Link with Email and Phone
In HTML, you can create links to email addresses and phone numbers using the <a> tag with the mailto: and tel: attributes. These links allow users to directly send an email or call a phone number when clicked.
Creating an Email Link (mailto:)
The mailto: scheme opens the user's default email client with a predefined recipient.
<a href="">Send an Email</a>
Pre-Filled Subject and Body
You can pre-fill the subject, body, and even CC/BCC recipients.
<a href=" are you?">Send a Custom Email</a>
Adding CC and BCC
<a href="">Email with CC & BCC</a>
Creating a Phone Call Link (tel:)
The tel: scheme allows users to directly call a phone number when clicked (works on mobile devices and some desktop apps).
<a href="tel:+1234567890">Call Us</a>
HTML program segment that contains hypertext links from one document to another
Create a hyperlink in html which when clicked links to in a new window