Introduction of Internet

Introduction of Internet


Today we live in a world of technology, where internet spins a web of interconnectivity around the globe. Through internet more than fifty million people in countries around the world have been connected. Internet was evolved in 1969, under the project named ARPANET(Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) to connect computers at different universities and U.S. defence. Soon after the people from different backgrounds such as engineers, scientists, students and researchers started using the network for exchanging information and messages.

In 1990s the internetworking of ARPANET, NSFnet and other private networks resulted into Internet. Therefore, Internet is a ‘global network of computer networks’. It comprises of millions of computing devices that carry and transfer volumes of information from one device to the other. Desktop computers, mainframes, GPS units, cell phones, car alarms, video game consoles, are connected to the Net.

 World Wide Web

The World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, in 1995 the first connection was established over what is today known as the Internet.

By the end of 1990, the first Web page was served. In April 1993, the World Wide Web technology was available for anyone to use on a royalty-free basis.

Since that time, the Web has changed the world. It has perhaps become the most powerful communication medium the world has ever known.

A global Web of computers known as the Internet, allows individuals to communicate with each other often called the World Wide Web. The Internet provides a quick and easy exchange of information and is recognized as the central tool in this Information Age.

The World Wide Web (WWW) is an internet based service, which uses common set of rules known as Protocols, to distribute documents across the Internet in a standard way.

The World Wide Web, or ‘Web’ is a part of the Internet. The Web is viewed through web browser softwares such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc. Using browsers one can access the digital libraries containing innumerable articles, journals, e-books, news, tutorials stored in the form of web pages on computers around the world called Web Servers. Today thousands of web pages/websites are added to the WWW every hour.

Qus. 1 : The way in which information is transmitted to multiple internet connected devices is called

  1. Internet connectivity
  2. IP address
  3. multicasting
  4. multitasking
Qus. 2 : Which of the following is not a search engine?

  1. Google
  2. Yahoo
  3. Twitter
  4. AltaVista
Qus. 3 : What is a spider?

  1. A computer virus
  2. A program that catalogs Web sites
  3. A hacker who breaks into computer systems
  4. An application for viewing web pages
Qus. 4 : Which of the following is a search engine?

  1. Twitter
  2. Facebook
  3. myspace
  4. google
Qus. 5 : https is a

  1. Scripting language
  2. Browser
  3. Secure connection
  4. Authoring tool
Qus. 6 : What is the internet explorer

  1. An icon
  2. A file manager
  3. A browser
  4. An Internet
Qus. 7 : What is the name of the location address of the hypertext documents?

  1. Uniform Resource Locator
  2. Web server
  3. File
  4. Web address
Qus. 8 : What is the abbreviation of WWW?

  1. Wide Web World
  2. Win World Web
  3. Web Wide World
  4. World Wide Web
Qus. 9 : Who send the requisition for web pages to the web servers?

  1. Node
  2. System
  3. Web clients
  4. Web customer
Qus. 10 : A series of specially designed documents, which are all liked to viewed on Internet is called:

  1. Word Wide Web
  2. Web server
  3. Search engine
  4. website
Qus. 11 : A browser is a:

  1. Line that delineates the edge of a programmer window
  2. Device used for modifying the window
  3. Software programme especially designed for viewing web pages on the Internet
  4. None of the above
Qus. 12 : Internet's initial development was supported by:

  1. Communication
  2. Information Retrieval
  3. Presentation of Information
  4. All of the above
Qus. 13 : What is the full form of TCP

  1. Transport Control Protocol
  2. Transaction Control Protocol
  3. Transmission Control Protocol
  4. Transmission Control Point
Qus. 14 : A network of Network is known as

  1. Local Area Network
  2. Internet
  3. Intranet
  4. Big Network
Qus. 15 : What is Full form of ARPANET

  1. Advance Recent Project Administration Network
  2. Advance Research Project Agency Network
  3. Advance Real Project Administration Network
  4. Advance Research Point Admin Network
Qus. 16 : What is full form of URL

  1. Uniform Resource Locator
  2. Unique Resource Locator
  3. Uniform Resource Location
  4. Under Resource Locator
Qus. 17 : ISP Stands for?

  1. Internet Service Provider
  2. Intranet Service Provider
  3. Internet Social Public
  4. Internet Server Provider
Qus. 18 : Cookie stores the data on

  1. Server
  2. Remote Server
  3. Browser
  4. All of These
Qus. 19 : FTP stans for?

  1. File Transaction Protocol
  2. File Transfer Protocol
  3. File Task Protocol
  4. Fast Transfer Protocol
Qus. 20 : Which of the following is used to read a HTML page and render it ?

