram
- None of the above
- Occipital lobe
- Parietal lobe
- Frontal lobe
- All of the above
- Mednick
- Guilford
- Galton
- Torrance
- Herman Ebbinghaus
- Sigmund Freud
- Wilhelm Wundt
- Sigmund Freud
- Selective attention
- Synesthesia
- Sensory adaptation
- Sensory attention
- Charles Darwin
- Sigmund Freud
- William James
- Wilhelm Wundt
- Serial memorizing
- Syntactic memorizing
- Distributed practice
- None of the above
- Nurturance
- Social obligation
- Prosocial behavior
- None of the above
- Cognitive engagement
- Healthy adjustment
- Behavioral engagement
- Emotional engagement
- 30 seconds or less
- 50 seconds
- More than 50 seconds
- None of the above
- Charles Darwin
- Sigmund Freud
- Wilhelm Wundt
- None of the above
- Melanie Klein
- Karen Horney
- Anna Freud
- Margaret Floy Washburn
- Comparative psychology
- Differential psychology
- Social psychology
- Abnormal psychology
- Delhi university
- Bombay university
- Calcutta university
- None of the above
- 1907
- 1890
- 1916
- None of the above
- Feeling a person's skull
- Reading the horoscope of the person
- Looking at the hands of the person
- None of the above
- Jensen's theory
- Sternberg's theory
- Cattell's theory
- None of the above
- Nomothetic approach
- Idiographic approach
- General approach
- None of the above
- Alfred Adler
- Alfred Binet
- David Hull
- None of the above
- Dizziness
- Deafness
- Hallucination, delusion
- All of the above
- Alfred Adler
- Alfred Binet
- David Hull
- None of the above
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Panic
- None of the above
- Raised eyebrows
- Pursed lips
- Smiling
- None of the above
- Latin
- Spanish
- Greek
- Italian
- social
- cultural
- biological
- interpersonal
- lower
- middle
- upper
- all of the above
- lower
- middle
- higher
- none of the above
- multiple determinants
- nativism
- the Simpson effect
- individual differences
- environment, genes
- conscious, unconscious
- inaccuracy, accuracy
- biology, experience
- genes
- experience
- nature
- predestination
- Archimedes
- Rousseau
- Plato
- Aristotle
- mindism
- dualism
- centralism
- specialism
- experientialism
- dualism
- functionalism
- structuralism
- Titchener
- James
- Descartes
- Watson
- extreme usefulness
- natural endowment
- natural selection
- natural wellbeing
- Wundt, Titchener
- Wundt, James
- James, Titchener
- Milner, Thompson
- psychodynamic
- cultural
- conscious
- biodynamic
- functionalism
- behaviorism
- humanism
- socialism
- stimulus, response
- punishment, reward
- reaction, emotion
- reinforcement, stimulus
- cognitive psychologist
- physiological psychologist
- cognitive-ergonomic psychologist
- social-cultural psychologist
- free will
- unconscious desires
- hormones
- group influence
- behaviourism
- collectivism
- functionalism
- structuralism
- can be easily explained
- has multiple causes
- stems from unconscious desires
- depends on social influence
- the accuracy of eyewitness memory
- the impact of advertising on shopping behaviour
- the effect of hormones on decision making
- gender differences in learning styles
- it was too slow
- it invaded people’s privacy
- it yielded too much data
- it was too subjective
- stimulus
- reward
- response
- condition
- individualism/collectivism
- collectivism/individualism
- cultural norms/social norms
- social norms/cultural norms
- functionalism
- cognitive
- social-cultural
- behaviourism
- personality
- cognitive
- clinical
- social
- reductionism
- functionalism
- introspection
- animism
- experimentation
- autoethnography0
- introspection
- lesioning
- shadow/manifest
- personal/collective
- introvert/extravert
- phenomenal/latent
- sensory memory
- semantic memory
- episodic memory
- procedural memory
- Watson
- Thorndike
- Skinner
- Maslow
- repeating/increasing
- adding/removing
- removing/adding
- increasing/repeating
- classical conditioning and operant conditioning
- manifest learning and latent learning
- conscious learning and unconscious learning
- operant conditioning and instrumental conditioning
- expectation fulfillment
- activation-synthesis
- threat-simulation
- elucidatory consciousness
- sympathetic, parasympathetic
- autonomic, somatic
- temporal, parietal
- visual, auditory
- humanist
- behaviourist
- evolutionist
- cognitivist
- humanist
- behaviourist
- evolutionist
- cognitivist
- hunger
- thirst
- free will
- sleep
- late 20th century
- late 19th century
- middle ages
- the 1700s
- Freudian, Jungian
- conditioned, unconditioned
- latent, manifest
- somatic, autonomic
- Freud
- Watson
- Wernicke
- Rogers
- somatic, autonomic
- reflexive, responsive
- sympathetic, parasympathetic
- frontal, occipital
- Manifold Barometric Temperature Indicator
- Multiple Behavioural Theories Instrument
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator
- Maslow Bosun Trend Indicator
- frontal
- temporal
- occipital
- parietal
- id
- ego
- shadow
- super-ego
- belief
- behaviour
- brain
- blessing
- safety
- self actualization
- esteem
- physiological
- humanistic psychology
- evolutionary psychology
- cognitive psychology
- behavioural psychology
- Watson
- Thorndike
- Pavlov
- Skinner
- enjoying a task for its own sake
- being motivated by money and/or other rewards
- enjoying a task because it meets physical needs
- motivation that can only be experienced indoors
- sensory memory
- episodic memory
- procedural memory
- semantic memory
- shadow
- lateral
- spreading
- latent
- 1930s
- 1950s
- 1970s
- 1990s
- CS
- CR
- metacognition
- perception
- mediation
- self-regulation
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Biological science
- Physical science
- Social science
- Natural science
- Wilhelm Wundt
- G. Jung
- Sigmund Freud
- None of the above
- Stereotype
- Prototype
- Prejudice
- Discrimination
- Cerebellum
- Hippocampus
- Amygdala
- None of the above
- Reward
- Condition
- Response
- None of the above
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychotherapy
- Psychiatry
- None of the above
- Holophrases
- Telegraphic speech
- Under extensions
- None of the above
- Insomnia
- Somniloquy
- Somnambulism
- Sleep terror
- Proprioprediction
- Proprioliction
- Proprioception
- Proprioaction
- Positron emission tomography
- Electrical stimulation
- Electroencephalogram
- None of the above
- Mednick
- Guilford
- Galton
- Torrance
- Vayulink
- Rakshalink
- Radiolink
- Commlink
- South Asia
- West and North Europe
- North America
- Oceania
- Kerala
- Karnataka
- Andhra Pradesh
- Odisha
- Expensive power
- Nuclear power
- Renewable Power
- Wholesale Power
- Indian Penal Code
- Representation of People’s Act
- Code Of Criminal Procedure
- Indian Evidence Act
- USA-Russia
- France-India
- India-Sri Lanka
- Saudi Arabia
- Israel
- France
- Australia
- Israel
- Iran
- France
- 18 February
- 21 February
- 24 February
- 27 February
- 70
- 75
- 80
- 85
- Reliance Industries
- Tata Trusts
- Adani Group
- Aditya Birla Group
- England
- South Africa
- India
- Australia
- Department of Economic Affairs
- Department of Financial Services
- Department of Expenditure
- Department of Revenue
- New Delhi
- Maharashtra
- West Bengal
- Telangana
- Sweden
- Finland
- Norway
- Italy
- NITI Aayog
- Oil India
- Taiwan
- Philippines
- Singapore
- Malaysia
- West Bengal
- Maharashtra
- Assam
- Pune
- Lucknow
- Ahmedabad
- Kochi
- Colombia
- Tanzania
- Greece
- China
- Tata Motors
- Reliance Industries
- Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
- Mahindra and Mahindra
- Telangana
- Kerala
- Assam
- Odisha
- UK
- Australia
- The Netherlands
- Poland
- Sweden
- Australia
- France
- Israel
- Russia
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- Ministry of Rural Development and Entrepreneurship
- Ministry of Defence
- Micro-germs
- Super-bugs
- Ultra-bugs
- Future-bugs
- Sri Lanka
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
- Myanmar
- Tamil Nadu
- Kerala
- Andhra Pradesh
- Karnataka
- The runway to a billion opportunities
- Shared Prosperity through Enhanced Engagements in Defence
- Make in India, Make for the World’
- New India
- Bangladesh
- India
- Nepal
- Japan
- New Delhi
- Mumbai
- Kolkata
- Bhopal
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Ministry of MSME
- Ministry of Rural Development and Entrepreneurship
- Ministry of Finance
- Pakistan
- China
- India
- Russia
- Guwahati
- Shimla
- Gulmarg
- Leh
- One
- Three
- Five
- Seven
- Meta
- Qualcomm
- Samsung
- Hyderabad
- Bengaluru
- Kochi
- Bhubaneswar
- NITI Aayog
- Sweden
- Spain
- Germany
- France
- World Bank
- NITI Aayog
- World Economic Forum
- International Monetary Fund
- Secular Marriage Act of 1954
- Special Marriage Act of 1954
- Sikh Marriage Act of 1954
- Sovereign Marriage Act of 1954
- Nepal
- Bangladesh
- China
- Odisha
- Telangana
- Karnataka
- Kerala
- NITI Aayog
- Finance Ministry
- Bankkeeper Jail
- Hazaribagh Jail
- camp jail
- Bhagalpur Jail
- Justice Party
- Communist Party
- socialist Party
- Kisan Sabha
- August 9, 1942
- August 10, 1942
- August 15, 1942
- August 16, 1942
- Bhulabhai Desai
- Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
- Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
- Dr. Kailash Nath Katju
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Madan Mohan Malviya
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Swami Shraddhanand
- hind kesari
- Kesar-e-Hind
- Rai Bahadur
- the right honorable
- Hindu Mahasabha
- Communist Party of India
- Unionist Party of Punjab
- all of these
- Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
- Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
- C. Rajagopalachari
- Dr. Rajendra Prasad
- Civil disobedience movement
- Non-Cooperation Movement
- Quit India Movement
- Swadeshi movement
- Adequate representation of Dalits in government jobs
- Reservation of seats for the Depressed Classes in the Provincial Legislatures
- Reservation of seats for the Depressed Classes in Central Legislatures
- Approval of Joint Electorate System
- War was declared against the British Empire in this
- It presented Jawaharlal Nehru as the future prime minister
- The concept of planning commission was introduced in
- In this the Congress gave its approval to the Government of India Act, 1935.
- to improve agricultural land
- To curtail nationalist and revolutionary activities
- to have a favorable trade balance
- to prosecute World War II criminals
- land to the tiller
- rise in wage rates
- Withdrawal of new increased rent rate
- Supply of agricultural inputs to farmers at subsidized rate
- Morley-Minto Reforms
- Montague-Chelmsford Reforms
- simon commission
- first round table conference
- First
- Second
- third
- the fourth
- of March 6, 1930
- on April 6, 1930
- March 12, 1930
- on April 12, 1930
- Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
- Dr. Rajendra Prasad
- Narendra Dev
- Ashaf Ali
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- B. R. Ambedkar
- Vallabh Bhai Patel
- Rajendra Prasad
- from narendra dev
- from Achyut Patwardhan
- From Jaiprakash Narayan
- from Jawaharlal Nehru
- 26 years
- 21 years
- 16 years
- 15 years
- Went
- Amritsar
- Velgam
- Kanpur
- Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel
- Acharya J. B. Kriplani and C. Rajagopalachari
- Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
- Rajendra Prasad and Rafi Ahmed Kidwai
- At the time of Quit India movement, the secret Congress is to run the radio
- For participation in the second round table conference
- to lead a detachment of the Azad Hind Fauj
- Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's Interim Government meeting to play a supporting role
- Motilal Nehru
- C.R. Slave
- Vallabh Bhai Patel
- Vitthalbhai Patel
- The Congress could not form a cabinet in the other four provinces.
- The rise of the Left in the Congress made it impossible for the cabinet to function.
- There was extreme communal unrest in their provinces
- None of the statements 'a', 'b' and 'c' given above is correct
- The Round Table Conference failed to satisfy Indian political aspirations.
