Head Section and Elements of Head Section
The <HEAD> tag:
Is contained within the <HTML> and </HTML> tags.
Is used to describe the header of the HTML document.
Can include the following tags:
Elements of Head Section
The <TITLE> tag: Defines the title of the document.it Can occur only once.
For example:
<TITLE> Book Your Hotel</TITLE>
The <META> tag: Provides additional information about the current document in the form of name and value pairs.
For example:
<META name="description" content="This website provides you the benefit of booking rooms in the best hotels of US">
<META name="keywords" content="hotel, online, booking ">
<META name="author" content="Harry Anem">
<META http-equiv="refresh" content="30">
The <BASE> tag: Specifies a base URL or address for all the related links on a page.
For example:
<BASE href="d:/Images/">
The <STYLE> tag: Defines the style information associated with the HTML document.
The <SCRIPT> tag: Specifies the client-side script, such as JavaScript, associated with the document.
The <NOSCRIPT> tag: Displays an alternate content on the browsers on which the scripts have been disabled.
Qus. 1 : What is not true about the <label> tag* HTML ?
- Defines a label for many form elements
- Useful for screen-reader users
- Useful for visually challenged users
- All the above
- Red
- Orange
- White
- Purple
- tag
- class
- id
- div
- Links
- Webpages
- Metadata
- Pictures