iFrame in HTML

An <iframe> (Inline Frame) is used to embed another webpage, video, or content inside the current HTML document. Unlike <frameset>, which is deprecated, <iframe> is still widely used in modern web development.

Basic Example of <iframe>

<iframe src="https://www.example.com" width="600" height="400"></iframe>

Common Attributes of <iframe>

srcURL of the embedded page<iframe src="page.html">
widthWidth of the iframe (in px or %)<iframe width="800">
heightHeight of the iframe<iframe height="500">
frameborderAdds/removes border (0 = No, 1 = Yes)<iframe frameborder="0">
allowfullscreenEnables fullscreen mode<iframe allowfullscreen>
nameAssigns a name to the iframe<iframe name="myFrame">

Embedding YouTube Videos 

<iframe width="560" height="315" 


html code to develop a web page having two frames that divide the page into two equal rows and divide the first row into equal columns

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HTML page to demonstrate target attribute in Frames

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Create a webpage divide the webpage into six frames In one frame create five links that will display different HTML forms in the remaining five frames respectively

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Create a page with two frames using HTML

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