- Congress and Muslim League had differences
- Ramsey MacDonald Announces Communal Award
- In this context none of the statements 'a', 'b' and 'b' given above is correct
- essential economic support to the war effort
- Detention without trial and trial of cases by summary procedure
- suppression of the Khilafat movement
- curb press freedom
- A Critique of Western Modernism
- Outline of his philosophy of Satyagraha
- Call upon Indians to free themselves from the British
- An outline of Gram Swaraj
- V.O. chidambaram pillai
- C. Ramgopalachari
- K.S. Kamaraj
- Annie Besant
- in Bombay
- in Lucknow
- in Champaran
- in Varanasi
- Harilal Gandhi
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Ramdas Gandhi
- Manilal Gandhi
- johannesburg
- pietermaritzburg
- Durban
- pretoria
- johannesburg
- pietermaritzburg
- Durban
- pretoria
- hue gitskell
- sir john simon
- sir pathick lawrence
- None of these
- William Wood
- pathick lawrence
- Stafford Cripps
- A. V. Alexander
- Rajendra Prasad
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- J. B. kriplani
- Sardar Patel
- H.N. brailsford
- babe miller
- G.S. Slocombe
- James Peterson
- 1927
- 1928
- 1929
- 1930
- Lahore
- Lucknow
- Allahabad
- Ramgarh
- mountbatten
- red Cliff
- Reims bolt
- richardson
- Swachh Bharat Mission
- Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission
- Mission Indradhanush
- Janani Suraksha Yojana
- West Bengal
- Assam
- Odisha
- Sikkim
- Kenya
- Australia
- West Bengal
- Tamil Nadu
- Karnataka
- Madhya Pradesh
- India
- Sri Lanka
- China
- Sayyid dynasty
- Lodi dynasty
- Tughlaq dynasty
- khilji dynasty
- April 21, 1529
- April 21, 1526
- April 15, 1528
- April 20, 1527
- in the battle of khanwa
- in the battle of Ghaghra
- in the first battle of Panipat
- none of these
- First Battle of Panipat (1526)
- Battle of Khanwa (1527)
- Battle of Chanderi (1528)
- Battle of Ghaghra (1529)
- Ashoka
- Sher Shah Suri
- Akbar
- Humayun
- Bara Imambara
- Buland Darwaza
- JAMA Masjid
- Siddi Bashir
- abul fazal
- Amir Khusro
- Firoz Shah
- Abdul Rashid
- Akbar and Hemu
- Rajput and Mughal
- Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
- Sikandar and Adil Shah
- Humayun
- Jahangir
- Akbar
- shah jahan
- Bijapur
- Golconda
- Ahmednagar
- Berar
- shah jahan
- Akbar
- Jahangir
- Babar
- Jahangir
- Akbar
- shah jahan
- bahadur shah
- Urdu
- Hindi
- Arabic
- Farsi
- Babar
- Humayun
- Akbar
- Jahangir
- war of Plasi
- Battle of Talikota
- first battle of panipat
- Battle of Haldighati
- shah jahan
- Akbar
- Jahangir
- Aurangzeb
- abul fazal
- Faizi
- abdul nabi khan
- Birbal
- Akbar
- Jahangir
- Babar
- Aurangzeb
- His conquests against Humayun
- best military leadership
- administrative reforms
- religious tolerance
- Gulbadan Begum
- Mumtaz Mahal
- Jahanara Begum
- Roshanara Begum
- Hyaluronidase
- Trypsin
- Helicase
- None of the above
- 34
- 44
- 54
- 33
- Animal pole
- Vegetal pole
- Zona pellucida
- None of the above
- Acrosome
- Zona pellucida
- Megalis
- None of the above
- Pluripotent stem cells
- Cord blood stem cells
- Blood stem cells
- None of the above
- Flagella
- Cilia
- Neutrophils
- None of the above
- One of both testes are not developed
- One or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum
- One or both testes are not formed
- None of the above
- Progesterone
- Vasopressin
- Testosterone
- None of the above
- Mesonephric duct
- Ejaculatory duct
- Major sublingual duct
- Cystic duct
- Lipids
- Hormones
- Digestive enzymes
- None of the above
- Goat
- Duck
- Crocodile
- None of the above
- Pigeon
- Elephant
- Sheep
- None of the above
- Basking shark
- Bonobo
- Blue shark
- None of the above
- Placenta
- Chorion
- Endometrium
- None of the above
- Flowers
- Stalk
- Pedicel
- Leaf
- Ovaries
- Stem
- Petals
- Thalamus
- Attraction
- Pollination
- Survival
- Protection
- Calyx
- Corolla
- Petals
- Style
- gynoecium
- calyx
- androecium
- corolla
- Solar System
- Digestive system
- Both A and B
- None of the above
- Transport
- Physical
- Data-link
- Application
- Fiber-Optic
- Coaxial
- Radio
- Microwave
- Sound
- Mechanical
- Network
- Data Link
- Physical
- Presentation
- IP
- All of these
- IP
- Telnet
- None of These
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- #
- $
- %
- !
- General PCB
- Connectivity circuit boards
- Arduino shields
- Other high-end Arduino boards
- only loop()
- only setup()
- Setup() and loop()
- can be either loopO or setupO
- Top to bottom
- Bottom to Top
- Any order
- None of these
- Comma (,)
- Colon (:)
- Semicolon (;)
- Fullstop (.)
- Easy to learn
- Huge community
- many third-party libraries
- All of the above
- Ground Pin Input/Output
- General pin Input/Output
- General purpose Input/Output
- None of these
- Pin functionality using the pinMode function
- Initial state of pins
- Initalize classes and variables
- All of the above
- IOT device
- Gateway
- Application
- None of the above
- Object ldentifying
- Tracking
- Exchange useful information
- All of the above
- Antenna
- Transponder
- Transceiver
- All of these
- Training
- Information
- Knowledge
- Message
- Behave
- Think
- work
- All of the above
- Securities Act of 1933
- Sarbones-Oxley Act of 2002
- Investment Advisers Act of1940
- Investment Comporny Act of 1934
- A politicion
- A private citizen
- A house of warship
- A govermment institution-
- Mumbai
- Imphal
- Kolkata
- Bengaluru
- Chennai
- Kochi
- Aurangabad
- Bhubaneswar
- Pune
- Aurangabad
- Nashik
- Ahmed Nagar
- Google Pay
- Mi Pay
- Paytm Payments Bank
- Airtel Payments Bank
- Cort Byoir
- Edward Bernays
- Doris Fleischman
- Arthur Page
- The Creol Committee
- The Red Cross
- The Council on Public Relations
- The Office of War Information
- Consideration
- Completenss
- oncreteness
- Conciseness
- Clarify
- Clarifications
- Confidence
- Correctness
- Xiaomi Cloud
- Googlecloud
- Myntra
- AWS(Amazon Web Services)
- Smartwatch
- Andriod Phone
- Laptop
- Tubelight
- Hardware
- Software
- Both of these
- None
- ML
- MX
- MM
- Destination IP Address
- Source IP Address
- Both of these
- None of these
- collection of networked devices
- collection of Interconnected devices
- a collection of signalled devices
- None of the above
- Virtural network of computers
- Very network of computers
- Virtual network for communication
- Virtual network computing
- .jar
- .obj
- .cpp
- .exe
- Bluetooth
- Wifi
- Mobile Hotspot
- IPl interface
- UART interface
- 12P interface
- None
- 3
- 4
- 2
- More than 4
- Dear Son
- Dear Mother
- Dear sir
- None of these
- Amazon echo voice controller-
- Google Home
- Nest Smoke Alarm
- None of these
- OLED matrix
- None of the above
- Highway Address Remote Transmitter
- Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
- Highway Addressable Router Transmitter
- Highway Address Remote Transmitter
- None of these
- Bluetooth
- WiFi
- Hotspot
- Ip
- IP addresses
- Network address
- Burned in address
- Hardware address
- Sikkim
- Kerala
- Goa
- Himachal Pradesh
- 26
- 32
- 42
- 55
- Sri Lanka
- Nepal
- Bangladesh
- Myanmar
- China
- India
- Brazil
- France
- Gujarat
- Karnataka
- Tamil Nadu
- Kerala
- Http
- Ethernet address
- IP address
- MAC address
- Building Automation
- Smart Energy
- Industrial automation
- Route Navigation
- Bridges
- Packets
- witches
- Host
- Response message
- Request message
- Both response and requestt
- Neither response nor request
- Load
- Overload
- Overhead
- Overrun
- Transport
- Application
- Session
- Network
- Network
- Transport
- Session
- Application
- micro converter
- microcontroller
- microsensor
- None
- A key on your key chain
- A key given to the public
- A key NOT to be given to the public
- A key that opens a secret door
- Security
- Process
- People
- Things
- Personality
- Personality development
- Social Interaction
- Persona
- Not related only to body structure, but it includes both the structure and dynamics.
- An indivisible unit
- unique for every individual
- All of the above.
- Ecological enviroment
- Social environment
- Physical environment
- Cultural enviroment
- Mental
- Emotional
- Physical
- Social
- Self-confidence
- Self-respect
- Self-acceptance
- All of the above
- Self Esteem
- Self-Evaluation
- Self-Efficiency
- Self Analysis
- Self-Esteem
- Self-Evaluation
- Self-Efficiency
- Self-Analysis
- Bluetooth-
- WiFi
- Capacitive Sensor
- Resistive Sensor
- Thermal Conductivity
- Both resistive and conductive
- The way you perceive yourself.
- What skill you have.
- How much you need to live on
- All of above.
- Service Oriented Architecture
- Sector Oriented Architecture
- Source Oriented Architecture
- None of these
- Personality characteristics that relate to morality and self-control
- Personality characteristics that relate to being distinctive
- Personality characteristics that relate to social learning
- Personality characteristics that relate to innate tendencies
- C++
- C
- Parents, teachers, and others
- Our own "inner voice."
- Table and Chair
- Comparing ourselves with others.
- USART protocol
- UART protocol
- SPI protocol
- All of above
- Pressure sensor
- Humidity sensor
- Temperature sensor
- Touch Sensor
- Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers
- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
- Ministry of Rural Development
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- West Bengal
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Sikkim
- Uttarakhand
- Karnataka
- Madhya Pradesh
- Assam
- Gujarat
- February 21
- February 24
- February 28
- March 3
- EU
- G-20
- G-7
- Production
- Pico Power
- Power Pico
- Programmable on chip
- Wrapping
- Controlling
- Both wrapping and controlling access by all applications on the device
- Encryption
- Paper
- Process
- Programme
- plan
- Verbal
- non-Verbal
- written
- spoken
- Wastage of more energy
- Supports in some devices only
- Won't work at some conditions
- Tough installation
- HiFi
- Zigbee
- Bluetooth
- Local Agent
- IOT Kit-admin IOT Kit
- SSH Terminal
- Daemon
- True
- False
- May be
- None of these
- True
- False
- May be
- None of these
- True
- False
- May be
- None of these
- True
- False
- May be
- None of these-
- True
- False
- May be
- None of these
- True
- False
- May be
- None of these
- True
- False
- May be
- None of these
- True
- False
- May be
- None of these
- True
- False
- May be
- None of these
- True
- False
- May be
- None of these
- Social Media
- Modes of communication
- IOT eco-system
- None of these
- Weightless
- bluetooth
- Wimax
- zigbee
- CoAP protocol
- http protocol
- xmpp protocol
- MQTT protocol
- Capacitive touch
- Thermistor
- LDR sensor
- Resistive sensor
- Masuline
- Feminine
- Common
- Neuter
- Upload
- Reset
- Download
- Query
- Network
- Account
- Portal
- Keys
- Power
- Schedular
- Controller
- Package
- Non linear
- Linear
- Linear and Non linear
- Sometimes both
- Python Package Index
- Package Management System
- PIP installs packages
- None of the above
- Auto-pilot for an aircraft
- Direct current generator
- Car starter
- Electric switch
- Continuous, frequency
- Continuous, time
- Discrete, frequency
- None of the above
- Various Network computers
- Virtual Network Computing
- Virtual Network Communication
- None of the above
- Encryption
- Registring
- Locking
- None of the above
- linear motion
- rotary motion
- both a and b
- none of the above
- Rotary
- Stationary
- both a & b
- None of the above
- High level Data Link Control
- High level Data Level Controt
- High level Data Link Coordinator
- High level Data Link Commutator
- Device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network
- Wireless devices itself
- Both (a) and (b)
- None of the above
- feminine
- masculine
- Comman
- neuter
- Direct
- Indirect
- Indefinite
- definite
- RedBoard
- Lilypad
- Mega
- public_key and subscribe_key
- Public-key and subscribe-key
- publickey and subscribekey
- Key_public and key_subscribe
- Network and Cloud
- Cloud and controller
- Network and controller
- Controller and device
- Hundreds of Hundreds of data
- Hundreds of thousands of data
- Tens of Hundreds of data
- Tens of thousands of data
- Digital
- Analog
- Analog and digital
- Neither Analog nor digital
- Improve the usability and interoperability
- Reduce the security
- Complex the development
- Increase the cost.
- Local Area Network
- Personal Area Network
- Metropolitan Area Network
- Wide Area Network
- ATmega328p
- ATmega2560
- ATmega32114
- AT91SAM3x8E
- Optiboot bootloader
- AIR-boot
- Bare box
- Callback
- Error
- Connect
- Reconnect
- LAN and HAN
- HAN and PAN
- LAN and PAN
- LAN, PAN and HAN
- Optical Sensor
- Gas Sensor
- Smolke Sensor
- Pressure Sensor
- Short Network
- SigFox
- Short-range Wireless Network
- _lnit
- lint_
- _lnit_
- _init_
- point-to-point connections
- point-to-multipoint connection
- Both point-to-point connections and point-to-multipoint connection
- multipoint to point connection
- Message
- Logging
- Sensors
- Pane
- Demo Keyset
- Portal
- Network
- Uno
- None of the above
- Memory CARD
- None of the above
- Monitors Motion
- Monitors Light intensity
- Monitors Air pressure
- Monitors heart beat
- Microprocessor
- DC Motor
- Sensor
- None of these
- More and Less
- High and LOw
- Discreat
- None of these
- Both of the above
- None of these
- Hard disk
- Memory
- Microcontroller
- None of these
- Digital
- Analog
- Both of the Above
- None of these
- None of the above
- Long Term Errors
- Long Term Evolution
- Lengthy Terminal Estimation
- Long Term Estimates
- Kevin Ashton
- Guido van Rossum
- Ross Ihaka
- Internet
- Cloud
- Automata
- Network
- Hard disk
- Sensor
- Input Program Output
- None of these
- Low Protocol Wide Area Network.
- Low Power Wide Area Network
- Long Protocol Wide Area Network
- Long Power Wide Area Network
- Telecommunication control protocol
- Transmission control protocol
- Temprature control protocol
- Transmission and communication protocol.
- IDE Source
- Sketch
- Cryptography
- Source code
- Internet of Things Area
- Industrial of things Architecture
- Internet of Things Address
- Internet of Things Architecture
- Internet
- Pen drive
- Hard disk
- CD Rom
- 1883
- 8000
- 8883
- 8888
- Software
- Hardware device
- Network
- Protocol
- Machine to Machine
- Internet of Things
- Machine to Machine and Internet of Things
- Machine Things
- Robert Cailliau
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Andy Stanford-Clark
- Vint Cerf
- LM35
- ESP8266
- DHT11
- RFM3200
- Fetch, Decode, Write
- Fetch, Decode, Execute
- Fetch, Execute, Write
- Fetch, Decode, Execute, Write
- 3 elements
- 7 elements
- 8 elements
- 6 elements
- Sensor
- Data Type
- Breadboard
- Sheilds
- Stepper motor
- A fan
- An LED
- Arduino
- Ethernet
- Bluetooth
- Wifi
- None of the Above
- Ethernet
- Bluetooth
- Wifi
- Both B and C
- Advanced Mass Query Protocol
- Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
- Add-on Message Query Protocol
- Add-on Message Queuing Protocol
- In Deep Environment
- Integrated Environment Development
- Internal Deep Escape
- Connection-oriented protocol
- Implements flow control
- Support for a flexible architecture
- Unreliable
- Physical and mental copabilities
- health and physical appearance
- skin color and gender
- all of the above
- With love
- Yours sincerely
- Yours faithfully
- Affectionately yours
- Bot to Bot (B2B)
- Machine to Machine (M2M)
- Skynet
- InterCloud
- Protocol abstraction
- Simple and fast installation
- Security with hardware
- Data storage
- Protocol abstraction
- Simple and fast installation
- Security with hardware
- Date storage
- Network
- 16
- 14
- 12
- 8
- Honeywell
- GE connected appliances
- Eversense
- Nest
- RS32
- RS232C
- 4RS85
- All of the these
- Network of physical embedded with sensors.