  1. Web browser
  2. Web server
  3. Web matrix
  4. Web network
Qus. 21 : Which program is used by web clients to view the web pages?

  1. Web browser
  2. Protocol
  3. Web Server
  4. Search engines
Qus. 22 : Which of the following is required for joining the internet?

  1. Internet architecture board
  2. Internet Society
  3. Internet Service Provider
  4. Different Computer
Qus. 23 : Which of the following is an example of a search engine on the internet?

  1. MS Office
  2. Google
  3. Gmail
  4. Windows
Qus. 24 : Which of the following is not a browser?

  1. Microsoft Edge
  2. Google Meet
  3. Mozilla Firefox
  4. Google Chrome
Qus. 25 : The internet originated from the concept of

  1. Microsoft
  3. Web
  4. IBM
Qus. 26 : Identify the wrong statements about Cookies

  1. Cookies are programs which run in the background of the web-client
  2. Cookies have the potential of being used to violate the privacy of users
  3. Cookies are very helpful in keeping track of users in developing online shopping cart, applications personalized portals and in advertising on websites
  4. Cookies cannot contain more than 4 Kb of data
Qus. 27 : _____ is known as Father of Word wide web.

  1. Tim Thompson
  2. Tim Berners-Lee
  3. Charles Darwin
  4. Robert Chilliau
Qus. 28 : Who invented www (World Wide Web)?

  1. Bill Gates
  2. Lee. N. Feyong
  3. Tim Berners Lee
  4. None of above
Qus. 29 : Which one is example of search engine

  1. Google
  2. Linux
  3. Windows
  4. Mozila
Qus. 30 : Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox are example of

  1. Browser
  2. Search Engine
  3. Both Browser & Search Engine
  4. None of these
Qus. 31 : “Yahoo”, “Infoseek” and “Lycos” are _________?

  1. Search Engines
  2. News groups
  3. Browsers
  4. None of the above
Qus. 32 : What is a search engine?

  1. Program that search documents
  2. A program that searches engines for specified keywords
  3. A machinery engine that search data
  4. A hardware component
Qus. 33 : Who is making the Web standards?

  1. Mozilla
  2. Microsoft
  3. The World Wide Web Consortium
  4. NVDIA
Qus. 34 : Which of the following services are available on the World Wide Web?

  1. Encryption
  2. HTTP
  3. HTML
  4. Firewalls
Qus. 35 : <p>Match the following Internet terms with their descriptions.</p><table class="table table-bordered"><tbody><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;"><b>Term</b></span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;"><b>Description</b></span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">A. IP Address</span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">1. Translates domain names to IP addresses</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">B. DNS</span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">2. Protocol used to transfer hypertext over the web</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">C. URL</span></td><td><span style="letter-spacing: 0.14px;">3. Unique identifier assigned to each device on a network</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">D. HTTP</span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">4. Uniform Resource Locator used to specify addresses on the web</span></td></tr></tbody></table><p><br></p>

  1. A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
  2. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3
  3. A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
  4. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
Qus. 36 : <p>Match the following Internet-related protocols with their purposes.</p><table class="table table-bordered"><tbody><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;"><b>Protocol</b></span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;"><b>Purpose</b></span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">A. FTP</span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">1. Retrieves and manages emails stored on a mail server</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">B. SMTP</span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">2. Secure version of HTTP used for encrypted communication</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">C. IMAP</span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">3. Sends emails across the Internet</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">D. HTTPS</span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">4. Transfers files between computers over the Internet</span></td></tr></tbody></table><p><br></p>

  1. A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
  2. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
  3. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1
  4. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
Qus. 37 : <p>Match the following Internet services with their descriptions.</p><table class="table table-bordered"><tbody><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;"><b>Service</b></span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;"><b>Description</b></span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">A. WWW</span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">1. Technology that enables voice communication over the Internet</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">B. Email</span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">2. On-demand availability of computing resources over the Internet</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">C. VoIP</span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">3. Electronic messaging system</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">D. Cloud Computing</span></td><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">4. Collection of interlinked hypertext documents accessible on the Internet</span></td></tr></tbody></table><p><br></p>

  1. A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
  2. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
  3. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1
  4. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3


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