Group Selector
html program to display a table with 5 rows and 4 columns. Provide appropriate heading to the form
HTML page to demonstrate target attribute in Frames
HTML page to demonstrate a Clickable image
HTML Page to display the following table
design a html form using fieldset and legend
JavaScript code that calculates the squares and cubes from 0 to 10
AngularJS Program to find the Simple Interest
Angular JS program to convert Temperature Fahrenheit to Degree Celsius
AngularJS Program to change the background color of box
AngularJS Program for Dollar to Indian Rupee Conversion
Angular JS program to change the size of circle using range bar
Presentation Lab Assignment 1
Presentation Lab Assignment 2
tkinter-program to create a registration form
tkinter program to add two number
gui program to connect database and store data
django program Displaying Data from the Database
tkinter program to calculate the simple intrest
tkinter application to add delete todo list
tkinter program to create drawing application
tkinter program to create marksheet calculator
tkinter program for temperature convertor