- Network of Virtual objects
- Network of objects in the ring structure.
- Network of sensors
- IoT devices use the internet for collecting and sharing data.
- IoT devices need microcontrollers.
- IoT devices use wireless technology.
- IoT devices are completely safe.
- Python
- Java
- C/C++
- JavaScript
- Pressure sensor
- Touch sensor
- Temperature sensor
- Humidity sensor
- Wired
- Wireless
- Both of the above
- None of these
- Wired
- Wireless
- Both of the above
- None of these
- Pulse Width Module
- Pulse Width Mode
- Pulse With Modulation
- Pulse Width Modulation
- 1
- Depends upon the setup() function
- Infinitely till the power is supplied to the Arduino
- 3
- OCEAN Theory
- Write a letter
- Counselling
- None of these
- Actuator that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.
- Device
- Microprocessor
- None of the above
- Thermistor
- Resistance Thermometer
- Thermocouple
- Semiconductor based sensor
- Create a recursive function call statement.
- Create a nested infinite loop within the loop() function.
- Call the setup() function from the loop( function.
- Call the loop() function from the setup () function.
- Lithium Diode Resistor
- Light Diagram Resistor
- Lithium Disk Resistor
- Light Dependent Resistor
- Bluetooth
- Ethernet
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- Sensor
- Actuators
- Wired
- None of these
- Short
- Long
- medium
- None of these
- Receives
- Sends
- Sends & Receives
- None
- Global Scheduler
- Local Scheduler
- Device Scheduler
- IoT Scheduler
- Low
- high
- more
- less
- less
- more
- high
- None of these
- Antenna
- Transponder
- Transceiver
- All of the Above
- Assembly Language
- C Languages
- Any Language
- Privacy
- Data storage
- security
- Throughput
- Current loop
- Voltage loop
- Power loop
- None of these
- loop ()
- output
- setup ()
- None of the above
- Pressure sensor
- Touch sensor
- Humidity sensor -
- Temperature sensor
- 12C
- 1-2 times
- 3-4 times
- Never
- None of these
- True
- False
- Sometimes
- None of these
- UserFriendly
- Both
- None
- True
- False
- Sometimes
- None of these
- True
- False
- Sometimes
- None
- Wired
- Wireless
- both wired and Wireless communication
- None of these
- True
- False
- Maybe
- None
- Security
- Collect data
- Manage data
- Store data
- True
- False
- Sometimes
- None of these
- True
- False
- Sometimes
- None of these
- Secure Socket Layers and Transport Layer Session.
- Secure Socket Layers and Transport Layer Security.
- Secure Socket Layout and Transport Level Session.
- Session Socket Layers and Transport Layer Session.
- 16 bits
- 32 bits
- 64 bits
- 48 bits
- Small and cheap devices
- Low memory devices
- Low power devices
- All of the above
- Higher Data Level Communication
- Higher Data Link Communication
- High-level Data Link Control
- High Data Level Control
- Bus topology
- Mesh topology
- Ring topology
- None of these
- Application Layer
- Network Layer
- Data Link Layer
- Transport Layer
- True
- False
- Maybe
- None of these
- Domain name database
- Router
- Domain Information system
- Domain name system
- Sensors
- Actuators
- Microprocessors
- Microcontrollers-
- Inter-Assessment-Number-Access
- Internet Association-Numbers- Authority.
- International-Aid-for-Network- Authority
- Internet-Assigned-Numbers-Authority
- Switch
- Router
- Repeater
- None of the above
- True
- False
- Uses SMTP
- None of the above
- Front user
- End user
- sensors
- None of these
- Stepper motor
- A fan
- An LED
- Arduino
- Weight sensor
- Imaging sensor
- Proximity sensor
- Touch sensor
- A light sensor (photoresistor) is an analog sensor.
- A microphone is a digital sensor.
- A push button is a digital sensor.
- A keyboard is a digital sensor.
- True
- False
- May be
- None of the above
- Logical Layer
- DataLink Layer
- Transport Layer
- Session Layer
- User Datagram protocol
- User Diagram protocol
- User Detection protocol
- None of the above
- Boot
- Hypermedia
- Actuators
- endpoints
- True
- False
- May be
- None of the above
- Wifi
- Cloud
- Bluetooth
- Ethernet
- 5
- 10
- 2
- 1
- Cloud and controller
- Network and Cloud
- Network and Controller
- Controller and device
- 6
- 7
- 5
- None of the above
- Probability communication
- Upward or bottom-up communication
- Formal communication
- Informal communication
- Microcontroller
- Sensor
- Actuator
- None of these
- They are used by sensors to have analog input.
- They are used by sensors to have digital input.
- They are used by actuators to have analog input
- They are used by actuators to have digital input
- Fog computing
- Mobile Cloud computing
- Mist computing
- Cloud computing
- Mirai Malware
- Virus
- program
- None of these
- Gossip
- probability
- Rope
- Cluster
- privacy
- person
- Attitude
- Mask
- Eclipse Kura
- Red Hat
- Intercloud
- Eclipse Kapua
- Positively
- Negetively
- Neutrally
- None of these
- Single wire interface
- Two wire interface
- Resistive touch sensor
- Human sensor
- Capacitive touch sensor
- None of these
- Reports
- Orders
- Instructions
- Grapevine
- Server
- Sensor
- Nano tech
- General Purpose Inner Outer Propeller
- General Purpose Input Output Pins
- General Purpose Interested Old People
- General Purpose Input Output Processor
- Application Layer
- Transport Layer
- Network Layer
- Data Link Layer
- Indepth Internet of Things
- Innovative Internet of Things
- Information Internet of Things
- Industrial Internet of Things
- Energy Consumption
- Security
- Network Congestion
- All of the above
- IEEE 802.15.4.LoWPAN
- Wired Sensor Network
- Wireless Sensor Network
- Wired Service Network
- Wireless Service Network
- Serial Monitor
- Verify
- upload
- Terminate
- command_key
- command-key
- commandkey
- key_command
- Callback
- Error
- Connect
- Reconnect
- Embedded controller
- Sensor
- Actuators
- None of these
- Transducer
- Transistor
- DC Motor
- None of these
- True
- False
- Maybe
- None of these
- Reduce waste
- Enhanced data collection
- security
- None of the above
- Sensors
- Connectivity and data processing
- User interface
- Transformer
- Filter the data
- Locked the data
- Store data
- None of these
- Network
- Anxiety
- Mathematical aptitude
- Voting conservative
- Friendliness
- Personhood
- Character
- Temperament
- Individuality
- Actuators
- Endpoint
- Boot
- Hyper media
- Transport
- Physical
- Application
- None of these
- Al
- ML
- Internet
- Thermistor
- Resistance Thermometer
- Thermocouple
- Semiconductor based sensor
- Zigbee
- All of the Above
- eGovernment related
- Enterprise-based
- Company based
- Business oriented platform
- True and false cases
- False cases only
- Either True or false cases
- True cases only
- establish their concept of self
- become selfless
- reach their full potential
- None of the above
- Sensor
- A Microcontroller
- An Actuator
- A Digital to Analog converter
- 2 (projected capacitive sensing and surface capacitive sensing)
- 3
- 4
- 5
- Internet as a service
- Infrastructure as services
- Internet as a Software
- Infrastructure as a Software
- Wifi
- bluetooth
- 4x Speed, 2x Range, 2x Data
- 6x Speed, 3x Range, 3x Data
- 2x Speed, 4x Range, 8x Data
- 3x Speed, 4x Range, 8x Data
- Intelligence, Scalable
- Security
- Heterogeneity
- All of the above
- Monitors Motion
- Monitors air pressure
- Monitors Light Intensity
- Monitors heartbeat
- WIFI Protected System
- WIFI Protocol setup
- WIFI Protected setup
- Wireless Protocol setup
- A system designed to prevent unauthorized access.
- A web browser
- The physical boundary of network.
- The Network Operating System.
- I2C
- Data
- Message
- Network
- Device
- Karnataka and Gujarat
- Telangana and Tamil Nadu
- Gujarat and Punjab
- Haryana and Himachal Pradesh
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Electronics and IT
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Defence
- HDFC Bank
- Axis Bank
- ICICI Bank
- Yes Bank
- UK
- Australia
- Germany
- Mumbai
- Chennai
- New Delhi
- Ahmedabad
- Our Aim – Zero Harm
- Our Aim- Zero Accident
- Health and Safety
- Elimination of Occupational Hazard
- Ministry of Textiles
- Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Defence
- CFA Institute
- Oxfam International
- Amnesty International
- World Bank- ILO
- World Bank – UNICEF
- Rice
- Cotton
- Gold
- Lithium
- 26.5 %
- 32.5 %
- 45.5 %
- 55.5 %
- World Bank
- World Economic Forum
- International Monetary Fund
- Asian Development Bank
- Australia
- Iran
- Israel
- West Bengal
- Maharashtra
- Assam
- Odisha
- India
- Indonesia
- Japan
- One-horned Rhinos
- Great Indian Bustard
- Asian Elephant
- Asiatic Lion
- One-horned Rhinos
- Great Indian Bustard
- Asian Elephant
- Asiatic Lion
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of External Affairs
- Ministry of Electronics and IT
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Tripura
- Meghalaya
- Mizoram
- Assam
- Chennai
- Mumbai
- Hyderabad
- Bengaluru
- Sikkim
- Nagaland
- Jharkhand
- Bihar
- Ministry of Women and Child Development
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- World Bank
- India
- UK
- Australia
- Potato
- Red onion
- Cotton
- Jute
- Sri Lanka
- Colombia
- UK
- Japan
- UK
- China
- Greece
- Kerala
- Tamil Nadu
- Karnataka
- Odisha
- Kerala
- Tamil Nadu
- West Bengal
- Punjab
- Sri Lanka
- Nepal
- India
- Virtual digital assets
- Real Estate
- Jewellery
- Electronics
- Ministry of Culture
- Ministry of Railways
- Ministry of Tourism
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Venus
- AIRadio
- Go Radio
- RadioGPT
- Radio Bing
- Poverty
- Space Science
- Earth quake
- Cryptocurrency
- Israel
- India
- Germany
- The Major Port Authorities Act, 2021
- Information Technology Act, 2000
- Merchant Shipping Act 1958
- Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
- Karnataka
- New Delhi
- Odisha
- West Bengal
- Tamil Nadu
- Madhya Pradesh
- Gujarat
- Kerala
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Ministry of Food Processing Industries
- Ministry of Rural Development
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- Ministry of Civil Aviation
- Ministry of MSME
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- NITI Aayog
- 10
- 12
- 14
- 18
- Jharkhand
- Uttarakhand
- Punjab
- Rajasthan
- New Delhi
- Assam
- Kerala
- Bihar
- 7.44 %
- 6.44 %
- 5.44 %
- 4.44 %
- Everything Everywhere All at Once
- Elvis
- Tar
- Top Gun: Maverick
- Feddy
- Freddy
- Mousie
- Rhino
- communis
- Community
- Communication
- None of these
- Soft
- Hard
- Rough
- Short
- Sigbox
- Wifi
- C++
- Python
- IOT service Provider
- Signal
- Machine to Machine
- Network to Network
- Interconnected
- Hydraulic, pneumatic actuators
- Electrical, thermal actuators
- Mechanical actuators
- All of the Above
- Radio Identification technology
- Satellite
- Cable
- Broadband
- Good Reading
- Writing
- Speaking and listening
- All of the above
- 4
- forever
- 1
- 5
- Based on client-server architecture
- Based on publish-subscribe architecture
- Based on both of the above
- none of the above
- Non verbal communication
- Interpersonal communication
- Visual communication
- None of the above
- Object communication
- Written communication
- Oral communication
- Non-verbal communication
- BMP280
- DHT11
- Photoresistor
- They are open-source software.
- They can only read analog inputs.
- They have their own operating systems.
- They don't have pre-programmed firmware.
