Creating Links in HTML

What is a Link in HTML?

Links (also called hyperlinks) in HTML allow users to navigate between different web pages, websites, or sections of the same page. Links are created using the <a> (anchor) tag.

šŸ“Œ Key Points:

  • āœ” <a> is used to create hyperlinks.
  • āœ” href="URL" specifies the destination of the link.
  • āœ” Links can open other web pages, files, email clients, or sections within a page.

 Basic Syntax of an HTML Link

<a href="URL">Link Text</a>

Types of Links

  • 1. Linking to Another Website (External Link)
  •  2. Linking to Another Page in the Same Website (Internal Link)
  • 3. Linking to a Section in the Same Page (Anchor Links)

Linking to Another Website (External Link)

<a href="">Go to Wikipedia</a>

Linking to Another Page in the Same Website (Internal Link)

<a href="about.html">About Us</a>

Linking to a Section in the Same Page (Anchor Links)

<a href="#section2">Go to Section 2</a>
<h2 id="section2">Section 2</h2>

Opening Links in a New Tab (target="_blank")

<a href="" target="_blank">INFOMAX</a>

Attributes of <a> Tag in HTML

hrefSpecifies the destination URL of the link<a href="">Google</a>
targetSpecifies where to open the link<a href="page.html" target="_blank">New Tab</a>
nameSpecifies the name of Link used as bookmark<a name="top"></a>
downloadAllows users to download a file<a href="file.pdf" download>Download PDF</a>
titleAdds a tooltip on hover<a href="demo.html" title="click to learn more">Read More</a>
Qus. 1 : ______ is text with hyperlinks

  1. Lower Text
  2. Upper Text
  3. Toggle Text
  4. Hypertext
Qus. 2 : Which of the following is the correct way to send mail in HTML?

  1. <a href = "mailto: xy@y">
  2. <a href = "xy@y">
  3. <mail xy@y</mail>
  4. None of the above
Qus. 3 : The tag used for creating hypertext and hypermedia links is

  1. <hr>
  2. <br>
  3. <pre>
  4. <a>
Qus. 4 : URL for link is specified using ___ attribute.

  1. src
  2. href
  3. link
  4. rel
Qus. 5 : A linked page using anchor tag is normally displayed in

  1. New window
  2. Current window
  3. New tab
  4. Same tab
Qus. 6 : Which attribute is used to specify where to open the linked document?

  1. target
  2. coords
  3. rel
  4. pos
Qus. 7 : Default style and color of unvisited link in any browser is

  1. Normal and Blue
  2. Underline and Purple
  3. Underline and Magenta
  4. Underlined and Blue
Qus. 8 : Which of the following is used to open document in new window / Tab ?

  1. <a target=ā€_selfā€>Link</a>
  2. <a target=ā€_blankā€>Link</a>
  3. <a target=ā€_topā€>Link</a>
  4. <a target=ā€_parentā€>Link</a>
Qus. 9 : To create a link to an email address, which of the following syntax is used?

  1. <a email=ā€mailto:name@example.comā€>email</a>
  2. <a mail=ā€mailto:name@example.comā€>email</a>
  3. <a href=ā€mailto:name@example.comā€>email</a>
  4. None of these
Qus. 10 : The basic format for text link is:

  1. <A HREF=ā€URLā€> The text describing link </A>
  2. <HREF = ā€œURLā€> The text describing link </A>
  3. <HREF = ā€œURLā€> </A>
  4. None of the above
Qus. 11 : Which attribute can be used to change the colour of the visited links?

  1. Link
  2. ALINK
  3. VLINK
  4. All the above
Qus. 12 : How can you open a link in a new browser Window?

  1. <a href=" url" new>
  2. <a href="url" target="new">
  3. <a href="url" target="_blank">
  4. <a href="url"target="">
Qus. 13 : What does vlink attribute mean?

  1. Visited link
  2. Virtual link
  3. Very good link
  4. Active link
Qus. 14 : Hypertext is a:

  1. Text with heavy text jargons
  2. Text more than 1000 words
  3. Text which contains link to other texts
  4. None of the above
Qus. 15 : <a> tag in HTML is used for creating

  1. List
  2. Links
  3. Address
  4. None
Qus. 16 : In HTML, which attribute is used to create a link that opens in a new window tab?

  1. src=ā€_blankā€
  2. alt=ā€_blankā€
  3. target=ā€_selfā€
  4. target=ā€_blankā€
Qus. 17 : Which HTML tag is used to create a hyperlink

  1. <hyperlink>
  2. <link>
  3. <href>
  4. <a>
Qus. 18 : Which attribute is used to open a hyperlink in a new window

  1. window="_blank"
  2. target="_blank"
  3. open="_blank"
  4. href="_blank"
Qus. 19 : What is the correct way to create an e-mail link in HTML

  1. <a href=''>
  2. <mail></mail>
  3. <email></email>
  4. <a href=''>
Qus. 20 : What is the correct way to create a telephone link in HTML

  1. <a href=mob:8489849843ā€™></a>
  2. <mail> call:8489849843 </mail>
  3. <mob> 8489849843 </mob>
  4. <a href=ā€˜tel:8489849843 ā€˜></a>


HTML program segment that contains hypertext links from one document to another

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Create a hyperlink in html which when clicked links to in a new window

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