CSS Selectors
CSS Selectors
Select elements to apply a declared style.
Selector types:
- Element Selectors: selects all elements of a specific type (<body>, <h1>, <p>, etc.)
- Class Selectors: selects all elements that belong to a given class.
- ID Selectors: selects a single element that’s been given a unique id.
- Pseudo Selectors: combines a selector with a user activated state(:hover, :link, :visited)
Element Selectors
Finds all HTML elements that have the specified element type.
color: blue;
Finds all elements of type <h1> and makes the text color blue.
Class Selectors
Finds all elements of a given class –based on the attribute’s class value.
.classname(Remember the dot means class selector)
font-weight: bold;
background: pink;
Finds all elements whose class = “legs” and makes their font bold and their backgrounds pink.
ID Selectors
Finds a single element that’s been given a unique id–based on the attribute’s id value.
#idname(Remember the pound-sign means id selector)
border: solid red;
Finds a single element whose id = “snout” and gives it a solid red border.
- Apply styles to a user activated state of an element.
- If used, must be declared in a specific order in the style sheet.
- General Purpose Pseudo-Selector:
- hover Element with mouse over
- Specific to hyperlinks (and/or buttons)
- a:active A link or button that is currently being clicked on.
- a:link A link that has NOT been visited yet.
- a:visited A link that HAS been visited.
Grouping Selectors
Lets say you want to apply the same style to several different selectors.
Don’t repeat the style –use a comma!!
sel1, sel2, sel3 (Remember the comma to group several different selectors)
h1, .legs, #snout{
font-size: 20pt;
Finds all elements of type <h1>, all elements with class=“legs” and the single element whose id = “snout” then makes their font-size 20pt
Qus. 1 : The body of the style sheet includes?
- Style rules
- CSS rules
- Sheet rules
- Format rules
- Conflict occurs as styles can be defined by a user, an author or a user agent (e.g a web browser)
- Styles "cascade," or flow together
- Ultimate appearance of elements depends on a combination of styles defined in several ways
- Styles defined by the user agent take precedence over styles defined by the user
- It defines a virtual box drawn around elements
- Content of each element is surrounded by padding only
- Content of each elemernt is surrounded by a border only
- Content of each element is surrounded by a margin only