HTML Frames

Framesets in HTML 

HTML frames are used to divide the browser window into multiple sections (rows/columns). Each section can contain separate html document. The collection of frames in browser window is knows as frameset. Frames are not supported in HTML5.

HTML frames are defined by following tags:

 <frameset> tag is used to divide the window. It specifies how many columns or rows will be in the frameset and how much space will occupy by each of them. <frame> tag is used to specify which HTML document will open into the frame.

Example1 (Dividing the browser window into three columns):

 <title> HTML Frames </title>
<frameset cols="33%,33%,33%">
<frame src="file1.html">
<frame src="file2.html">
<frame src=" file3.html">

Example2 (Dividing the browser window into two rows):

 <title> HTML Frames </title>
<frameset rows="60%,*">
<frame src="computer.html">
<frame src="demo.html">


Qus. 1 : Which is true about <iframe> tag?

  1. Its inline frame
  2. Embed another document within a current HTML document
  3. None
  4. Both (A) and (B) are true


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