Headings in HTML
Headings in HTML
HTML has six header tags <H1>, <H2>...........<H6> used to specify section headings. Text with header tags is displayed in larger and bolder fonts than the normal body text by a web browser. Every header leaves a blank line above and below it when displayed in browser.
Section Heading
<H1>This is Section Heading 1 </H1>
<H2>This is Section Heading 2 </H2>
<H3>This is Section Heading 3 </H3>
<H4>This is Section Heading 4 </H4>
<H5>This is Section Heading 5 </H5>
<H6>This is Section Heading 6 </H6>
Qus. 1 : Correct HTML tag for the largest heading is
- <head>
- <h6>
- <heading>
- <h1>
- <h3>
- <h1>
- <h6>
- <h2>
- 4
- 7
- 6
- 5
- head
- <h1>
- <h6>
- heading
- For making content appearance italics
- To create vertical rule between sections
- To create a line break
- To create horizontal rule between sections
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8