Table Properties

CSS table properties control the appearance and layout of tables, including spacing, borders, alignment, and styling.

PropertyPossible ValuesDescription
border-collapsecollapse, separateMerges or separates table borders
border-spacingpx, emDefines space between table cells (used when border-collapse: separate;)
caption-sidetop, bottomPositions the table caption above or below the table
empty-cellsshow, hideControls visibility of empty table cells
table-layoutauto, fixedDefines how the table width is determined
widthpx, %, autoSets the table width
heightpx, %, autoSets the table height
text-alignleft, center, rightAligns text inside table cells
vertical-aligntop, middle, bottomAligns content vertically in table cells

Explanation of Values

Value TypeDescriptionExample
collapseBorders of adjacent cells mergeborder-collapse: collapse;
separateBorders remain distinctborder-collapse: separate;
fixedColumn width does not change based on contenttable-layout: fixed;
autoColumn width adjusts based on contenttable-layout: auto;
hideHides empty table cellsempty-cells: hide;


table {
    width: 100%;
    border-collapse: collapse;
td, th {
    border: 1px solid black;
    padding: 10px;
    text-align: center;


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