- Web API
- void setup()
- void loop
- void main()
- None of these
- Gambling
- Surfing
- Both A and B
- None of these
- Analog ports
- Dual ports
- Digital ports
- USB ports
- Ethernet
- Fiber Optic network
- GPS, Wi-Fi, RFID
- All of the Above
- common
- community
- message
- oral speech
- NITI Aayog
- 7.85 %
- 6.85 %
- 5.85 %
- 3.85 %
- Chennai
- Bengaluru
- Hyderabad
- Pune
- 12
- 15
- 18
- 21
- Surekha Yadav
- Bhawana Kant
- Avani Chaturvedi
- Mohana Singh
- Saudi Arabia
- Israel
- Oman
- UK
- India
- Bangladesh
- China
- India
- Russia
- Gujarat
- West Bengal
- Andhra Pradesh
- Karnataka
- Andhra Pradesh
- Odisha
- Karnataka
- West Bengal
- Mumbai
- New Delhi
- Varanasi
- Ahmedabad
- Ministry of Women and Child Development
- Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
- Ministry of MSME
- Bangladesh
- Sri Lanka
- France
- Singapore
- America
- Africa
- Asia
- Europe
- Uttar Pradesh
- Madhya Pradesh
- Assam
- Odisha
- Generative AI
- Reformative AI
- Memory AI
- Storage AI
- UK
- Russia
- North Korea
- Sri Lanka
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
- 2027
- Gujarat
- Tamil Nadu
- Rajasthan
- Karnataka
- March 18
- March 21
- March 23
- March 24
- Sparrows are our Friends
- I love Sparrows
- Sustainability and Sparrows
- Climate Change and Sparrows
- UK
- Switzerland
- China
- NITI Aayog
- Burundi
- Japan
- Australia
- South Africa
- Assam
- Manipur
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Odisha
- Timers
- All
- Protocols-
- Security policies
- Wireless Network
- Network Algorithm
- To know the network speed
- To test storage device
- To test a host on the network is reachable
- None of the Above
- Serial Session Layer
- Secure Socket Layer
- Session Secure Layer
- Series Socket Layer
- Mobile phones
- Laptops
- PCs
- All above
- PIC 18F8720
- MAX32620
- All
- 14
- 12
- 16
- 20
- Privacy and Security
- Energy consumption
- Network congestion
- All of the above
- Computer processor
- Device peripherals
- Computer Memory
- All of the Above
- 1
- 4
- 2
- 5
- Software
- Hardware
- Both A and B
- Devices
- 8-bit CISC
- 8-bit RISC
- 32-bit CISC
- 32-bit RISC
- Store data
- Manage data
- Collect data
- Security
- Protocol Abstraction
- Simple and fast installation
- Security with hardware
- Data storage
- Perception Layer
- Smart Network Layer
- Smart Application Layer
- Data Layer
- Cloud
- Bigdata
- Internet
- Network
- Andrea
- Androth
- Arnab
- Arnala
- Forests and health
- Forests and Climate Change
- Forests and Global Warming
- Forests are Friends
- Sri Lanka
- Afghanistan
- China
- Pakistan
- World Forest Day
- World Water Day
- World Earth Day
- World Sanitation Day
- Odisha
- Chhattisgarh
- West Bengal
- Gujarat
- India
- Ukraine
- Japan
- Russia
- China
- Israel
- Bhubaneswar
- Kolkata
- Dibrugarh
- Pune
- Architecture
- Mathematics
- Journalism
- Sports
- March 18
- March 20
- March 22
- March 24
- India
- Sri Lanka
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
- Gujarat
- Chhattisgarh
- Uttar Pradesh
- West Bengal
- World Economic Forum
- World Economic Forum
- Passive
- Radio
- Active
- Pressure based
- Proteus
- Lab view
- All of the Above
- Eclipse Kapua
- Red Hat
- Intercloud
- Eclipse Kura
- Interpreter
- Modem
- Compiler
- Operating system
- variable
- literal
- identifier
- comment
- delete all the trailing characters
- delete all the leading characters
- delete all the leading and trailing characters
- delete upper case characters
- variable
- literal
- identifier
- comment
- list
- tuple
- set
- None of the above
- arr[-2]
- arr[2]
- arr[-1]
- arr[1]
- Machine language
- Assembly language
- High-level language
- None of these
- oval
- rectangle
- arrow
- diamond
- A stage of all projects
- Finding broken code
- Evaluating deliverable to find errors
- None of the above
- list=()
- list.null
- null.list
- list=[]
- ab
- rw
- a+
- r+
- 12.6
- '12.6'
- 12
- syntax error
- random
- randrange
- randomrange
- rand
- Input/Output, Decision, Repeat
- Input, Output, Process
- Loop, Input/Output, Process
- Sequence, Selection, Repeat
- write
- output
- send
- dump
- Standard Input
- Standard Output
- Standard Errors
- All of the mentioned
- pseudo codes
- syntax
- flowcharts
- programs
- softspace
- mode
- closed
- rename
- eval
- nonlocal
- assert
- finally
- *
- #
- /
- ?
- def function function_name():
- declare function function_name():
- def function_name():
- declare function_name():
- Micro
- Union
- Macro
- Stack
- Flowchart
- Identifier
- code
- Debugging
- Testing
- Debugging
- logical error
- Algorithm
- Runtime Error
- Syntax Error
- Logical Error
- None of the above
- An Algorithm
- A decision table
- A program
- None of the above
- Testing
- Indentation
- Debugging
- None of the above
- Error
- Flexibility
- Portability
- Reliability
- Flowchart
- Flow
- Algorithm
- syntax
- O(n)
- O (log n)
- O(n2)
- O (n log n)
- Built in datatype
- Derived datatype
- Concrete datatype
- Abstract datatype
- Built in datatype
- Derived datatype
- concrete datatype
- Abstract datatype
- Graphical
- Cross-plateform
- Plateform Dependent
- All of these
- Decimal
- Octal
- Hexadecimal
- Roman
- sep
- separator
- end
- tab
- New Zealand
- UK
- Singapore
- Assam Rifles
- Ministry of Culture
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers
- Ministry of External Affairs
- World Food Programme
- World Bank
- Asian Development Bank
- UK
- India
- Australia
- Maharashtra
- Madhya Pradesh
- Gujarat
- Assam
- Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Kaushalya Yojana
- Mission Antyodaya
- Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
- Delhi High Court
- Surat High Court
- Punjab and Sind High Court
- Allahabad High Court
- Tamil Nadu
- Telangana
- Odisha
- West Bengal
- Nagpur
- Ahmedabad
- Chennai
- Pune
- Punjab
- New Delhi
- Kerala
- Odisha
- Maharashtra
- Gujarat
- Uttar Pradesh
- Madhya Pradesh
- Operating System
- Compiler
- Interface
- None of these
- Operating System
- Compiler
- Implementation
- Interpreter
- It supports automatic garbage collection.
- It can be easily integrated with C, C++,Com, ActiveX, CORBA, and Java.
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- else
- raise
- import
- All of the mentioned
- Stack
- Queue
- Pointer
- None of these
- writelines()
- write()
- tell()
- None of these
- +
- *
- %
- None
- Assert
- List
- Tuple
- None of these
- tell()
- write()
- Writelines()
- None of the above
- pow()
- exp()
- tell()
- None of these
- Method returns true if all characters in the string are alphanumeric numbers(either alphabets numbers). If not,it returns false
- Method returns False if all characters in the string are alphanumeric numbers(either alphabets numbers). If not,it returns True
- Both of the above
- None of these
- List
- Tuple
- Dictionary
- All of the above
- Method displays the directory of a process.
- Method displays the current working directory of a process.
- Method create file of a process.
- None of these
- %
- /
- \\
- None of these
- mehethey
- me he they
- he they me
- None of these
- dropna()
- Reference
- Optimisers
- None of these
- India
- Myanmar
- Sri Lanka
- Pakistan
- Odisha
- Kerala
- Goa
- Gujarat
- Australia
- Greece
- Italy
- Bharat Dynamics
- New Delhi
- Bhopal
- Gandhi Nagar
- Chennai
- State Bank of India
- HDFC Bank
- Canara Bank
- ICICI Bank
- Gecko
- Spider
- Snake
- Turtle
- China
- India
- Japan
- Australia
- Australia
- Germany
- Italy
- India
- Russia
- Ukraine
- Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
- New India Literacy Programme
- Scheme of Vocational Education
- National Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Scheme
- Assam
- Sikkim
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Karnataka
- IISc Bengaluru
- IIT Madras
- IIT Delhi
- NIT Tiruchirappalli
- Rs 5.55 lakh crore
- Rs 8.88 lakh crore
- Rs 11.11 lakh crore
- Rs 13.33 lakh crore
- Niti Aayog
- 0 %
- 0.20 %
- 0.40 %
- 1.00 %
- New Zealand
- Saudi Arabia
- Egypt
- Pandas
- circle
- rhombus
- block
- dropna()
- Pandas
- read_csv()
- None of these
- Math.Pi
- Circle()
- Pandas
- None of these
- Optimisers
- Pandas
- scipy ()
- None of these
- arraydtype()
- arr.dtype()
- dtype.arr()
- None of these
- read_csv()
- csv_read()
- csv.write()
- None of these
- ELGB ( enclosed, local,global, built-in).
- LEGB (local, enclosed,global, built-in ).
- Both of the above
- None of these
- mutable
- immutable
- fixed
- None of these
- parallelogram
- Diamond shape
- Circle shape
- None of the above
- [10,20,30,10,20,30]
- [20,40,60]
- [10,20,30,20,40,60]
- None
- Diamond box
- rectangular box
- Circle shape
- None of the above
- List
- dictionary
- Tuple
- None of these
- It is mandatory to have_main_function in python.
- It is not mandatory to have _main_function in python.
- It is mandatory to have any function in python.
- None of the above
- Python allows you to assign a single value to multiple variables simultaneously.
- You can assign multiple values to multiple variables by separating variables and values with commas.
- You can assign the same value to multiple variables by using = consecutively..
- All of the above
- ID returns the identity of the object
- Even object doesn't have a unique Id
- All of the mentioned
- None of the mentioned
- Module
- Class
- Another function
- Method
- Syntax Error
- Runtime Error
- Value Error
- None of these
- Value Error
- Syntax Error
- Logical Error
- None of these
- rb+
- rb-
- Wb
- None
- function
- method
- def
- None of the above
- L1[-2]
- L1[-1]
- L1[2]
- None of the above
- Time.altzone
- alt.Timezone
- zone.altTime
- None
- Tuples (seq)
- list(seq)
- dict (seq)
- None
- del
- remove
- delete
- None of these
- less
- more
- End
- None of these
- Ray temilson
- Guido van Rossum
- Tim Berner
- None of these
- objects
- style
- memory
- None
- Time.time()
- datetime()
- time.date()
- None of the above
- Text document
- Spreadsheet
- reference
- Database
- Global variables
- local variables
- datatype
- None of these
- Angular brackets
- parentheses
- curly brackets
- None of these
- function
- tuple
- list
- None of these
- Algorithm
- flowchart
- Both of the above
- None of these
- python.help ()
- help()
- help.python()
- None of the Above
- arange
- aspace
- aline
- All of the above
- India and Sri Lanka
- Azerbaijan and Tajikistan
- Pakistan and Afghanistan
- Nepal and Bangladesh
- sets the file's current position at the offset.
- sets the file's previous position at the offset.
- sets the file's current position within the file.
- None of the above
- It is used for object deserialization.
- It is used for object serialization.
- Both of the above.
- None of the above.
- swapcase
- uppertolower()
- lowertoUpper()
- None of these
- Array
- alias
- variable
- None of these
- close.fp
- fp.close()
- file.exit()
- None of these
- readline()
- read()
- readinglines()
- None of these
- constructs an iterator from elements of an iterable for which a function returns true.
- filters the given sequence with the help of a function that tests each element in the sequence to be true or not.
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- space()
- strip()
- remove()
- None of the above
- lowercase
- Capitalized
- None of the mentioned
- list()
- str()
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- Flowchart
- Algorithm
- Process
- None of these
- bin()
- int()
- binary()
- Zip()
- Zip()
- tuple()
- list()
- None of the above
- frozenset()
- obj()
- input()
- None of these
- set (x)
- dict(d)
- frozenset(s)
- chr(x)
- **
- //
- is
- not in
- values()
- chr()
- uni()
- None of these
- exp(x)
- int (x)
- chr (x)
- None of these
- algorithm
- program
- Graph
- None of these
- Python
- Java
- Fortran
- None of the above
- Function overloading
- operator overloading
- Both of the above.
- None of these
- exp(x)
- eval(str)
- str(x)
- None of the above
- print(t[3])
- t[3] = 45
- print(max(t))
- print(len(t))
- Every recursive function must have a base case
- Infinite recursion can occur if the base case isn't properly mentioned
- A recursive function makes the code easier to understand
- Every recursive function must have a return value
- Range
- Input
- Open
- Pass
- Range
- Input
- Open
- Pass
- Range
- Input
- Open()
- Pass
- []
- ()
- {}
- none of these
- pass
- Get
- Range
- None of these
- *
- +
- &
- None of these
- Module
- Function
- Folder
- None of these
- Module
- Function
- Folder
- None of these
- List
- Dictionary
- Tuple
- None of these
- Str
- int
- convert
- None of these
- Numpy
- Array
- dictionary
- None of these
- Continue
- Break
- pass
- None of these
- 6
- 18
- 10
- None of these
- In the “from-import" form of import, identifiers beginning with two underscores are private and aren't imported.
- dir() built-in function monitors the items in the namespace of the main module.
- In the "from-import" form of import, all identifiers regardless of whether they are private or public are imported.
- When a module is loaded, a compiled version of the module with file extension .pyc is automatically produced.
- .py
- .python
- .p
- None of these
- .py
- .python
- .p
- None of these
- 2008
- 2010
- 2000
- 2005
- shape ()
- reshape()
- change()
- None of these
- Compiler
- Assembler
- Translator
- None of these
- built-in functions
- User-defined functions
- Both of the above
- None of these
- hdlc
- tunnel
- hub
- bridge
- f5
- shift+f5
- ctrl+f5
- none of the above
- open
- both
- half open half closed
- off
- 34
- 40
- 50
- None
- //
- %
- &
- None of these
- individual lines of a file.
- A list of remaining lines of the entire file
- Write individual lines
- None of the Above
- Find the shape of the array
- change the shape of array
- Display elements
- None of these
- scope
- Lifetime
- keyword
- None
- if
- for
- Both of the above
- None
- Return
- pass
- for
- None of these
- Flow Lines
- circle
- diamond
- None of the above
- Tuple
- Dictionary
- List Comprehensions
- None of these
- pi()
- piFun()
- Fun()
- None of these
- str()
- int()
- String()
- None of these
- Factor
- integer number
- unique number
- None of these
- Source-code
- bytecode
- human-readable code
- None of these
- ndarray
- array
- alias
- None of these
- bw+
- wb+
- rb+
- None of these
- writeline (s)
- write(s)
- read(s)
- None
- Low-level Language
- High-level Language
- Middle-level Language
- None of these
- write(s)
- writelines (lines)
- readlines (lines)
- None of these
- if a> = 2:
- if (a>= 2)
- if (a => 22)
- if a >= 22
- Block
- {}
- Indentation
- loop
- pass
- null
- empty
- None
- Parentheses, Exponential,Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
- Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction, Parentheses, Exponential
- Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, Parentheses, Exponential
- Exponential,Parentheses,Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
- Tuple packing
- Tuple sampling
- Tuple sorting
- None of the above
- This is a square array with ones on the main diagonal.
