Font Properties

PropertyPossible ValuesDescription
font-family"Arial", "Verdana", sans-serif, serif, monospaceDefines the font type
font-sizepx, em, rem, %, vwSets the text size
font-stylenormal, italic, obliqueDefines the font style
font-weightnormal, bold, lighter, bolder, 100-900Sets the font thickness
font-variantnormal, small-capsDisplays text in small capital letters
letter-spacingnormal, px, emControls space between characters
word-spacingnormal, px, emAdjusts space between words
line-heightnormal, px, %, emDefines line spacing
text-transformnone, uppercase, lowercase, capitalizeChanges text case
text-decorationnone, underline, overline, line-throughAdds text effects
font (shorthand)Combines style, variant, weight, size/line-height, familyExample: font: italic small-caps bold 16px Arial, sans-serif;

Explanation of Common Values

Value TypeDescriptionExample
px (pixels)Fixed size, does not scalefont-size: 16px;
% (percentage)Relative to the parent elementfont-size: 120%;
emRelative to the parent element’s font sizefont-size: 1.2em;
remRelative to the root element’s font sizefont-size: 1rem;
vwRelative to viewport widthfont-size: 5vw;


p {
    font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
    font-size: 18px;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-style: italic;
    line-height: 1.5;
    text-transform: uppercase;
✔ Uses Arial (fallback to sans-serif if unavailable)
✔ Font size: 18px
✔ Bold and italic text
✔ Line height: 1.5x the font size
✔ Text in uppercase
Qus. 1 : Which CSS property is used to change the text color of an element?

  1. text-color
  2. color
  3. font-color
  4. All of These
Qus. 2 : How can one change the font of an element?

  1. f:
  2. Font:
  3. Font-family
  4. Font:b
Qus. 3 : How will you change font for a paragraph text?

  1. p{font-style: "Times New Roman";}
  2. p{font-family:"Times New "roman",Times,serif;}
  3. p{font-weight:"Times New Roman",Times,serif;}
  4. None of these
Qus. 4 : Which CSS property is used to make the text bold

  1. font-weight
  2. font-style
  3. text-decoratio
  4. text-weight


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css code to design a circle using div with following specifications

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css code to change the square into circle when mouse is over to the square shape

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css code to create 3 different colors box which partially overlapped to each other

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CSS code to blink text using keyframes

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