Responsive Web Designing

Responsive Web Designing

Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation.

How does responsive web design work?

Responsive web design works through Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), using various settings to serve different style properties depending on the screen size, orientation, resolution, color capability, and other characteristics of the user’s device. A few examples of CSS properties related to responsive web design include the viewport and media queries.

benefits Responsive Web design :

One site for every device: Whether viewed on a 27-inch iMac with a wireless connection or from the screen of your Android phone, the website will be configured for the user’s optimal viewing pleasure.

Optimal design for the device: With the responsive web design approach, all images, fonts, and other HTML elements will be scaled appropriately, maximizing whatever screen size the user has.

No need for redirects: Other options towards designing for multiple devices require the use of redirects to send the user to the appropriate version of a web page. Without the need for redirects, the user can access the content he wants to look at, as quickly as possible.

Technologies of responsive web designing: 

W3.CSS: W3.CSS is a CSS framework that enables the webpage to adopt any screen size and orientation. Developed and maintained by the W3 consortium and many other freelance developers, W3.CSS is widely regarded as the best framework to make a page responsive. 

Bootstrap: Another very powerful technology is Bootstrap. It is a rich CSS framework along with a rich JS library. Bootstrap has been developed by the developers of Twitter Inc. for their truly responsive design. As the popularity of twitter raised, the underlying Bootstrap framework also arose to fame. Today Bootstrap is freely available to be used in individual websites.

Qus. 1 : To make your website mobile friendly, you can make your website.

  1. Responsive
  2. Reactive
  3. Fast Loading
  4. Light


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