- This is a normal array.
- This is a array with ones on the main diagonal.
- None of these
- Object-oriented programming
- Structured programming
- Functional programming
- All of the mentioned
- xyzp = 5,000,000
- xyzp = 5000 6000 7000 8000
- x, y, z,p = 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000
- x_y_z_p = 5,000,000
- Numbering Python
- Number In Python
- Numerical Python
- None of the above
- []
- ()
- {}
- None
- remove ()
- clear()
- removelist ()
- None of these
- Guido van Rosum
- Travis Oliphant
- Wes McKinney
- Jim Hugunin
- Top-Down
- Down-Top
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- bikes[:-1]
- bilkes[1]
- bikes (:-1)
- None of the above
- read()
- Readline()
- write()
- None of these
- They cannot be edited
- They can be edited
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- Rectangle
- Terminal
- Diamond
- None of these
- It can not be imported the same way as we import our user-defined modules.
- It can be imported the same way as we import our user-defined modules,
- Both
- None of the above
- Classes are real world entities.
- Objects are real world entities
- Objects and classes are real world entities.
- objects are real-world entities while classes are not real.
- Integrated Development and Learning Environment
- Ideal Development and Learning Environment
- Interenet development and Learning Environment
- None of the above
- Token
- Keyword
- Identifier
- None of these
- User-defined name
- Pre-defined name
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- To identify the variable.
- To identify the constant.
- It indicates a public variable of a class.
- Variables cannot be accessed from outside the class.
- val()
- print()
- print In()
- const()
- last index
- first index
- middle index
- end index
- Type conversion
- Type casting
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- List is not defined
- List index out of range
- List index out of bound
- None of the above
- collection of integer number
- collection of string
- collection of same data type
- collection of different data type
- Algorithm
- Flowchart
- Pseudocode
- All of these
- Algorithm
- Flowchart
- Pseudocode
- All of these
- Oval or Pill Shape
- Rectangle
- Diamond
- None of these
- Identity Matrix
- Upper triangle Matrix
- Lower Triangle Matrix
- None of the above
- raw_input
- input()
- eval
- accep
- 1abc
- $12a
- _xy 1
- @python
- int
- list
- dictionary
- All of the above
- l=[]
- l=list()
- Both of the above
- None of these
- Flowchart
- Pseudo
- Greedy
- Connector
- list(array)
- list.array
- array.list
- None of these
- form
- access
- import
- None of these
- To make a Matrix with all element 0
- To make a Matrix with all diagonal element
- To make a Matrix with first Row 0
- None of these
- Global namespace
- Public namespace
- Built-in namespace
- Local namespace
- list ()
- str ()
- chr()
- None of these
- unlimited length.
- all private members must have leading and trailing underscores.
- Preferred Installer Program.
- none of the mentioned
- A set of main modules.
- A folder of python modules
- A number of files containing Python definitions and statements.
- A set of programs making use of Python modules.
- Python first searches the built-in namespace, then the global namespace and finally the local namespace.
- Python first searches the built-in namespace, then the local namespace and finally the global namespace
- Python first searches the local namespace, then the global namespace and finally the built-in namespace
- Python first searches the global namespace, then the local namespace and finally the built-in namespace
- within the file, it tells the end position.
- within the file, it tells the current position.
- it tells us if the file is opened.
- none of the above.
- We can replace a recursive function by a non-recursive function.
- The memory space taken by the recursive functions is more than that of non-recursive function,
- Running a recursive function is faster as compared to a non-recursive function.
- The process of recursion makes it easier for users to understand a program.
- pop
- remove
- dispose
- None of these
- sys.argv
- sys.readline
- sys.path
- sys.platform
- Decomposing complex problems into simpler pieces
- Reducing duplication of code
- both A and B
- None of the above.
- file.writelines(sequence)
- fileObject.writelines()
- fileObject.writelines(sequence)
- none of the mentioned
- if ele in list
- if not ele not in list
- Both of the above
- None of these
- Python Package Index.
- Python package Installer
- Both A & B
- None of the above.
- Exponential
- Parentheses
- Multiplication
- None of the above
- capitalize()
- title()
- upper()
- swapcase()
- <src
- <link>
- <style>
- <css>
- ID
- div
- class
- span
- element
- attribute
- value
- operator
- /*a comment* /
- / / a comment / /
- / a comment /
- < ' a comment'
- :first-of-type
- :last-child
- ::first-line
- ::first-letter
- :empty
- :nochild
- :inheritance
- :no-child
- font sizes
- css reset
- button styles
- forms
- 17
- 12
- 16
- 10
- snapchat
- HelSinki Linus
- W3 Group
- Brendan Eich
- James Gossling
- Muliple
- Single
- None of these
- Double
- int num;
- integer num;
- Integer nums;
- var num;
- ActionScript
- Sencha
- Oak
- Mocha
- IE
- NetScape
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Script
- src
- Link
- Rel
- To execute Query related to DB on server.
- To style HTMLpages.
- To Add Interactivity to HTML pages.
- To perform server side scripting operation.
- Total Inclusion File Format
- Tagged Image File Format
- Table Index File Format
- To improve the attributes of existing image.
- To remove unwanted portions of the image.
- To add special effects, not possible with actual photography
- All of the above
- Filter
- Select
- Image
- Layer
- Save dialog box
- Save as dialog box
- Both (a) and (b)
- None of the above
- .jpeg
- .bmp
- .tif
- .pic
- Rotate
- Skew
- Opposite
- Flip
- using the mouse to drag around any object
- choosing a rectangular portion of the object with your keyboard
- using the keyboard to highlight an object
- none of the above -
- Mouse Transform
- Free Transform
- Perspective Transform
- none of the above
- Adding layer
- Dragging and copying layers.
- deleting layers and merging layers.
- All ot the above
- Search Engine Operation
- Search Entry Optimization
- Search Engine Optimization
- None of these
- <meta> ... </meta>
- <meta name = " " />
- <metadata> ... </metadata>
- <metadata name = " " />
- Tag list
- Search Engine Results Pages
- Search Engine Pages
- Category List
- Documents
- Audio
- Video
- All of the above
- Link Directory
- Search Optimizer
- Web Spider
- Web Manager
- Search Engines
- News groups
- Browsers
- None of the above
- Sri Lanka
- Maldives
- Nepal
- Bangladesh
- India
- Nepal
- Bangladesh
- Thailand
- 18 %
- 38 %
- 58 %
- 78 %
- Andhra Pradesh
- Maharashtra
- Gujarat
- Uttar Pradesh
- IIT Bombay
- IIT Madras
- NIT Tiruchirappalli
- NIT Warangal
- New York
- Nairobi
- New Delhi
- Dhaka
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
- Jyotirao Phule
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Bhutan
- Nepal
- Bangladesh
- Myanmar
- Frog
- Snake
- Turtle
- Moth
- Frog
- Snake
- Turtle
- Moth
- Tamil Nadu
- Kerala
- Andaman and Nicobar Islands
- Odisha
- India
- China
- Sri Lanka
- Cricket
- Hockey
- Wrestling
- Hockey
- 4.9 %
- 5.9 %
- 6.9 %
- 7.9 %
- April 3
- April 8
- April 13
- April 23
- Judaism
- Islam
- Sikhism
- Buddhism
- EU
- G-20
- January
- February
- March
- April
- Epstein-Barr Virus
- Aichi Virus
- Chikungunya virus
- Human astrovirus
- Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Electronics and IT
- Ministry of Communication
- Ashraya Hastha Trust
- Bill and Melinda Foundation
- World Vision foundation
- National Health Mission
- Uttarakhand
- Ladakh
- Andhra Pradesh
- Goa
- April 10
- April 17
- April 21
- May 1
- IIT Delhi
- IISc Bengaluru
- IIT Madras
- NIT Tiruchirappalli
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Commerce
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM)
- National Rural Health Mission
- Universal Immunisation Programme
- Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram
- Indian Space Research Organisation
- IIT – Madras
- Indian Antarctic station
- National Institute of Ocean Technology
- International Food Policy Research Institute
- World Food Organisation
- Food and Agriculture Organisation
- Serbia
- Russia
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Varanasi
- Patna
- New Delhi
- Nagpur
- Sikkim
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Meghalaya
- West Bengal
- India
- Indonesia
- Greece
- Kerala
- Karnataka
- Andhra Pradesh
- Odisha
- Kerala
- Karnataka
- Odisha
- Madhya Pradesh
- Armenia
- Argentina
- Azerbaijan
- Iran
- Energy Difference
- Earth Energy Imbalance
- Energy Trade
- Energy Deficit
- 3.0
- 3.0
- 5.0
- 6.0
- India
- Bangladesh
- Sri Lanka
- Nepal
- Kesavananda Bharati Case
- Romesh Thappar Case
- Shreya Singhal Case
- Vishakha V Case
- Jelly Fish
- Turtle
- Octopus
- Spider
- 1947
- 1961
- 1972
- 1983
- Operation Gandhi
- Operation Kaveri
- Operation Vande Bharat
- Operation Rescue
- April 21
- April 23
- April 25
- April 27
- Ministry of Rural Development
- Ministry of MSME
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- World Bank
- High Sea Debris
- Mid Oceanic Debris
- Great Pacific Garbage Patch
- American Debris Stream
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Tribal Affairs
- Ministry of Commerce
- India
- Nepal
- Bangladesh
- China
- Maharashtra
- Uttar Pradesh
- Madhya Pradesh
- Kerala
- Bihar
- Odisha
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Ladakh
- Italy
- Cuba
- Israel
- South Africa
- NITI Aayog
- Centre for Science and Environment
- Israel
- Ukraine
- Plant
- Fungus
- Bacterium
- Insect
- Rs 1000 crore
- Rs 2000 crore
- Rs 3000 crore
- Rs 6000 crore
- Pune
- Chennai
- New Delhi
- Guwahati
- Ministry of Communication
- Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
- Ministry of Culture
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- Kerala
- Jharkhand
- West Bengal
- Andhra Pradesh
- India
- Italy
- Germany
- Finland
- Health Ministry and Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry
- Environment Ministry and Jal Shakti Ministry
- Co-operation Ministry and Agriculture Ministry
- Agriculture Ministry and Health Ministry
- Israel
- Singapore
- Bangladesh
- Karnataka
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Odisha
- Jharkhand
- Karnataka
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Odisha
- Jharkhand
- Our Planet; Our Pride
- Invest in Our planet
- Earnest Earth
- Earth and Environment
- India
- Israel
- Gujarat
- Madhya Pradesh
- Assam
- West Bengal
- Copyright Challenges
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Indigenous Languages
- Reading Habit among children
- India
- Sri Lanka
- Bangladesh
- बांगà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤¦à¥‡à¤¶
- Rajasthan
- Sikkim
- West Bengal
- Gujarat
- Maharashtra
- West Bengal
- Kerala
- Goa
- Ministry of Textiles
- Ministry of MSME
- Ministry of External Affairs
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- India
- Russia
- Israel
- Israel
- Kazakhstan
- Russia
- UK
- New Zealand
- Russia
- Empower girls
- Digital Skills for Life
- Science Skills for Life
- NITI Aayog
- Canada
- UK
- South Korea
- Australia
- New Delhi
- Sydney
- Tokyo
- New York
- Airports Authority of India
- Rail Vikas Nigam Limited
- Hindustan Copper Limited
- Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Limited
- Sudan
- Israel
- Iran
- EU
- G-20
- G-7
- NITI Aayog
- Ultra- nucleus
- Quasar
- Ignition star
- Power-nucleus
- New Delhi
- New York
- Sydney
- London
- NITI Aayog
- 5 billion USD
- 25 billion USD
- 50 billion USD
- 100 billion USD
- 6.5 %
- 7.5 %
- 8.0 %
- 8.5 %
- Australia
- Japan
- Indonesia
- India
- China
- North Korea
- Russia
- France
- Italy
- Spain
- Italy
- Australia
- China
- Pakistan
- Russia
- Ukraine
- Gujarat
- Tamil Nadu
- Assam
- Odisha
- Nyishi Tribe
- Baiga Tribe
- Bodo Tribe
- Bhil Tribe
- Indian Navy
- Indian Army
- Indian Coast Guard
- Indian Air Force
- 65 %
- 70 %
- 80 %
- 85 %
- NITI Aayog
- Rs.1 lakh crore
- Rs.2 lakh crore
- Rs.3 lakh crore
- Rs.5 lakh crore
- 2000
- 2010
- 2015
- 2023
- Egypt
- South Africa
- Sri Lanka
- Madhya Pradesh
- Gujarat
- Assam
- Uttarakhand
- Hydrophones
- H20phones
- Hydraphones
- Snowphones
- Asteroid Phaethon
- Asteroid Ceres
- Asteroid Pallas
- Asteroid Vesta
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Punjab
- Sikkim
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Meghalaya
- Assam
- West Bengal
- Gujarat
- Maharashtra
- New Delhi
- Punjab
- West Bengal
- Karnataka
- Maharashtra
- Telangana
- Assam
- Karnataka
- Kerala
- Goa
- April 27
- April 29
- April 30
- May 1
- INS Dhruv
- INS Imphal
- INS Kattabomman
- INS Vikram
- Spain
- China
- South Korea
- India
- Japan
- Indonesia
- Israel
- Qatar
- Saudi Arabia
- Tamil Nadu
- Telangana
- Kerala
- Maharashtra
- New Delhi
- Maharashtra
- Punjab
- Goa
- Grievance Redressal
- Scholarship to Students
- Financial Aid to Women
- Financial Aid to Trans-gender people
- Gujarat
- Madhya Pradesh
- Maharashtra
- Goa
- Sri Lanka
- India
- Afghanistan
- Myanmar
- Avani Chaturvedi
- Abhilash Tomy
- Bhawana Kanth
- Mohana Singh Jitarwal
- Assam
- New Delhi
- Karnataka
- Kerala
- Israel
- Sudan
- South Africa
- Ukraine
- West Bengal
- Assam
- Odisha
- Jharkhand
- Sports person
- Historian
- Business person
- Politician
- Madhya Pradesh
- Odisha
- Jharkhand
- West Bengal
- Japan
- Indonesia
- India
- PM Rozgar Mela
- Swachhta Pakhwada
- Mann ki Baat
- Beti Bachao, Selfie Banao
- World Bank
- India
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Myanmar
- Article 21
- Article 92
- Article 121
- Article 142
- Rajasthan
- Madhya Pradesh
- Punjab
- West Bengal
- Server-Side Framework
- user interface Framework
- both a and b
- None of the above
- Render with arguments
- SetState
- PropTypes
- Props
- Jordan Mike
- Jordan Walke
- Tim Lee
- Jordan Lee
- Python
- JavaScript
- Java
- JavaScript Compiler
- JavaScript interpreter
- JavaScript traspiler
- None of the above
- npm install create-react-app
- npm install -g create-react-app
- install g create-react-app
- None of the above
- 3000
- 3306
- 3030
- 8080
- The internal Storage of the component
- External storage of the component
- Permanent storage
- All of the above
- this.prototypes.stateValue
- this,gatState()
- this.values
- this.state
- Elements
- Props
- Key
- Ref
- Model
- Controller
- View
- Middleware
- Flux
- Props
- preventDefault()
- avoidDefault()
- revokeDefault
- None of the above
- Props
- Elements
- Components
- None of the above
- Database
- Connectivity
- User interface
- Design platform
- this.setState()
- this.state()
- this.setChangeState()
- None of the above
- Factory
- Render
- Class
- Props
- Inherits
- Extends
- Create
- this
- Action -> Dispatcher -> Store -> View
- Action -> Dispatcher -> View -> Store
- Action -> Store -> View -> Dispatcher
- Dispatcher -> Action -> store -> View
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- services and components
- State and props
- state and services
- state and components
- renderComponent
- SetinitialComponent
- Render
- All of the above
- ECMAJavaScript 6
- ECMAScript 6
- EJavaScript 6
- this()
- super()
- iniherits()
- self()
- JavaScript XML
- JavaScript and AngularJS
- ReactDOM_reder()
- reder()
- render_DOM()
- Access the previous state before the setState operation.
