Outline Properties

CSS outline properties control the outer border of an element, similar to borders but without affecting layout size. They are often used for accessibility and focus indicators.

PropertyPossible ValuesDescription
outlinewidth style colorShorthand for setting outline properties
outline-widththin, medium, thick, px, emSets the thickness of the outline
outline-stylesolid, dashed, dotted, double, groove, ridge, noneDefines the style of the outline
outline-colorcolor name, hex, rgb, transparentSpecifies the color of the outline
outline-offsetpx, emAdds space between the outline and the element's border

Explanation of Values

Value TypeDescriptionExample
thin, medium, thickPredefined widthsoutline-width: thick;
px, emCustom width valuesoutline-width: 5px;
solidContinuous lineoutline-style: solid;
dashedDashed outlineoutline-style: dashed;
dottedDotted outlineoutline-style: dotted;
doubleDouble-line outlineoutline-style: double;
outline-offsetMoves outline away from the borderoutline-offset: 4px;


button {
    outline: 2px dashed red;
    outline-offset: 5px;


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