- invoke code after the setState operation is done.
- replace this date completely instead of the default merge actionnone of the above
- none of the above
- ReactDOM.createPortal()
- ReactDOM.hydrate()
- ReactDOM.destroy()
- ReactDOM.findDOMNode()
- source of truth can be anything
- source of truth is a component state
- source of truth is DOM
- none of the above
- vendor/js/components/
- components/js
- js/components
- vendor/components
- Runs react local development server
- transfer files all the JavaScript down into one file
- a module blunder
- none of the above
- Unique among his siblings only
- Unique in the DOM
- Does not requires to be unique
- all of the above
- Apple
- componentsDidUpdate
- componentDidMaunt
- willComponentsUpdate
- ShouldComponentUpdate
- <h1>${fetch()}</h1>
- <h1>{fetch}</h1>
- <h1${fetch}</h1>
- <h1>{fetch()}</h1>
- dublicate key error
- repetitive output happiness ootput of the screen
- nothing happense
- stackoverflow error
- When we want to replace redux
- When we want to break our production app
- When we want to improve performance
- none of the above
- JavaScript framework
- JavaScript library
- both a and b
- none of the above
- Sinon
- Chai
- Jest
- Mocha
- React.lazy
- React.memo
- React.fallback
- React.split
- To complete the update
- To optimize for all devices
- To change the layout of the screen
- when you need the browser to paint before the effectors
- Imerative
- Integrated
- Declarative
- closed
- to bind the function
- to call the function
- to directly access the DOM node
- to refer to another JS file
- External storage of the component
- A permanent storage
- Internal storage of the component
- None of the above
- True
- False
- Cannot say
- None of above
- Render with arguments
- PropTypes
- SetState
- Props
- Services & Components
- State & Component
- State & Props
- State & Services
- React.js
- React
- ReactJS
- All of the above
- ECMAJavaScript 6
- ECMA 6
- ECMAScript 6
- EJavaScript 6
- It is a module bundler
- The “webpack” command is used to transpile all the JavaScript down into one file
- It runs React local development server
- None of the above
- Inside the vendor/components/
- Inside the vendor/
- Inside the js/components/
- Inside the external/components/
- this.setChangeState
- this.State{}
- this.setState
- None of the above
- The state of the component is updated
- The component is created for the first time
- All of above
- None
- Babel is a Transpolar
- Babel is a Compiler
- All of above
- None of above
- render Component
- Setinitial Component
- render
- All of the above
- React.js is easy to integrate with other frameworks such as Angular, Backbone JS since it is only a view library
- React.js can render both on client and server side
- React.js can increase the application’s performance with Virtual DOM
- All of the above
- this()
- self()
- inherits()
- super()
- this()
- self()
- inherits()
- super()
- The source of truth is a component state
- The source of truth can be anything
- The source of truth is DOM
- None
- Original DOM
- Virtual DOM
- All of above
- None of above
- It will not be rendered at all
- It will be rendered as enabled
- It will be rendered as disabled
- None of above
- It will re-render the component
- It can be created again from scratch
- It will do nothing; you have to call render method to render the component again
- None
- Object
- Constructor
- Data Object
- Class
- Asynchronous in nature
- Synchronous in nature
- Are asynchronous but can be made synchronous when required
- None of the these
- Initialization
- State/Property Updates
- Destruction
- All of the above
- The learning curve can be steep in React.js
- The JSX in React.js makes code easy to read and write
- The library of React.js is pretty large
- React.js has only a view layer. We have put your code for Ajax requests, events and so on
- 8080
- 6060
- 3000
- 3030
- 3
- 1
- 4
- 2
- Access the previous state before the set State operation
- Replace the state completely instead of the default merge action
- Invoke code after the set State operation is done
- None
- npm install -f create-react-app
- npm install -g create-react-app
- npm install create-react-app
- install -g create-react-app
- 2
- 1
- 4
- 5
- “Key” prop is a way for React to identify a newly added item in a list and compare it during the “diffing” algorithm
- It is one of the attributes in HTML
- “Key” prop is used to look pretty, and there is no benefit whatsoever
- None of these
- Inherits
- Create
- Extends
- None of above
- By using the defaultValue property
- By using the default property
- By using the value property
- It is assigned automatically
- Using the Array.map() method
- Using the <Each /> component
- Using the reduce array method
- With a for/while loop
- ReactDOM.destroy()
- ReactDOM.hydrate()
- ReactDOM.createPortal()
- ReactDOM.findDOMNode()
- Synchronous in nature.
- Asynchronous in nature.
- Are asynchronous but can be made synchronous when required.
- None of the above.
- Unique in the DOM.
- Unique among the siblings only.
- Do not require to be unique.
- None of the above.
- Module
- Component
- Package
- Class
- Apple
- It uses Original DOM
- It uses Virtual DOM
- It does not use any DOM
- None of the above
- Props
- Flux
- Even handler to component
- Properties to component
- Both A and B
- None of the above
- Can not direclty update HTML
- It updates faster
- DOM manipulation is very easy
- To Much memory wastage
- Component is created for the first time
- State of the component is updated
- Both A and B
- None of the above
- Java Server eXtension
- JavaScript eXtension
- Java Script Extender
- None of the above
- Attribute names can be used in CAML case
- Attribute names can be used in Sentence case
- Any case can be used it does not matter like html
- None of the above
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 0
- PropTypes
- setState
- render with arguments
- props
- React.mount()
- ReactDOM.start()
- ReactDOM.render()
- React.render()
- Keys
- Props
- Elements
- Ref
- this.state
- this.values
- this.getState()
- this.prototype.stateValue
- Only function component can have life cycle
- Only class components can have life cycle
- Both type of components can have life cycle
- None of above
- Destruction
- Initialization
- State/Property Updates
- All the above
- willComponentUpdate
- shouldComponentUpdate
- componentDidUpdate
- componentDidMount
- React Send
- React Pinpoint
- React Router
- React Context
- React.split
- React.lazy
- React.memo
- React.fallback
- It allows us to test Javascript objects
- It helps you write applications
- It provides clear, enduring assertions
- None of the above
- AngularJS is an HTML framework
- AngularJS is a Java framework
- AngularJS is a JavaScript framework
- AngularJS is a SQL framework
- Observer Pattern
- Decorator pattern
- MVC Architecture pattern
- MVVM Architectural pattern
- SPAs
- MPAs
- DPAs
- CPAs
- (expression)
- {{expression}}
- {{{expression}}}
- [expression]
- ng-app directive
- ng-model directive
- ng-bind directive
- ng-init directive
- {{ expression | filter1 | filter2 | ... }}
- {{ expression | {filter1} | {filter2} | ... }}
- {{ expression - {filter1} - {filter2} - ... }}
- {{ {filter1} | {filter2} | ...-expression}}
- The lowercase filter converts a text to lower case text.
- The lowercase filter is a function that takes text as input.
- Both of the above.
- None of the above.
- $dirty flag is used to state that value has been changed.
- $dirty flag is used to state that the form has invalid data.
- Both of the above.
- None of the above.
- Angular controllers are used for controlling the data.
- Angular controllers are used for displaying the data.
- Both of the above are correct.
- None of the above is correct.
- var myModule= angular.module();
- var myModule= new Module();
- module("app", []);
- None of the above
- using Model
- using services
- using factory
- using $scope
- Synchronization of data between the model and view components.
- Synchronization of data between the model and controller components.
- Synchronization of data between the controller and view components.
- None of the above
- lowercase
- orderby
- currency
- Brad Green
- Misko Hevery
- Adam Abrons
- Mike Adams
- ng-app
- ng-init
- ng-model
- ng-hide
- Microsoft
- module()
- module()
- mod()
- angular module()
- Element directives
- Attribute
- All of the above.
- Zero
- One
- Two
- Infinity
- A currency filter is used to format the text in a currency format.
- A currency filter is a function that takes text as input.
- Both A and B
- None of the above
- A controller is a software code that controls the interactions between the Model and View.
- A controller is a software code that stores the data.
- A controller is a software code that renders the user interface.
- All of the above.
- Deep linking is an SEO-based technique.
- Deep linking refers to linking various views to the main page.
- Deep linking allows you to encode the state of an application in the URL so that it can be bookmarked.
- All of the Above
- HTML and PHP
- HTML and JavaScript
- HTML and TypeScript
- PHP and JavaScript
- Tag
- Attribute
- Class name
- All of the above
- It is a service.
- It is a module.
- It is a component.
- None of the above.
- module is primarily used to create application modules.
- module is used to create AngularJS modules along with its dependent modules.
- Both A and B
- None of the above
- Create Single Page Applications
- Creating a Desktop Application
- Create Web Services
- None of these
- JavaScript file
- PHP file
- XML file
- ASP file
- Jesse James Garrett
- Douglas Crockford
- Miško Hevery
- Brendan Eich
- A community of individuals and corporations
- Oracle
- Both A. and B.
- { expression }
- [{ expression }]
- _expression
- {{ expression }}
- ng-expression
- ng-bind
- ng-statement
- ng-bindexpression
- ng-bind="expression"
- ng-bind={expression}
- ng-bind={"expression"}
- ng-bind="{{expression}}"
- expression
- application
- element
- None of the above
- module
- ng-bind
- angular.create
- angular.module
- var variable_name = angular.module("app_name", []);
- var variable_name = angular.module("app_name", []);
- var variable_name = angular.module("app_name", []);
- var variable_name = angular.module("app_name", []);
- a JavaScript code in which the application will run
- a JSON file
- an HTML element in which the application will run
- SQL queries
- a JavaScript code in which the application will run
- a JSON file
- an HTML element in which the application will run
- SQL queries
- ag-
- ng-
- aj-
- All of the above
- ng-app
- ng-init
- ng-model
- ng-application
- ng-app
- ng-init
- ng-model
- ng-application
- ng-app
- ng-init
- ng-model
- ng-application
- ng-repeats
- ng-iterate
- ng-model
- ng-repeat
- ng-app
- ng-init
- ng-model
- ng-repeat
- <div ng-app="" ng-init="Name:'Alex';Age:21">
- <div ng-app="" ng-init="Name:'Alex',Age:21">
- <div ng-app="" ng-init="Name='Alex',Age=21">
- <div ng-app="" ng-init="Name='Alex';Age=21">
- .new
- .create
- .directive
- .CreateDirective
- ng-control
- ng-controller
- ng-NewController
- None of the above
- comma character (,)
- Colon character (:)
- Hyphen character (-)
- pipe character (|)
- currency
- number
- dollar
- curr
- datetime
- time
- date
- ng-date
- set
- subset
- ng-set
- filter
- ng-json
- json
- set-json
- None of the above
- limitTo
- limit
- ng-limit
- ng-limitTo
- lwr
- lower
- lowercase
- ng-lowercase
- upr
- upper
- uppercase
- ng-uppercase
- upr
- upper
- uppercase
- ng-uppercase
- number
- integer
- int
- num
- orderby
- orderBy
- order
- OrderBy
- {{ studentName.uppercase }}
- {{ uppercase(studentName) }}
- {{ uppercase.studentName }}
- {{ studentName | uppercase }}
- {{ expression | filter1 | filter2 | filter3 | ... }}
- {{ expression | {filter1} | {filter2} | {filter3} | ... }}
- {{ expression | {{filter1}} | {{filter2}} | {{filter3}} | ... }}
- {{ expression | filter1 , filter2 , filter3 , ... }}
- $web
- $current
- $location
- All of the above
- url()
- Url()
- WebUrl()
- absUrl()
- url()
- Url()
- WebUrl()
- absUrl()
- url()
- absUrl()
- path()
- absPath()
- searchPath()
- absSearch()
- ruleSearch()
- search()
- hostname()
- host()
- path()
- hash()
- $https
- $request
- $http
- $requests
- $timeout
- $WindowTimeout
- $WinTimeout
- $setTimeout
- $interval
- $WindowInterval
- $WinInterval
- $setInterval
- Synchronization between controller part and view part
- Synchronization between model part and controller part
- Synchronization between model part and view part
- None of the above
- ng-disabled
- ng-disable
- ng-disabledElement
- ng-disableElement
- ng-showHide
- ng-ShowHide
- ng-show
- ng-hide
- ng-click
- ng-mouseOver
- ng-mouseClick
- ng-mouse
- ng-show:"true/false"
- ng-show="true/false"
- ng-app ng-show="true/false"
- None of the above
- browser's event object
- browser's current path
- Both A. and B.
- None of the above
- ngRoutes
- route
- ng-Route
- ngRoute
- limitTo
- orderBy
- Streams data synchronously
- Streams data asynchronously
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- Java framework
- JavaScript framework
- HTML framework
- SQL framework
- Decorator pattern
- Observer pattern
- MVVM architecture pattern
- MVC architecture pattern
- [expression]
- {{expressions}}
- {{{expressions}}}
- {expressions}
- ng-bind directive
- ng-model directive
- ng-init directive
- ng-app directive
- it is a function that takes text as input
- the lowercase filter converts a text to lowercase text
- both a and b
- none of the above
- it provides reusable components
- it uses dependency injection and makes use of separation of concerns
- it is unit-testable
- all of the above
- an angular controller is used for displaying the data
- an angular controller is used for controlling the data
- both a and b
- None of the above
- module(“app”,[])
- var myModule=angular.module();
- var myModule = new Module();
- None of the above
- Orderby
- currency
- lowercase
- ng-model
- ng-init
- ng-app
- ng-hide
- module()
- mod()
- Angular module()
- mdl()
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- Factory
- Constant
- Application module
- Value
- Deep linking refers to Linking various views to the main page
- Deep linking allows you to encode the state of an application in the URL so that it can be bookmarked
- Deep linking is an SEO based technique
- all of the above
- Attribute
- class name
- tag
- all of the above
- Angular Object Templates
- Ahead of Time compilation
- Both a and b
- None of the above
- noOnInit
- ngViewStart
- ngOnChanges
- None of the above
- @angular/router
- @angular/core
- Both a and b
- None of the above
- Server-side
- Browser
- Both a and b
- None of the above
- @NgApp
- @NgModule
- Both a and b are correct
- None of the above
- used to configure angular 2 project
- used to install required project packages
- used to link external files
- None of the above
- app.ts
- main.ts
- index.js
- angular.cli.json
- {{{}}}
- {{}}
- {{|var}}
- !!!!
- toUpper
- upper
- uppercase
- None of the above
- zone.js
- scope.js
- zones.js
- zone$,js
- Typescript
- multi-thread
- Components
- services
- Using the http get method
- using an HTTP package
- create a get SQL statement
- create a URL transaction
- A decorator defines the template to display when a route is activated
- a directive defined in the HTML indicating where the route’s view should display
- A directive defined in the HTML identifying the route to activate
- A property of component class used to activate a route
- View is responsible for displaying all or a portion of data to the user
- View is responsible to act and process the data
- View represents the database view
- none of the above
- Attribute
- element directives
- All of the above
- CurrencyPipe
- DataPipe
- PercentPipe
- none of the above
- {(2+2)}
- {2+2}
- {{2+2}}
- ((2+2))
- Injectable
- Component
- Server
- injector
- Add OptionShare data from child component to parent1
- use a service
- use event binding
- share data from the parent component to a child
- forRoot()
- forModule()
- forFeature()
- forChild()
- Semantic UI
- Bootstrap
- Foundation
- Angular
- Netflix
- Share data from child component to parent
- use a service
- use event binding
- share data from parent component to child
- Converts source to the library
- Convert source to source and then to the library
- source to source compiler
- all of the above
- Angular command-line interceptor
- Angular command line
- Angular command-line interface
- Angular command-line user interfaces
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- Java framework
- HTML framework
- JavaScript framework
- SQL framework
- style tag
- script tag
- php tag
- using mysql
- ng-app
- ng-model
- ng-bind
- ng-init
- ng-app
- ng-model
- ng-bind
- ng-init
- Yes
- No
- Can be yes or no
- Can not say
- { }
- ()
- []
- {{ }}
- ng-app
- ng-model
- ng-bind
- ng-init
- AngularJS is a very powerful JavaScript Framework
- It extends HTML DOM with additional attributes and makes it more responsive to user actions.
- AngularJS is open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world.
- All of the above
- AngularJS code is unit testable.
- AngularJS provides reusable components.
- AngularJS uses dependency injection and make use of separation of concerns.
- All of the above
- module()
- angular.module()
- js.mod()
- angular module()
- Can be true or false
- Can not say
- Scops
- Filter
- Data binding
- Service
- True
- False
- none
- all
- HTML and PHP
- HTML and CrossScript
- HTML and AngularScript
- HTML and JavaScriptcorrect
- Services are JavaScript functions
- Services are responsible to do specific tasks only
- Inbuilt services are always prefixed with $ symbol
- All of the above
- var app = angular.module(["myApp","param");
- var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
- var app = angular.module();
- var app = angular.module("myApp");
- angular.bootstrap
- angular.element
- angular.copy
- None of the above
- It creates an application module
- It invokes an application module
- It destroys an application module
- None
- On an element, one could either put simply the attribute such as (ng-app, datang-app, ng:app, x-ng-app)
- Put the named attribute such as (ng-app='demoApp')
- Both of the above
- None
- the data
- thefunction
- thevariable
- None of these
- data-ng-model
- ng-app
- ng-controller
- None of these
- The scope is the binding part between the HTML (view) and the JavaScript (controller).
- The scope is an object with the available properties and methods.
- The scope is available for both the view and the controller.
- All of the above
- Brad Green
- Igor Minor
- Misko Hevery
- Brian Ford
- It is used for registering DOM listeners as well as instance DOM manipulation
- It is used to retrieve object instances as defined by provider
- It is used for template DOM Manipulation and collect all of the directives
- The method traverses the DOM and matches the directives
- DOMContentLoaded event happens
- document.readyState is set to complete
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- double braces like {{ expression}}
- single braces like {expression}
- small bracket like (expression)
- capital bracket like [expression]
- angular.bootstrap
- angular.element
- angular.copy
- None of the above
- Model
- View
- Controller
- Module
- Typically using the new operator, dependency can be created
- By referring to a global variable, dependency can be looked up
- Dependency can be passed into where it is required
- All of the above
- $param
- $control
- $scope
- $scont
- ng-include
- ng-form
- ng-bind
- ng-attach
- JavaScript file is loaded
- The angular global object is created
- Your JavaScript which registers controller functions is executed
- All of above
- 'ng-', 'data-ng-', 'ng:'
- 'ng-'
- 'ng-', 'data-ng-', 'ng:', 'x-ng-'
- 'ng-', 'data-ng-','x-ng-'
- false
- true
- All of the above
- None
- Yes
- No
- None
- All
- AngularJS accepts any format
- model
- services
- factory
- scope
- ng-required
- ng-minlength
- ng-pattern
- All of the above
- To just define a factory
- To define a factory and its methods
- To define factory and assign method to it
- To define a factory and use as service
- Module
- Controller
- Service
- View
- ng-app
- ng-start
- ng-init
- ng-begin
- $
- #
- %
- @
- ng-bind
- ng-app
- ng-model
- ng-compute
- ng-bind
- ng-init
- ng-model
- ng-app
- ng-init
- ng-start
- ng-app
- ng-model
- ng-init
- ng-start
- ng-app
- ng-model
- model
- services
- controller
- scope
- $dirty
- $validate
- $no-validate
- $check
- ng-click
- ng-dbl-click
- ng-change
- ng-enter
- ng-model
- ng-app
- ng-controller
- None of the above
- Element
- Attribute
- Comment
- All of the above
- Assam
- Manipur
- West Bengal
- Madhya Pradesh
- Rajasthan
- Himachal Pradesh
- Chhattisgarh
- Meghalaya
- Germany
- Ukraine
- Australia
- Sikkim
- Nagaland
- West Bengal
- Odisha
- Tamil Nadu
- Maharashtra
- Gujarat
- Karnataka
- Myanmar
- Nepal
- Bangladesh
- Sri Lanka
- World Bank
- INS Magar
- INS Mahaan
- INS Vihaan
- INS Bhim
- India
- Israel
- India
- Israel
- NITI Aayog
- Israel
- Iran
- Syria
- All India Radio
- Kerala
- Goa
- Odisha
- West Bengal
- JavaScript XML
- Java syntax extension
- A templating language
- None of the above
- To store and manage data within a component
- To define the structure of a React component
- To handle user interactions in a component
- To style the components
- componentDidMount
- componentDidUpdate
- componentWillMount
- constructor
- An alternative implementation of the DOM provided by React
- A lightweight version of the DOM used for testing purposes
- A concept used to optimize rendering performance in React
- None of the above
- To define the initial state of a component
- To render the component's UI based on its current state and props
- To handle user interactions and update the component's state
- To define the lifecycle methods of a component
- A function that returns JSX
- A class that extends the React.Component class
- Both a function and a class can be React components
- None of the above
- Using props
- Using state
- Using context
- All of the above
- To uniquely identify elements in a list
- To define the layout and styling of list items
- To handle event listeners on list items
- None of the above
- By using the controlled component pattern
- By using the uncontrolled component pattern
- By using form libraries like Formik or React Hook Form
- All of the above
- To handle server-side routing in React applications
- To manage state and data flow in React components
- To enable client-side routing in React applications
- To provide a built-in testing framework for React applications
- It improves the performance of rendering lists
- It ensures that the list items are displayed in alphabetical order
- It uniquely identifies each element in a list, aiding in efficient updates
- It controls the styling of list items
- It allows developers to inspect the component hierarchy and state in a React application
- It provides a code editor specifically designed for writing React components
- It enables real-time collaboration among multiple developers working on a React project
- It automatically generates documentation for React components
- Moving the state from a child component to its parent component
- Moving the state from a parent component to its child component
- Extracting the state into a separate utility function
- Sharing the state between multiple unrelated components
- When there is data to read.
- When there is data to write
- When there is no data available
- None of the above
- OS Module
- Path Module
- Fs Module
- None of the above
- Create
- Listen for
- Fire
- All of the above
- npm –version
- node –version
- npm getVersion
- None of the above
- npm ls -g
- node ls -g
- node ls
- node ls
- Express
- Cors
- None of the above
- True
- False
- Cannot be determined
- None of the above
- Is
- list
- cwd
- None of the above
- Visual Studio
- IntelliJ
- NetBeans
- Node-Red
- formidable
- fs
- express
- files
- binary
- buffer
- crypto
- dgram
- buffer
- binary
- None of the above
- Both A and B
- None of the above
- static
- node-static
- http
- None of the above
- Both A and B
- decoder.write()
- decoder.end()
- Both A and B
- None of the above
- punycode
- os
- express
- None of the above
- File Store
- File Service
- File System
- None of the above
- Provides a means of dividing up tasks.
- Provides a means of resuing program codes
- Provides a means of testing individual parts of a program.
- All of the above
- NoSQL Databases
- SQL Databases
- Both A and B
- None of the above
- __dirname
- __filename
- Buffer
- All of the above
- Javascript
- Java
- C++
- None of the above
- __dirname
- Buffer
- __filename
- None of the above
- emit()
- fire()
- calc()
- None of the above
- encoding
- start
- end
- All of the above
- The callback is a technique in which a method calls back the caller method
- The callback is an asynchronous equivalent for a function
- Both A and B
- None of the above
- A way to create reusable logic in functional components
- A replacement for class components in React
- A mechanism to manage state and lifecycle in functional components
- All of the above
- To handle form validation in React components
- To manage the lifecycle of functional components
- To create custom hooks for reusable logic
- To handle asynchronous operations in React components
- useState
- useEffect
- useData
- useContext
- To update the state of a component
- To define the initial state of a component
- To handle user interactions in a component
- To render the component's UI
- Using the fetch API provided by the browser
- Using third-party libraries like Axios or Fetch
- Using the built-in "fetch" method provided by React
- All of the above
- To pass data to deeply nested components without explicit prop drilling
- To manage the global state of a React application
- To enable communication between sibling components
- All of the above
- To perform cleanup operations before a component is unmounted
- To handle errors that occur during rendering or in lifecycle methods
- To update the component's state and trigger re-rendering based on certain conditions
- None of the above
- To determine if a component should re-render or not
- To handle asynchronous actions and side effects
- To define the initial state of a component
- To handle user interactions in a component
- It is a component that can only render pure functions
- It is a component optimized for performance by implementing a shallow comparison of props and state
- It is a component designed for rendering complex UI elements
- None of the above
- It is used to define the structure and layout of a React component
- It is used to handle asynchronous operations and data fetching
- It is used as a wrapper to render multiple elements without adding extra nodes to the DOM
- None of the above
- By using the "try-catch" block in the component's render method
- By using the "componentDidCatch" lifecycle method to catch and handle errors
- By using global error handling provided by the browser
- None of the above
- To optimize the performance of functional components by memoizing values and functions
- To manage the state of functional components
- To handle side effects in functional components
- None of the above
- To create higher-order components (HOCs) that forward props to child components
- To create reusable custom hooks
- To forward the ref from a parent component to a child component
- None of the above
- It is used to memoize function components for performance optimization
- It is used to create custom hooks in React
- It is used to manage state in class components
- None of the above
- To handle asynchronous operations and data fetching
- To manage complex state and state transitions in functional components
- To create reusable custom hooks
- None of the above
- It is a way to create reusable UI components in React
- It is a mechanism to optimize rendering performance in React
- It is a way to render React components outside of their parent component's DOM hierarchy
- None of the above
- To manage state in functional components
- To handle asynchronous operations and data fetching
- To provide access to the nearest common ancestor component's context
- None of the above
- To enforce strict code quality rules in React applications
- To enable additional debugging checks and warnings in the development mode
- To ensure compatibility with older versions of React
- None of the above
- To handle errors and fallback UI in React applications
- To provide a way to lazy-load components and data in React applications
- To handle form validation in React applications
- None of the above
- It is a technique to divide code into smaller modules for better performance and optimization
- It is a way to write cleaner and more maintainable code in React applications
- It is a technique to improve the rendering performance of React components
- None of the above
- To handle form submissions in React components
- To manage state in functional components
- To handle navigation in React applications
- To provide access to the context value in functional components
- It ensures unique styling for each list item
- It determines the order in which the list items are rendered
- It improves the performance of rendering the list
- It helps React identify which items have changed, been added, or been removed
- setState()
- changeState()
- updateState()
- modifyState()
- To handle form submissions in React components
- To manage the lifecycle of functional components
- To handle user interactions in React components
- To create reusable logic in React components
- It defines the initial state of a component
- It determines the rendering of a component
- It specifies the action types for handling user interactions
- It manages the state transitions of a component based on dispatched actions
- To manage state in functional components
- To handle form submissions in React components
- To create a reference to an element or value in a functional component
- To handle asynchronous operations and data fetching
- It is used to wrap multiple components within a single parent component
- It is used to conditionally render components based on certain conditionsIt is used to create reusable UI components in React
- It is used to create reusable UI components in React
- It is used to render multiple elements without adding extra nodes to the DOM
- Controlled components rely on state for managing their data, while uncontrolled components do not.
- Controlled components allow user input to directly update the component's state, while uncontrolled components do not.
- Controlled components are created using classes, while uncontrolled components are created using functions.
- There is no difference; the terms are used interchangeably.
- It specifies the default values for props in a component
- It sets the initial state of a component
- It defines the default styling for a component
- It determines the default behavior of a component's lifecycle methods
- It is used to memoize function components for performance optimization
- It is used to handle form validation in React components
- It is used to create reusable custom hooks
- It is used to define the structure and layout of a React component
- It is a technique to render HTML elements in React components
- It is a way to pass a function as a prop to a component for rendering dynamic content
- It is a method to define the initial state of a component
- It is a way to handle user interactions in React components
- It is a way to optimize rendering performance in React applications
- It is a mechanism to handle errors and fallback UI in React applications
- It is a technique to render React components outside of their parent component's DOM hierarchy
- It is a representation of the actual DOM in memory, allowing efficient updates and rendering
- It is used to create custom hooks in React
- It is used to define the structure and layout of a React component
- It is used to create a context object for sharing data across components
- It is used to handle asynchronous operations and data fetching in React components
- It is used to define the initial state of a component
- It is used to handle user interactions in a component
- It is used to update the state of a component based on the previous state
- It is used to render the component's UI
- To handle asynchronous operations and data fetching in React components
- To manage state in functional components
- To perform side effects in a synchronous manner before the component is painted
- To create reusable custom hooks
- To enable additional debugging checks and warnings in the development mode
- To enforce strict code quality rules in React applications
- To ensure compatibility with older versions of React
- To optimize rendering performance in React applications
- It provides utilities for working with React children components
- It manages the lifecycle of React components
- It handles form validation in React applications
- It optimizes the rendering performance of React components
- To handle form submissions in React components
- To manage state in functional components
- To expose certain methods of a child component to its parent component
- To handle user interactions in React components
- It is used to create a context object for sharing data across components
- It is used to consume the context value provided by a "Context.Provider" component
- It is used to render conditional content in React components
- It is used to optimize the rendering performance of React components
- It is used to define the structure and layout of a React component
- It is used to handle form validation in React components
- It is used to specify the types of props that a component should receive
- It is used to manage the state of a component
- It is used to create a new React component
- It is used to render multiple elements without adding extra nodes to the DOM
- It is used to define the initial state of a component
- It is used to manage the lifecycle of a component
- It is used to handle form submissions in React components
- It is used to manage state in functional components
- It is used to update the state of a component based on changes in props
- It is used to handle user interactions in React components
- It determines the order in which the list items are rendered
- It ensures unique styling for each list item
- It improves the performance of rendering the list
- It helps React identify which items have changed, been added, or been removed
- It is used to memoize function components for performance optimization
- It is used to create reusable custom hooks in React
- It is used to manage state in class components
- It is used to handle asynchronous operations and data fetching
- It is used to handle errors that occur during rendering or in lifecycle methods of React components
- It is used to manage state in functional components
- It is used to optimize the rendering performance of React components
- It is used to handle form submissions in React components
- In React, what is the purpose of the "forwardRef" function?
- It is used to forward props to child components
- It is used to forward a ref to a child component
- It is used to define the structure and layout of a React component
- It is used to manage state in functional components
- It is used to handle form submissions in React components
- It is used to handle user interactions in React components
- It is used to optimize the rendering performance of React components
- It is used to create reusable custom hooks in React
- It is used to handle form validation in React components
- It is used to optimize the rendering performance of React components
- It is used to handle asynchronous operations and data fetching in React components
- It is used to create reusable custom hooks in React
- It is used to handle user interactions in React components
- It is used to handle form submissions in React components
- It is used to memoize functions for performance optimization
- Webservices based on REST Architecture are known as RESTful web services
- Webservices uses HTTP methods to implement the concept of REST architecture
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- module.expose
- module
- module.exports
- All of the above
- Node based server uses a single threaded model and can serve much larger number of requests compared to any traditional server like Apache HTTP Server.
- Node based server process request much faster than traditional server.
- There is no much difference between the two.
- All of the above
- It provides an easy way to build scalable network programs
- Generally fast
- Great concurrency
- All of these
- Real time Data intensive
- Highly scalable servers for Web Applications
- Builds fast and scalable network Applications
- All of the above
- npm --version
- npm --ver
- npm help
- None of the above
- Node.JS internally converts JavaScript code to Java based code and then execute the same
- Node.JS internally converts JavaScript code to C based code and then execute the same
- Being built on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript Engine
- None of the above
- Eval
- Loop
- All of these
- node-static
- node-static
- node-resource
- static
- Use gzip compression
- Don't use synchronous functions
- Do logging correctly
- Handle exceptions properly
- null
- false
- true
- None
- $ npm install express
- $ node install express
- $ install express
- None of above
- JavaScript
- Java
- C++
- C#
- Express.js
- GruntJS
- None of the above
- Asynchronous
- Synchronous
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- EventEmitter
- Events
- NodeEvent
- None of the above
- Jade
- Vash
- Handlebars
- All of the above
- Windows
- Macintosh
- Unix/Linux
- All of the above
- strings
- string patterns
- regular expressions
- All of above
- Node being a single thread, and uses async function calls to maintain the concurrency
- Every API of Node js are asynchronous
- Node thread keeps an event loop and whenever any task get completed, it fires the corresponding event which signals the event listener function to get executed
- All of these
- to store the result
- to get the last command used
- None of the above
- to get the last result
- Module
- Component
- Package
- Class
- .node
- .js
- .txt
- .java
- include();
- attach();
- require();
- All of the above
- module.exports
- module.expose
- module.spread
- None of the Above
- Local
- Public
- Private
- Global
- Django app is an extended package with base package is Django
- Django app is a python package with its own components.
- Both 1 & 2 Option
- All of the above
- Adrian Holovaty
- Bill Gates
- Rasmus Lerdorf
- Tim Berners-Lee
- They are files saved in migrations directory.
- They are created when you run makemigrations command.
- Migrations are files where Django stores changes to your models.
- All of the above
- django.core.cache.backends.sys.memory
- django.core.cache.backends.db.DatabaseCache
- django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache
- None of the above
- None of the above
- None of the above
- {{ name }} will be the output.
- It will be displayed as name in HTML.
- The name will be replaced with values of Python variable.
- None of the above
- All of the above
- forloop.reverse
- forloop.firstitem
- forloop.counter0
- forloop.lastitem
- render
- response_render
- render_to_response
- render_to_html
- Templating
- Form handling
- Admin Interface (CRUD)
- All of the above
- Project
- manage.py
- _init_.py
- All of the above
- manage.py inspect
- manage.py legacydb
- manage.py inspectdb
- None of the above
- Views
- Models
- Templates
- All of the above
- It supports Multilingual
- It supports the framework
- Administration GUI
- All of the above
- Python
- Java
- Perl
- Programming Language
- Software
- Web framework
- None of above
- July 2005
- July 2005
- July 2005
- None of above
- low-level
- mid-level
- high-level
- None of the above
- 2001
- 2003
- 2005
- 2007
- Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) Support
- Multilingual Support
- Administration GUI
- Framework Support
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- Model-View-Template
- Model-View-Table
- Map-View-Template
- Main-View-Template
- $ django-admin createproject project_name
- $ django-admin startproject project_name
- $ django startproject project_name
- $ django createproject project_name
- settings.py
- admin.py
- models.py
- manage.py
- settings.py
- wsgi.py
- urls.py
- __init__.py
- HTML contents
- 404 error
- XML document
- All of the above
- Can be true or false
- Can not say
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- ((variable))
- {{variable}}
- [[variable]]
- [{variable}]
- {{string|truncatewords}}
- {{string|truncate:80}}
- {{string|truncate}}
- {{string|truncatewords:80}}
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- forloop.lastitem
- forloop.counter
- forloop.firstitem
- forloop.reverse
- Can be true or false
- Can not say
- Using Template {{ url : }} in template
- Using reverse() in View Functions
- Using get_absolute_url()
- None of the above
- render_to_html
- render_to_response
- response_render
- render
- apnumber
- intcomma
- intword
- ordinal
- result = list(query_set_1 | query_set_2)
- from itertools import chain result = list(chain(query_set_1, query_set_2))
- from django.db.models import Q result = Q(query_set_1) | Q(query_set_1)
- result = query_set_1 + query_set_2
- manage.py "“newapp users
- manage.py "“startapp users
- manage.py newapp users
- manage.py startapp users
- Admin Interface (CRUD)
- Templating
- Form handling
- All of the above
- It facilitates you to divide code modules into logical groups to make it flexible to change
- It provides auto-generated web admin to make website administration easy
- It provides pre-packaged API for common user tasks
- All of the above
- FastCGI
- mod_wsgi
- The Http404 exception is raised
- The DatabaseError exception is raised
- The MyObject.DoesNotExist exception is raised
- The object is created and returned
- Project
- _init_.py
- manage.py
- All of the above mentioned
- Models
- Views
- Templates
- All of these
- The database column type
- The default HTML widget to avail while rendering a form field
- The minimal validation requirements used in Django admin
- All of the above
- To configure settings for the Django project
- To configure settings for an app
- To set the date and time on the server
- To sync the database schema
- File sytem caching
- In-memory caching
- Both A and B
- None
- User.objects.all()
- Users.objects.all()
- User.all_records()
- User.object.all()
- हिंदी
- संसà¥à¤•à¥ƒà¤¤
- तमिल
- तेलà¥à¤—à¥
- दो शबà¥à¤¦à¥‹à¤‚ को à¤à¤• साथ जोड़ना
- à¤à¤• शबà¥à¤¦ को दो à¤à¤¾à¤—ों में विà¤à¤¾à¤œà¤¿à¤¤ करना
- à¤à¤• शबà¥à¤¦ के लिंग को बदलना
- इनमें से कोई नहीं
- सà¥à¤µà¤° संधि
- वà¥à¤¯à¤‚जन संधि
- विसरà¥à¤— संधि
- अंतर संधि
- सà¥à¤µà¤°à¥‹à¤‚ की संयोजन
- वà¥à¤¯à¤‚जनों की संयोजन
- पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¥à¤¯à¤¯à¥‹à¤‚ की संयोजन
- इनमें से कोई नहीं
- सà¥à¤µà¤°à¥‹à¤‚ की संयोजन
- वà¥à¤¯à¤‚जनों की संयोजन
- पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¥à¤¯à¤¯à¥‹à¤‚ की संयोजन
- इनमें से कोई नहीं
- विसरà¥à¤— संधि
- वà¥à¤¯à¤‚जन संधि
- सà¥à¤µà¤° संधि
- इनमें से कोई नहीं
- विसरà¥à¤— संधि
- यम संधि
- नासिकà¥à¤¯ संधि
- घोष संधि
- रात + तà¥à¤°à¤¿
- रा + तà¥à¤°à¤¿
- रातà¥à¤° + इ
- रा + तà¥à¤°à¥€
- वाकà¥à¤¯à¥‹à¤‚ को शोधित करने के लिà¤
- शबà¥à¤¦à¥‹à¤‚ को आसानी से वà¥à¤¯à¤µà¤¹à¤¾à¤°à¥à¤¯ बनाने के लिà¤
- वाकà¥à¤¯à¥‹à¤‚ की लंबाई को बढ़ाने के लिà¤
- इनमें से कोई नहीं
- अप + साधन = अपसाधन
- पà¥à¤° + आचार = पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤šà¤¾à¤°
- अनॠ+ अनॠ= अनà¥à¤¨à¥
- सॠ+ उपमा = सूपमा
- वà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤•à¤°à¤£
- अलंकार
- रस
- छनà¥à¤¦
- संयोजन का विचà¥à¤›à¥‡à¤¦
- संयोजन का विà¤à¤¾à¤œà¤¨
- संयोजन का विनाश
- संयोजन का परिवरà¥à¤¤à¤¨
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- करà¥à¤® + काणà¥à¤¡
- करà¥à¤® + आणà¥à¤¡
- करà¥à¤® + काणà¥à¤¡à¤¾
- करà¥à¤® + अंड
- मिठास
- कड़वाहट
- गरà¥à¤®à¥€
- ठंडा
- छोटा
- लमà¥à¤¬à¤¾
- पतला
- गोल
- बà¥à¤°à¤¾
- काला
- खà¥à¤¬à¤¸à¥‚रत
- गंदा
- ठंडा
- खà¥à¤¶
- ऊषà¥à¤®à¤¾
- ताजगी
- बà¥à¤°à¤¾
- कम
- उतà¥à¤•à¥ƒà¤·à¥à¤Ÿ
- असाधारण
- दà¥à¤–ी
- संतà¥à¤·à¥à¤Ÿ